
Broken mind, broken heart.

Once Raina had returned to her room Kai set up 24hr security to wat H her every movement once she left her room. Althigh he didn't think she would leave her dorm at night he was still in the safe side and put his men around the clock just in case. As soon as he got back he saw his roommates were watching a horror movie, Kai wasn't interested in movies so he went to bed instead.

~~~~~~~~~~Raina's nightmare

"Raina, we will come home soon, it's just a gala, we promise to be back soon", Raina's parents left that night to attend a formal gala for a business partner. Little did they know that they wouldn't make it back home.

In Raina's dreams she found her father hanging upside down, his blood dripping from the cut through his neck. Her parents killers had left her mother's defiled and beat body lying naked behind a busg in their backyard, while her father was beat, his throat was cut and he was hung upside down but his legs.

Huff! Huff! Huff! Her forehead was dropping and her bed was soaked by tear and sweat. She got up waking to the bathroom to puke. This was a monthly struggle, although it had been 11 years, Raina struggled with depression, nobody knew though, she had always kept quiet about her nightmares. Even her roommates were oblivious to her struggles. Rain sat in the toilet seat. She felt dead inside from the pain of the losing oher parents, it was still an open wound that was infected and damaged. Raina was only 10 at the time, she was traumatized for 5 years, she didn't utter a sound and even joined the military as a mute, by the time she was 15 she came home and had gotten her revenge, she destroyed the entire Mo family but she still had nightmares. She changed her clothes into a tracksuit and left her dorm room for the main school buildings roof. It was a 10 minute walk, but at her pace she got there in 5, basically running the entire distance. She looked at the dark shadow standing in the corner of the roof leaning against the wall.

" Cade", she said in a greeting her voice was hoarse and her eyes where red and puffy.

"Raina? What are you doing back here?" he asked in surprise.

"I just need a little please, my heart is being torn a part here", she replied desperately.

"You sure? It's been 3 months since you last used, do you really wanna wipe you're number clean?", he asked her in a serious tone.

"Cade..... ", Raina begged, she was prepared to go on her knees. She had known cade for the last 2 years. To deal with depression Cade introduced her to Marijuana. Although she would only used it when she was in a lot of pain, Cade kept her under close watch when ever she used.

"Broken mind, broken heart", he said quietly.

Raina sat against the wall beside him as he rolled the weed in paper.

Kai was restless, he had been unable to sleep since parting ways with Raina. He was about to get some water when his phone rang. He quickly answered it.

"Boss, Miss Kung is making her way to the main building roof, I'm not sure of the reason", said a voice from the phone.

"Got it, I will go there immediately", he replied quickly. When Kai reached the roof he saw Raina sitting besides a brown haired guy. He was busy burning a roll of paper. He gave the paper to Raina and she took it gratefully.

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