
You aren't OP! But he is.

You have been reincarnated in a world where magic reigns. You think you're the MC of the world, but instead of you, your brother is instead. What will you do? Will you carve your own destiny? Or will you be stuck in an ordinary life?

BDragonSoldier · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The awakening

The rest of the day was relatively calm after breakfast. But as you walked around your house, you noticed Eli down a hall talking with one of the maids.

"Hey, are you interested in getting in bed with me?" He said in a seductive voice. The maid he approached shivered and took a step back.

"No, I don't want to." She replied with quivering lips.

"Why not? Why won't you jump to the opportunity to sleep with a rich guy?" Eli asked as he backed her up to the wall, pinning her. As you saw all this, you approached him from behind.

"Brother, don't you think you are going too far?" You said, "I mean, look at her. She is shaken to the bone. She obviously is scared of you and does not want to -"

"Shut up!" He yelled as he grabbed your collar. "Why are you telling me what to do? Why can't I have some fun?" You stare into his flaming eyes with the same intensity.

"Because I don't take things for granted." You said in a cold voice. From the corner of your eye, you saw the maid running away, causing you to smirk slightly.

"Why you!" He said as he lift his fist. "I'll wipe that smirk off your face!"

"Go ahead, I don't mind." You said calmly before he threw his punch. Pissed, he pushed you away and stormed off.

'I'm sure we'll come in odds again.' You thought as you turned and headed to your room.


The next day, you, Eli, and your parents stood in front of a building. You wore your previous getup while your father wore a grey-blue robe with some emblems on the shoulders. Your mother wore a shin long red dress with the same emblem on her heart. Eli wore a green jacket with the emblem on the right side of his chest, with brown trousers.

Eli looked at you loathefully; you only smiled back at him in response. There was a crowd around you facing the same building.

"Is that the Redwood family?" You heard from the side.

"Do you think they're also here for an awakening?"

"I think so. I wonder what the two will get?" You heard among other murmurs. You were aware that most of the town knew that you and Eli were twins.

"I'm more interested in their looks. Eli looks hot! Unlike his edgy brother."

'Me edgy? I don't think I'm edgy!' You were aware of the fact that most find Eli more handsome than you. You quickly glanced at your brother's face, proud of what the others said. After a moment of waiting came a fat person out of the building, they wore a white robe, emphasising his belly more than hiding it. He scanned the crowd before clearing his throat.

"Welcome all from far and wide." He said with a thick tongue, "My name is Flamble, one of the priests of the god of light, Kelbin. Thoday we are here for thosthe who thurn eightheen this year. As mothst of you know, there are at leasht one of eighth elemenths one can geth. All from the mosth powerful tho the weakesth. Although the weakestht and sthrongestht elements are the rarestht doesn't mean no one will getht one." He continued to ramble. "So don'th put your hopes up." Though he warned, you can't help but be excited because you already knew you would get the strongest one of lightning. You looked around and saw a lot of relieved and disappointed faces. Eli's face, however, had a confident smirk. You shrugged this off as Flamble spoke again.

"I will allow one by one in tho find outh whath their elemenths are, so I will call your name, and you'll follow me." He started calling each person one by one, going alphabetically by their first names.

'I guess I'm gonna be one of the last ones.' you thought as you sighed.

"Alisha Butthercup." Flamble called, and a person you assume was Alisa stood up and followed him. She had pink hair and had a pink girly dress with white frills and red gradients. She skipped with the priest into the building, and some time later, she came out with a beaming smile as she walked away. Flamble came out again and announced what she got.

"She goth the elementh of fire." He said as he then called another. The same progress kept going on for the rest. Some had a sad face while others had smiles as they got out of the building.

"Ellioth Redwood." Flamble said.

"Wish me luck." Eli said as he walked with Flamble into the building. A few moments later, Eli came crashing through the door with a massive smile on his face as he ran towards your parents and gave them a big hug.

"I got it!" He said in excitement. "I got the element of lightning!" Everyone around him, including you, was shocked with his response. You looked towards the entrance of the building, immediately sweating beads.

'If he really got lightning, then that means I won't get it. Also, what is he going to do with that strength?' You thought as Flamble exited the building.

"Congrathulathions Elliot, for getting the lightning element." He said before calling another person's name. As that person went into the building, an uproar started.

"He really got the lightning element? I'm so jealous." Some would say. "I bet he'll attract a lot more girls." Some guys would say. "Eli was hot, but now he is also strong? I want to marry him!" Some girls would say. However, there was one who walked up to him and tapped his shoulder; she was Alisa, who got the fire element.

"Hey Elliot, wanna hang out?" She asked, with an innocent smile.

"Why not? See you guys!" He replied as he walked away with Alisa holding his arm.

"Be careful and come back at a reasonable time!" Your mom said in worry.

'He always loves hanging out with girls.' You thought as you rolled your eyes. As everyone was focused on Eli, most failed to notice the person come out of the building, and Flamble calling for the next person. Eventually, the crowd died down, and the process happened again.

After a while, an unhappy soul came out of the building, with tears running down their face. Flamble came out of the building and called for another person.

"They had the air elementh. Eric Sthonehearth, your nexth." He said. A guy with a well-built figure walked towards the building. His face was stoic as he went into the building and as he came out. You couldn't desifer what element he got from his face, yet you could tell that he was stiff going into the building and relaxed as he came out.

'It must've been good.' You thought as Flamble came out of the building.

"He has gotthen the earth elementh." Flamble announced.

'No wonder, his name is 'Stoneheart'.' You thought.

"Ezekiel Redwood." Flamble said. Drawing your attention.

"Huh? Oh, me. I'm coming." You said as you approached the building and entered it with Flamble behind you.

I'm sure you guys can guess what is going to happen. If you got any character ideas and such please share. I'll take em in consideration. Thanks

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