
Chocolate muffins.

Raina was shell-shocked. This guy kissed her. And for what? A puminshment for slapping him? What kinda of a pervert....?

He did it again. Raina felt his lips roughly press against hers. She felt her lips part a little involuntarily. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and danced with hers when she tried to close her mouth she felt his tongue slowly pull out. She tried to bite him but he had already fled the seen like a thief in the night.

She was breathing heavily trying to catch her breathe that he sucked out of her.

"What are you doing?" she shouted. "How can you just kiss me?"

Raina was furious. It was her first kiss. She pushed him away ignoring the pain in her ankle and forcefully walked toward the convenient store. Agh! She couldn't think straight. Her lips were pulsing and her mind was blank. What did Alexa want again?! She was demonically angry. When she walked into the bakery the clerk immediately stiffened seeing her expression. Raina was officially having the worst night ever. She wanted to check her phone but..... It was gone. That lunatic pervert thief. She would kill him if she saw him now.

Kai was standing still taking in what had happened. He licked his lips again and smiled. This time he had won and she had lost. But where did she run off to with that sore ankle. Although it was the first time he kissed a girl he felt he was naturally good at it. He turned to leave but noticed a mobile phone laying on the floor, it was hers. Should he follow her? What if she got hurt? Was that his problem?

Raina stood in the bakery. She was definitely in the mood for a whole lot of sugar.

She bought chocolates little cakes and biscuit and of course muffins. A whole lot of chocolate muffins. She lost her kiss and phone all in one night she was eating herself to death. The door opened up opened but she didn't take notice. Kai was standing a distance away watching Raina do her business. The store had different sections She bought all the sweets, chocolates and ice cream from the luxury section and bought biscuits, cake, muffins and brownies from the bakery section. She bought sweets for the world before checking out. Raina walked to the counter and tossed a 100 yuan note. It started storming in her way back, so Raina was jogging back. She stopped by the abandon hut shivering in her skirt and t-shirt. She hugged her knees as she kneeled down. She rubbed her legs trying to warm herself up. What rotten luck she had. She suddenly felt a weight on her shoulders and warmth flow through her arms. She looked up surprised.

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