
You aren't OP! But he is.

You have been reincarnated in a world where magic reigns. You think you're the MC of the world, but instead of you, your brother is instead. What will you do? Will you carve your own destiny? Or will you be stuck in an ordinary life?

BDragonSoldier · Fantasy
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5 Chs

New birth, new family.

"AAAAAHHHHH-" *Waaaah waaaahh waaaah*

'Huh, where am I? How did my voice suddenly go so high?' You thought as you stopped crying, but you could still hear-

*Waaaaah waaaaaah waaaah*

Um, well. You looked around noticing you were held in an arm and noticed a baby being held in the other arm. They had fair skin covering their baby body, emerald green eyes contrasted by flaming red hair. Their face were contracted into a disgusted face as they-

*Waaah waaaah*

"Shh, shh, shh, calm down. Mama's here, you are safe, no need to cry. Shhhhhhhh." The person who held you said, craddling both of you in her arms. You immediatly looked at her as she spoke. Her sky blue eyes had a tint of green in them. Complementing her fair face with her tender loving smile, which was crowned with gleaming golden hair.

'Wow' you thought, struck in awe with her beauty. Just before a man stuck his head from the side

"How are they? Ooooo, they look like me!" He said as you gave attention to him. His eyes were like coals in a fire, pitch black with a clear tint of red in them. His skin was tanned as if he was almost cooked everyday. And his hair, although brown had an ashy feel to it.

'Wow' you thought again, as you saw him as very handsome.

"What are you talking about? They look more like me!" The woman declared as she raised her nose up in pride.

"Ok, they look like the both of us, hehe." The man laughed as he then hugged her from the side. "However, doesn't he look a little pale?" He asked, looking directly at you in a concerned face.

"Now that you mention it, he has very grey eyes with a reddish hue in them. Also he didn't cry for as long as he has." She noticed as she also looked at you in worry.

"Even his hair is a pale blond colour, should we get a doctor to check him out?" He said as he looked at her in worry. You were just as worried and confused as they were as you looked at her, then at him, then at her again in a confused frenzy.

'Is there something wrong with me?' You thought, quite concerned about the predicament. 'What did that godess do to me? What was her name again? Was it Inca? Or Emma? I don't remember.' *Yawn* 'Why am I so suddenly sleepy?' You yawned as you started to drift into sleep. 'I ... still need ... to find out ... what is wrong ... wiff meh' you thought as you nodded into sleep.


You dreamt of nothing but your previous life. Where you took all nighters to play your favourite games, with and without friends. Where you sat alone during lunch scrolling on your phone while eating food. Dressing up in your favourite anime cosplay, even if some were crossdressing. Hanging out with your friends at anime conventions and events. You reminisce about the times you had fun and the times you felt lonely. You remember the times where you asked out your crush and the times you spent with your family.

Most poeple say their lives flash before they die. For you it was in this dream where you relived your best and worst memories. From any bullying you experienced to you standing up against struggles and worries. Then you remember the crash. The scene replayed in your dream over and over again, each time seeming slower than the last. You see the impact in slow motion as your body shaped with the nose of the truck and how you flopped across the ground like a rag doll. You relived it again and again. Letting you rethink how your life was and hownyou could've made it better. As your dream self slowly closed their eyes one more time, you slowly began drifting further into sleep. Leaving the past behind and stopped dreaming.


The sun carressed your face once more as you slowly drifted awake, looking around you with the drowsiness still keeping you from focussing. With a yawn you stretch your tiny arms attempting to ward of the sleep.

Looking around the room you notice the walls being made of smooth rocks sewn together with dried up clay. The floor was covered in planks of dark wood, laid next to each other neatly. The room was made of the same wood with struts holding it up at angles. You were in a crib with white poles protecting you from falling out. Across from you were a red wooden crib in the same style as yours, inside the crib lay another baby sleeping like, well, a baby.

'I guess he is now my brother.' You thought. Looking above you, you see a chandelier of little toys hanging from a pole connected to your crib. In one of the walls stood a door which was again, made of the same wood as the floor and roof. Across the door was a window which lead to the town outside. From your view you saw houses that looked like they were built during the rennaisance with the same wood used and the same wall design as well. The roofs were mostly covered by straw with little rocky chimneys poking out of them. Off into the horizon you saw rolling plains of fresh grass, with trees and cows dotting them. The sky was clear except for some clouds in the sky. The view was gorgeous with even some mountains visible in the distance.

'There wasn't such a view in my previous life. As I lived most of my life in the city.' You thought, awestruck at the sight.

You hear the door behind you creak and spun around to see the woman from before enter with a bright smile on her face.

"Look who's already awake!" She said softly in excitement. She wore a lime green dress which hang til her ankles, with a ring of dark green at the bottom. Her dress did remind you of the dresses in the medievil settings you sometimes saw.

'Maybe this is similar to those anime. Where there is also magic!' You thought excitedly as you smiled unconciously.

"I guess someone is happy to see you, Darling." The man said as he also came through the door, hugging her lovingly. As he laughed lightly. His attire still reminded you of those settings, but instead his main colour scheme was dominated with orange with red as its complement.

"Yeah, he does look happy to see me." She said smiling brightly as she lay her head on his shoulder. "Did you find out if there was something wrong with him?"

"No, the doctor said they both were healthy. He does admit that Ezekiel looked a little pale." He said with his face creased in worry.

'Huh? Is that my name? Hehe, feels nice. But I wonder what his name is.' You thought as you looked at the other crib opposite yours.

"They both look so cute. I think they'll be handsome if they grow up." Your mom said as she smiled lovingly.

"Especially Elliot. I can already see the women swooning over his charm." Your dad said as he dramatically made a fainting pose.

"Stop it, Xavier! You are gonna wake him up!" She said through her teeth, glaring at him from the side.

"Sorry Emma, I can't help myself, hehehe." He laughed. You found yourself giggling at them slightly as well.

"Hehe, he likes to laughs too. Oo, maybe he'll love the little magic tricks you are able to do with fire, Honey." She said, placing her hand on his chest with a slightly suggestive face.

"Yeah, maybr if their older. Its best if we leave them to sleep. Lets go for now." He said nervously as they closed the door behind them. At the word of magic your smile turned from happy to ecstatic.

'They just said magic, this must be a world full of magic. Aaaahhh, I can't wait to use magic!!' You thought as you yawned again and went to sleep.