
The Maiden and Five Brothers

**********Trigger Warning********* This novel is for adults only it has more than one partner, abuse, sexual violence and lots and lots and lots of sexy steamy scenes. ********************************* Sucking more deeply her back arches first from pain. So much burning pain. It was agony. And then pleasure. The bite had pleasure. Suck more she begged inside. Suck more please. "Please" she moans. And the brothers moan in response. Riley rips off her pantys and she whimpers. Trying to close her legs, but they won't let her. Each man pulling apart one leg. They takes turns touching her pussy. At first lightly just around the lips. Riley and Oliver look each other in the eye and nod. Riley lets go with a smack of his lips he moves down her body.

Devonany · Fantasy
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43 Chs

lunch room school fights.

The entire lunchroom goes quiet at the sight of her dragging in the Pure Blood princes. Stopping realizing everyone's staring she stiffens.

Sensing her anxiety they both grip her hands and walk with her to the lunch line. Still pretty stiff from all the unwanted eyes on her. Being between the two of them makes her feel safer. Oliver may be one of her tormentors. But no one can hurt her when they're around.

Besides them. They can hurt her.

Still feeling her anxiety not realizing it's more than just the unwanted eyes move closer to her. Both men touching either side of her with their cold bodies sending shivers down her spine.

She walks up to the counter and sees the buffet of options before her. She picks the braised pork with mashed potatoes with a gravy. She picks a brownie as her desert and coffee as her drink. Very please with the lunch she's smiling radiating happiness. Both of them just noticing how cute she is when she's happy about the simplest of things. Like coffee and a brownie. They check out at the register and head to their corner table with Jeremy.

They all sit surrounding her like her own personal guards.

This made the girls jealous. Not every vampire new a maiden had finally returned to them. And until she was mated they hoped it would stay that way.

It's another week before the full moon before they can even have a chance at finding out. The goal is to get her pregnant with one of their babies. Maidens will give birth to more Pure bloods and have an increased chance of birthing another maiden. And the more maidens the more mates the more mates the more Pure Bloods. So much was riding on her.

And then the wolf clan enters the lunchroom.

"Well boys I thought vampires didn't mess around with lowly humans?" Teased the young alpha heir.

Ash and Oliver growl. Jeremy takes the lead on this one and stands up.

"What we do with whoever we do it is our business and none of yours you may leave"

"I can't ask questions?" The alpha wolf said sneering. Baiting the brothers.

"Of course you can but just remember what they said about the cat?" Jeremy said with a tiny curve of his mouth. A smile she thought to herself.

"Oh and enlighten us what do they say about the cat Jeremy?" The wolf asked chuckling

"That curiosity killed it Amos." Jeremy now full on grin.

It was honestly scary grin Violet thought.

"The fuck? Did you just threaten me?" Amos said.

"It's just a story Amos, why are you so upset?" Jeremy now baiting him.

"I guess vampires have just stooped so low as to hang out human whores."

Oh shit well now he did.

Alexander stands up and flips the table dropping all their lunch on the floor.

"I'll fuck you up don't call her a whore you mangy mutt" Ash rage in his eyes.

Oliver now upset about wearing some of his lunch stands up. "Not only do you insult my future wife but you got my jacket dirty, I just can't let these things go so easily."

"What are you going to do about it pretty boy?" Amos and his group start to laugh.

"I'll show you" Oliver said and then he blinked and he was standing nose to nose with the alpha. Amos stumbles back a step and then tries to swing but Oliver ducks and Amos face is introduced Ash's fist. And then the wolves attack. They extend their claws and snarl and the vampires extend their fangs and nails. Both. Coming a more deadly predator. The students around them move their table and seats away giving them space. And Jeremy just stands there next to her, ready protect her from any harm. When others besides his brothers threaten her it triggers this primal urge to destroy any threat to her.

She was theirs.

The fight only happens for a few moments before the other vampires stand up and walk closer. Tired of the wolves presence in their lunchroom the wolves sense the stir in room. Punching Oliver once before pushing them away and leaving.

"This isn't finished pretty boys." Amos said as he walked out.