
You are Unlovable

Paradox. What you believe, does it lead upto in the making it end or breaking? Choices came to her, what she didn't seek or need for. That's what she believed. Destiny and life could be of much dramatic events.

Timaenh_Rees · Fantasy
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10 Chs

New introductions

I lie down, looking at the plain ceiling. Mom wants me to live seperately, should I? This house is dear to me, it's part of my life. But it is just a house. I close my eyes... but I know I won't be able to sleep. Mom. I get up. I don't think they slept yet. Alright whatever, I'm not a person with attachments well, other than myself. And this isn't going anywhere, mom wouldn't even get the thoughts from being seperated from this house. I take the envelope, okay I'm good.

I knock on her bedroom door. "Dani." she moves aside to let me in. Ram's not here. I sit on her bed. "Mom, I thought, it's not so bad. " she's shocked but deftly grows happy and sits down too. I hand her the documents. She takes a look at it and reaches for me. Hugs me tight. I struggle out. "I'm glad, baby. You'll love it in there, Capital Hill and it's not too near to your office." she grins admiring my sign on the agreement. I nod and get up. " Good night Mommy. " she gives me one last hug. When I leave Ram emerges from the library. I head to back to my room.

"Mam it's lunch time" Jill announces as I complete my session with a new client. " John, you can call us as soon as you find the place. Infact you should keep us in line as you go, it'b be more effective." I shake hands with him and he leaves more confident and excited than when he was so worried and scared when he entered my office. Yeah, that's what we do. I think I'll head out for lunch. "Mam" I already get the call. "Jill, I'm gonna go down to the bbq place. " I take my purse and leave for the cellar in elevator. As soon as I exit another car, parked, moves after me.

Hmm, not many vehicles parked here, good. I park beside the outside tables. Yes, not crowded at all. It's 3pm; everyone's not usual lunch time. I sit at one of the tables, away from the crowd; the half. "What can I get you mam?" Young waiter. mmm, "Seasoned ribs and BBQ fries with special gravy" he smiles and takes my order offering me cola, instead of regular water, winking. Heh I smolder. He flushes red. "She's a regular customer sir" I'm not. He explains to the customer beside my table, I didn't notice him. The waiter rushes away. The man nods silently. Another waiter attends him, a lady throwing herself at him. I don't see his face, he's wearing a bucket hat and talking, facing her. Too thin and tall impressively covered in brown trousers, brown shirt and boots hmm intresting style. Only his hat's slightly a lighter shade than the rest. I check my phone, no important messages or calls. The boy comes with the orders. He slides a beer bottle after putting the man's burger. "On the house" the boy says guilty. The brown-o touches the bottle and gives it a push, it slides off and breaks on the floor. Whoa. It misses the boys foot but his white sneakers are wet. The boy's horrified immediately. The lady rushes to the table. "Ben you dim, what did you do? Clean the mess! We're so sorry sir, I will get you another one. " What? this woman, she didn't even ask what happened. "He doesn't want the drink" I sneer. They all turn their faces at me. The waitress scowls and takes the boy to the counter. The man looks at me. I'm drinking my cola. He's still looking at me. I can only see his mouth. His face is hiding underneath the shadow of this hat. "What?" I confront putting down my drink. His mouth twitches upward. I get to my lunch.

He gets up the same time as me as he finishes his pay. Even walks right beside me, wait that car. His car, it's that one! that was in the cellar earlier? Is he following me? hm. I pretend not to notice and take off to the office, geez he is! he's driving behind me, White Porche. But he slows down when I'm heading towards the cellar. I stop my car, so does he. I step out. "Mam? Something wrong?" guard comes to me. I point towards the stalker. He goes over to him and taps on the door. But the creep drives off, scaring him. I catch his eyes as he rolls his window back up, Orange? glistening eyes, looking terrible and exhaust. what a creep indeed.

When I get to the cellar the thought of the stalker creep comes to me. Should I worry about this? Hmm.

I open the door but startle feeling a presence to my right. I turn immediately. Oh! I almost expected that man, with a brown knife. "Uhh, ahem. Did you not recognise me, Ms. Grance?" I smile in relief. " Your friend ran away again?" He laughs, he's in a hoodie today and Fila. "No, I came for you I mean your service." What? I laugh at his obvious interest. "Well, you're late, office closes at 6." He acts oblivious and scratches the back of his head. I put my hand in his pocket looking for his wallet. He loses breath in surprise. Ah, there it is. "Here." I point in the card I took from his wallet. He recovers and smiles shyly. "Missed it." he lies. "Hardly." I nudge him in the ribs with my fist. Boy he is built underneath. "okay I confess. I came for a free ride" He sighs dramatically. I laugh at his too obvious trials that can be considered as flirting. "Mister you are terrific" I gesture him to take a seat. "I try." he looks over my head, what? is my hair messed up? He climbs into my car. "Where to?" I know he meant all this as asking me out. "To my house" I turn my head slowly at him, he is unbelievable! "I get I'm too irresistable but aren't you supposed to follow the how-to-take-a-girl-on-a-date?" He smiles silently. What the hell? "I'm sure I will. But uh, I do want to just go home now. You know to, change, eat and then sleep? Alone ofcourse " Do I faint out of the car. No I should jump out from the front. " But I do agree with you. Just saying." He jokes and laughs to himself. I narrow my eyes at him. He laughs again. "I'm sorry, do I get off?" he tries hard to contain his laughter. I should just break the wheel. "No, don't" I don't wanna get embarassed again. He rocks his body in seat. Alright I just have to drive.