
You aren't OP! But he is.

You have been reincarnated in a world where magic reigns. You think you're the MC of the world, but instead of you, your brother is instead. What will you do? Will you carve your own destiny? Or will you be stuck in an ordinary life?

BDragonSoldier · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Your element

Flamble escorted you through the building, up the stairs and into a room to the right. All the way there, you were fidgeting with your fingers.

'If Eli got lightning, then, what would I get? If that goddess fulfilled her part of the deal to the fullest, then that would mean I'll get something like multiple elements, eeee, I can't wait!' You thought in excitement as you entered a relatively small room. In the centre of the room was a table with a transparent glass ball rapped in a scarf looking thing. On either side of the table was a chair to sit on. On either sides of the walls were torches lighting up the room. Flamble closed the door and sat in one of the chairs and gestured you to sit in the other one.

"As you know, Ezekiel. Getthing something your brother goth is rare. So don't get your hopes thoo high ok?" Flamble said, seeming to stare into your soul.

"I know, I know." You said, still boiling over with excitement.

"Now, place your hand on the ball, and you should feel a force within you being amplified. Directh thath force thowards your hand using your will." He directed, and you obeyed after a nod. You placed your hand on the ball and instantly felt as if there was a dark liquid or substance within your body. With your eyes closed, you imaged this liquid to flow to your hand. You felt that the liquid poured out of your hand and into the ball.

"You may open your eyes now." Flamble said sympathetically.

Frowning, you cautiously open your eyes to see the colour of your element. The glass ball was now filled with a dark fog.

'I-I thought I'd get something OP!' You thought as you burst into tears. Flamble put his jelly-like hand on your shoulder, saying some words you couldn't understand.

'How could Eli get something so OP, but I got the weakest element? Did that goddess ignore me?' Your brain was filled with similar thoughts. The power within you swirled rapidly throughout your body, pouring itself into the glass ball. Though you weren't aware of it. 'HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!' You screamed in your mind.


"Ezekiel! Calm down!" Flamble screamed as he shook you to snap you out of your daze. You felt that the liquid inside you poured out your body as it felt as if something snapped inside you.

'What was that?' You thought as you opened your eyes. The room was filled with the same black fog within the glass ball. Frowning, you looked at the glass ball. Stunned, you saw the ball in thousands of pieces. All the previous thoughts disappeared as you sat there stunned.

"This is the firsth thime this happened." Flamble said, just as stunned. You looked at him to see that his face was pale. Flamble recovered from his daze and grabbed you by the shoulders and stared straight into your eyes, his expression as serious as he could muster. "You will thell no one of whath happened in this room. I will thalk tho your parenths lather about whath happened. Will you do thath?" You slowly nodded in a daze. Flamble then pushed you towards the door, and you creeped towards the entrance of the building.

You came out of the building totally dazed, unable to hear your parents, never mind everyone else. You were taken by your arms and were pulled to somewhere. You didn't care where as your thoughts plugged your mind from any other stimuli.

'What happened? Why did the ball break? What does it mean?' You thought in your daze.


When you cleared your mind from your daze, you found yourself on your bed.

'Huh, when and how did I get here?' You thought, puzzled. 'Maybe I should ask my parents what happened.' You got up from your bed and went into the hallway.

"I've heard that Zach and Eli got the opposite elements of strength." You heard as you passed some maids who were gossiping.

'Does everyone know?' You thought, slightly depressed. As you arrived at your parents' study, you heard muffled voices coming from inside.

"This has never happened before!" You heard someone say. You put your ear to the door to listen more closely.

"Why, how is it possible for Zach to shatter the glass ball?" said someone who you think is your father.

"I don'th know how, buth for him to shatther the ball means thath he has greath pothenthial tho be one of the besth weilders of his elementh." Convinced they are talking about you, you keep listening to their conversation.

"It doesn't mean he'll be better than those not of his element huh?"

"You're righth. However, I do recommend thath he goes tho the besth academy tho thrain there thath he may grow sthronger and conthrol his powers more."

"I was going to do that in any case..." From here you heard them tell their goodbyes and you decided to walk away as you heard enough.

'So I am going to the academy after all.' You thought happily. 'I thought they would disown me or something for having a bad element.'

"Well, look who decided to become alive again." You lifted your head to see who spoke.

"Hi Eli, how was your date with Miss Pink Dress?" You taunted, quite annoyed by the outcome of the awakening.

"Very great. Unlike you, who has the weakest element, I didn't go numb for a full day, hahaha." Eli said with a smirk on his face.

'Oh, so that's how long I was out of it.' You thought.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you would be placed in a worse academy than me, hehehe." Eli said.

"Ha, I heard that I would still go to the best academy despite having the worst element." You said triumphantly. Eli sneered at you in disgust and walked past you, clearly annoyed by your statement.

*Yawn*"If I'm this tired, it would be best to go to bed now." You said tiredly as you retreated towards your bedroom.