
You are not in exile, you are clearly traveling!

【Exile + Farming + Spatial + System + Opening Up + No CP】 Just as she crossed over, she was tragically exiled, but fortunately, she had a spatial dimension at her disposal. Rob the house? Rob the air instead. Chen Xue immediately emptied out the Chen Family Estate, from the floor to the bed curtains, even the garden and lake were not spared. She even moved away the several thousand kilograms of food that her enemies had planted to frame her. When the enemies came to ransack the house. The enemy was dumbfounded, “Where are the things? The several thousand kilograms of supplies I secretly placed?” One of the household servants said, “Sir, apart from rat droppings, there’s nothing in the Chen Family residence.” A colleague remarked, “Sir Chen is so honest, there’s not a grain of food in the house, and even the family sleeps on the floor.” Chen Xue said, “My family is really poor, there’s not even a single grain of rice in the jar, we’re so poor we can’t even afford to cook.” So, everyone knew that there was a Mr. Chen in the capital who was struggling and penniless. Chen Xue’s Father: “Whoever says my family is struggling and penniless, I’ll take issue with them!” Chen Xue’s Mother: “It was our daughter who said it.” Chen Xue’s Father: “Ahem, well then, that’s okay.” Chen Xue said that exile was very difficult, not only enduring the wind, sun, rain, but also lacking sufficient food… The convicts and constables sneered, “Go on, we are the ones exiled, you’re practically on vacation.” Among the exiled group, the Chen family lay in the carriage, drinking tea, eating dried fruits, playing Go, leisurely cultivating vegetables in the spatial dimension, and when craving, exchanging snacks like spicy strips from the system, living quite contentedly.

Zephyrian · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 52 Falling out

  "Master Qian, there doesn't seem to be any deep hatred between us! Why should Master Qian sacrifice his future for this!"

  Although Mr. Chen persuaded him, he had already made up his mind. If he dared to hurt his wife Female, then even if I risk my life, I will pull him to die together.

  "A deep hatred?" Qian Yamen curled his lips, and then showed a greedy look, "As long as you hand over the method just now, there will be no hatred between us."

  He didn't know what the method just now was, but in his heart, if he got it, he would definitely say It may not be useful to you.

  Mr. Chen sighed. It was impossible to hand it over with this method. Although it was just a so-called recording pen, once it was handed over, it would mean that the mystery was lost, and Converse and others would not be easily threatened.

  They will even try every means to force them to hand over their recorders.

  On the contrary, if this method is turned into a mysterious method, they will be even more wary.

  Master Chen and Chen Xue looked at each other, and then sighed, "To be honest, my little girl worshiped the Kunshan Immortal before she was exiled, and it took her ten years of study to learn this technique."

  He and Chen Xue had already discussed it, No matter how cautious you are, you may still be exposed. Rather than letting others make random guesses, it is better to create a personality yourself.

  Immortal apprentice!

  This is the character they had in mind.

  In this world, there are many Taoist priests who claim to be able to attain the Tao and become immortals, and there are also many people who pretend to be gods and ghosts.

  Many of them are vain and pretentious, but of course there are also some people who are really capable.

  These people have different methods and are extremely miraculous, but at most they can only be called miraculous strangers, not immortals at all, but they still call themselves immortals.

  Therefore, it is not a big deal for Chen Xue to consider herself a disciple of the immortal. In fact, many people will sneer at her. Only when she shows her inhuman abilities, will everyone be surprised and not dare to offend her.

  After Qian Yamen heard this, his expression changed drastically. Are there any immortals?

  There is no way of knowing whether there are immortals in this world, but there are still people with extraordinary abilities.

  The so-called Kunshan is the top of the mountains in the world, with thousand-meter-high peaks soaring into the sky. The peaks are shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, so no one can reach the top.

  Therefore, everyone in the world believes that if there are immortals, they will live on the top of Kunshan Mountain, where is the fairyland.

  Even hundreds of years ago, a so-called immortal emerged from the top of Kunshan Mountain, stepped on the flooded river with auspicious clouds in the sky, and just chanted a mantra, causing the floods that ravaged several states to fade away, saving tens of thousands of people.

  Then the immortal disappeared without a trace, and everyone thought he had returned to the top of Kunshan Mountain.

  Countless people built temples to worship him. Because they didn't know the name of the immortal, they called him Kunshan Immortal.

  Later, people pretending to be Kunshan immortals appeared, but without exception, they all died tragically, either by slipping and falling into the water, or by being struck to death by thunder.

  In short, anyone who pretends to be an immortal from Kunshan will never end well. From then on, everyone knows that there are immortals in Kunshan who can be worshiped but not offended.

  Therefore, from now on, no one would dare to pretend to be a Kunshan Immortal, mainly because they are not fools. And if someone really calls himself a Kunshan Immortal, he might be a real Immortal.

  That's why Yamen Qian was so shocked.

  If she is really a disciple of Kunshan Immortal, she is not someone he can offend.

  In fact, Mr. Chen was opposed to Chen Xue pretending to be a Kunshan immortal before, because there were many examples before and he did not want anything to happen to his daughter.

  But Chen Xue didn't care. He didn't believe it. Even if she traveled through time and had a system, she could still explain it scientifically.

  However, in the end, he couldn't defeat his parents, so he settled for the next best thing and became a disciple of the Kunshan Immortal.


  Qian Yamen looked shocked. If she was a disciple of Kunshan Immortal, how could she be exiled? As long as she announced the news, the court might be merciful.

  After all, that was the Kunshan Immortal. If he angered the Immortal, the consequences would be disastrous.

  Besides, if you can curry favor with the immortals, you might be able to obtain the method of immortality.

  Therefore, Yamen Qian was the first to not believe it. However, he was also surprised by the courage of the Chen family to dare to pretend to be Kunshan immortals. Aren't they afraid of death?

  He feels that the Chen family is crazy, so don't drag him along if he wants to die. Although he is crazy, he doesn't want to die.

  "Qian Hao, what do you want to do!"

  At this moment, Xu Tian came over angrily with a group of people. Last time Qian Yamen wanted to bully Mr. Chen, he didn't come in time, so he won't make a mistake this time.

  "What I do is none of your business!" Qian Yamen glanced at Xu Tian. Although they were both members of the same team, they were not from the same group.

  After all, which government official came to exile the team not to make money?

  Xu Tian, on the other hand, is a different kind of person. He never extorts money or curses at prisoners, and he even shows kindness sometimes.

  Even if he saw their extortion behavior, he would run over to stop him. If there wasn't someone behind him, he would have been kicked away by the captain.

  "What? You want to fight!" Looking at the Yamen servants around Xu Tian, Qian Yamen curled his lips. He was worthy of a fight.

  As soon as he finished speaking, the officer behind him drew his sword and showed a murderous expression.

  The people behind Xu Tian were not to be outdone and took out their swords to confront them. However, compared to Qian Yamen's people, Xu Tian's people were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and momentum.

  "Do you think you can defeat us just with these people?" Qian Yamen sneered and started mocking.

  Xu Tian and others' faces turned ugly. Indeed, Qian Hao was famous for his cruelty, and there were so many of them that they really couldn't defeat him.

  "Cough cough cough!"

  Suddenly, another cough came from behind everyone. Looking back, they saw Zhao Guang and Converse leading people over.

  In an instant, there were about a dozen government officials on Xu Tian's side, while there were only six or seven on Qian Hao's side.

  Seeing this scene, Qian Yamen's face suddenly darkened. He was a little confused. Are Zhao Guang and the others crazy?

  What is so good about the Chen family that it deserves Zhao Guang and the others to please the Chen family like this and not hesitate to become enemies with themselves? When

  Xu Tian saw the crowd here, he suddenly felt enlightened and said confidently, "What now? Now you still think we are Can't I beat you?"

  Qian Yamen's face was livid. He was not strong enough to fight one against three. Their number was twice that of his own. Only a fool would fight head-on.

  For a moment, he was in a dilemma. When he heard that Chen Xue was pretending to be a member of the Kunshan Immortal, he wanted to stay away from this group of lunatics. Now Xu Tian and the others are crowded here...

  But the key is that if he retreats, everyone will think that he has not been around for a long time. Xu Tian was afraid, how could he mess around in the future?

  At this time, a Yamen servant behind Qian Yamen ran over and said loudly, "Brother Qian, the captain is looking for you."

  Qian Yamen glanced at him gratefully. Fortunately, he was smart and gave him A good step up for myself.

  So, he glared at Xu Tian and others, said harsh words, and ran away, "I'll let you go this time. You won't be so lucky next time."