
Chapter 90

  I'm sorry meli—" Just then... sizu realised that Melissa was actually smiling... more then that, she actually laughed.

  "Hey! Wait.... you smiled... and just just laughed right. Oh my goodness, seriously!'" Sizu was damn surprised and ultra happy.

  "Woah!! I'm so happy...." sizu turn to look at sizan "Waoh... brother... I can't believe you even succeed to make her smile... make her laugh... and even made her to marry you... your amazing brother."

  The sparkle in sizu eye was clearing showing...

  "Uh.... Well..." he turn at other side and thought in his mind "Even i can't believe it... and still... I'm not believing it..."

  "Please... take a seat." Said Melissa's dad happily to sizan's father and turn to look at sizu "little sizu... you also take a seat."

  Sizu happily nodded "Yes uncle...."

  Both sizu and melissa took a seat happily.

  "So... when are we going to fixed the marriage date?" Asked Melissa's mom to her husband and sizan's father.