
you are not my luna

I was born wolfless and the moon goddess blessed me with a mate who hates me

Joy_Chriss · Fantasy
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happy wolfless she wolf

I'm nectar,was born to alpha mark and Luna Winny of the sun pack and I have an elder brother his name is Mart he loves and protect me like everyone in the family

mum and dad sent me to the human school so I run the family business in the human part of the world

miss nectar we have a dinner with the investors from moon pack this evening by 7 at sea breeze hotel,that's my assistant her name is Mary she is also my best friend but a human,u had alpha Mattias is coming there himself,he is every girls dream man,he is strong and handsome

Mary is blushing and daydreaming about alpha Mattias if only she knew he is a wolf and a rude one at that