
You are not in exile, you are clearly traveling!

【Exile + Farming + Spatial + System + Opening Up + No CP】 Just as she crossed over, she was tragically exiled, but fortunately, she had a spatial dimension at her disposal. Rob the house? Rob the air instead. Chen Xue immediately emptied out the Chen Family Estate, from the floor to the bed curtains, even the garden and lake were not spared. She even moved away the several thousand kilograms of food that her enemies had planted to frame her. When the enemies came to ransack the house. The enemy was dumbfounded, “Where are the things? The several thousand kilograms of supplies I secretly placed?” One of the household servants said, “Sir, apart from rat droppings, there’s nothing in the Chen Family residence.” A colleague remarked, “Sir Chen is so honest, there’s not a grain of food in the house, and even the family sleeps on the floor.” Chen Xue said, “My family is really poor, there’s not even a single grain of rice in the jar, we’re so poor we can’t even afford to cook.” So, everyone knew that there was a Mr. Chen in the capital who was struggling and penniless. Chen Xue’s Father: “Whoever says my family is struggling and penniless, I’ll take issue with them!” Chen Xue’s Mother: “It was our daughter who said it.” Chen Xue’s Father: “Ahem, well then, that’s okay.” Chen Xue said that exile was very difficult, not only enduring the wind, sun, rain, but also lacking sufficient food… The convicts and constables sneered, “Go on, we are the ones exiled, you’re practically on vacation.” Among the exiled group, the Chen family lay in the carriage, drinking tea, eating dried fruits, playing Go, leisurely cultivating vegetables in the spatial dimension, and when craving, exchanging snacks like spicy strips from the system, living quite contentedly.

Zephyrian · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 48 Secret

  As Converse spoke, everyone else's expressions changed and they were horrified. How did he and she know her secret?

  At this time, they still don't understand that this is a threat. If they don't agree, their secret may be known to everyone by then.

  Thinking of this, they all looked at Converse.

  Converse looked helpless and nodded to everyone, saying that he could only accept it, otherwise, the consequences would be serious...

  Everyone shuddered, and finally lowered their heads. Anyway, he was not shouting "I am a pig" in front of everyone. ", I just bowed my head and apologized, it's no big deal.

  Soon, everyone walked towards Chen Xue.

  Xu Tian saw that they had been discussing for a long time and then came over. He immediately became alert and asked, "What do you want to do?"

  Even the prisoners around him looked over curiously. After all, a group of government officials looked intimidating from a distance.

  Therefore, they were very curious whether the Chen family had angered the government officials again, and some jealous people suddenly started to gloat.

  Some showed sympathy.

  Of course, some people looked worried.

  Converse glanced at Xu Tian, but ignored him.

  Several people came to Chen Xue, took a deep breath, and then lowered their heads, "I'm sorry, it was our fault before, please forgive me!"

  A group of government officials lowered their heads and apologized to Chen Xue. This scene not only shocked Xu Tian He was stunned and shocked the prisoners around him.

  They thought that these government officials were trying to settle a score with the Chen family, and they were planning to watch a good show, but who knows what happened...

  Damn it!

  It is simply unbelievable that these government officials wanted the prisoner to bow his head.

  They have all seen the ugly faces of these government officials these days, whipping people, swearing, and even extorting money. Which prisoner doesn't hate these government officials?

  They have never seen these government officials smile or lower their heads. He looked arrogant and domineering all night long.

  But today, what they saw was that a group of government officials bowed their heads like the Chen family.

  Although the Chen family were high-ranking officials in the capital and well-known before they were exiled, they are now prisoners. Why do these government officials still want them to bow their heads?

  Everyone couldn't figure it out, and they thought that Xu Tian was very kind to the Chen family before, and then Zhao Guang wanted to please them. Chen family, now these government officials also want the Chen family to bow their heads. Could it be...

  could it be that the Chen family is about to revolt?


  This is just the time of exile!

  Although many of them knew that Chen Yuan was framed, after all, when they were a group of corrupt people, how could they not know who the "filial piety" was.

  In short, the Chen family and them are not "the same group" anyway.

  Looking at the attitude of these government officials now, it is obvious that something is wrong.

  There is only one way to bow to the Chen family, that is, they cannot afford to offend the Chen family, and the Chen family is already a prisoner, so what can they not afford to offend?

  The most likely possibility is that Chen Yuan might get his grievances redressed, then rise again and regain power. Only in this way can we explain why these government officials bowed their heads to the Chen family.

  For a moment, everyone had mixed emotions, some were envious, and some were unwilling. Why were everyone the criminals, but the Chen family...well, although the Chen family was unjust, everyone was still a little unwilling.

  But they knew very well that if things were really what they suspected, they would not offend the Chen family. On the contrary, they would try their best to please them.

  At this time, they were a little lucky. Although they were jealous of the Chen family before, they did not mock them or offend them.

  I heard that the Zhang family had offended the Chen family so much, I wonder if they would regret it.

  No one knows if the Zhang family regrets it, but they can no longer protect themselves at this time. After the last time they came out of the post, Zhang Yiquan fell ill and almost lost half his life.

  Zhang Yiquan was ill, and the Zhang family suddenly panicked. After all, Zhang Yiquan was the pillar of the Zhang family.

  It's just that there is no doctor among the exiled team, and the government officials can't let them leave to find a doctor, let alone help them find a doctor.

  If Zhang Yiquan and his mother hadn't rescued him with some folk remedies, he might have been the first prisoner to die in the entire exile team.

  Of course, this was also thanks to the sudden requirement to collect medicinal materials among the exiled team, which gave them the opportunity to search for medicinal materials in the woods and rescue Zhang Yiquan.

  Although Zhang Yiquan has recovered from his illness, he is still very weak, so he has never had time to trouble the Chen family, let alone what the Chen family is doing now.

  Back to business.

  While everyone was shocked by the government officials' behavior, the government officials looked at Chen Xue anxiously, waiting for her answer.

  "You think this compensation is enough? What is my girl's status? Even though she is in trouble now, she is not someone you can bully."

  A dissatisfied voice sounded from beside Chen Xue, expressing her feelings for her.

  Chen Xue turned around and saw Xiaodie who had appeared out of nowhere, and was a little surprised, "Xiaodie? Why are you here? When did you come?"

  "It's been a while, because the girl and the master haven't been back for so long. , Madam is a little worried, so she asked me to come over and have a look."

  After saying that, Xiaodie patted her chest and said proudly, "Don't worry, girl, I will not let others bully you."

  Chen Xue was touched and a little funny. , Xiaodie, this girl, is younger than herself, so it's not certain who will protect whom?

  However, she came at the right time, and she could say some things that were not convenient for her to say.

  No wonder many people want to have loyal and smart subordinates, which sometimes really saves trouble.

  As soon as Xiaodie's words came out, Converse and the others' expressions suddenly changed, but the next second, her words made everyone feel cold.

  "Don't think that we don't know that you still have a lot of money on you, so you just use this to send beggars away!"

  Converse and others' hearts sank, thinking that Chen Xue even knew their secrets, and it was normal to know how much money they had. .

  Just when they were struggling, they saw Chen Xue raising her hand, as if about to snap her fingers, and Converse and others' expressions suddenly changed.

  That's all, that's all, just spend money to eliminate disasters!

  So, they took out all the money they had and handed it over, "We were wrong, please show mercy to Miss Chen!"

  Without Chen Xue having to say anything, the clever Xiaodie stepped forward to collect their money and ran back quickly. Chen Xue passed the money to her.

  Chen Xue weighed it and found that it was yes, it was a few hundred taels. They must have blackmailed a lot these days, but now it was easier for her.

  "Okay, this matter ends here. If you..." Before

  Chen Xue finished her threatening words, Converse and others said anxiously, "No, absolutely not. Please don't worry, Ms. Chen, we will definitely get better." Be honest."

  "Get out of here!"


  Converse and the others were waiting for this sentence. After hearing this, they turned around and ran away, faster than a rabbit.

  "Just let them go like this?" Xu Tian came over unwillingly, feeling that letting Converse and others leave like this would be too easy for them.

  As for Chen Xue asking them to compensate for the losses and taking so much money from them, Xu Tian was not jealous and felt that it was natural.

  "Otherwise? It's impossible to kill them!" Chen Xue shrugged, "Do you think they will really fulfill their bet? What if they die together in a hurry?"

  Xu Tian was speechless.

  Chen Xue touched her nose and said so, but that was just to deceive Xu Tian. The real reason was actually similar, except that she wanted to hold Converse and others' leverage so that Converse and others would not look for it in the future. They are troublesome, just like Zhao Guang.

  When the time comes, all the government officials in the exile team will not dare to do anything to them, and will even protect them. Then they will no longer have to hide and can be exiled in style.

  "It's already very cheap for them." Mr. Chen sneered.

  Xu Tian felt something in his heart. He knew that Mr. Chen had expressed his intention to kill Converse several times. If he really did it, it would really be an advantage for them now.