
You are not in exile, you are clearly traveling!

【Exile + Farming + Spatial + System + Opening Up + No CP】 Just as she crossed over, she was tragically exiled, but fortunately, she had a spatial dimension at her disposal. Rob the house? Rob the air instead. Chen Xue immediately emptied out the Chen Family Estate, from the floor to the bed curtains, even the garden and lake were not spared. She even moved away the several thousand kilograms of food that her enemies had planted to frame her. When the enemies came to ransack the house. The enemy was dumbfounded, “Where are the things? The several thousand kilograms of supplies I secretly placed?” One of the household servants said, “Sir, apart from rat droppings, there’s nothing in the Chen Family residence.” A colleague remarked, “Sir Chen is so honest, there’s not a grain of food in the house, and even the family sleeps on the floor.” Chen Xue said, “My family is really poor, there’s not even a single grain of rice in the jar, we’re so poor we can’t even afford to cook.” So, everyone knew that there was a Mr. Chen in the capital who was struggling and penniless. Chen Xue’s Father: “Whoever says my family is struggling and penniless, I’ll take issue with them!” Chen Xue’s Mother: “It was our daughter who said it.” Chen Xue’s Father: “Ahem, well then, that’s okay.” Chen Xue said that exile was very difficult, not only enduring the wind, sun, rain, but also lacking sufficient food… The convicts and constables sneered, “Go on, we are the ones exiled, you’re practically on vacation.” Among the exiled group, the Chen family lay in the carriage, drinking tea, eating dried fruits, playing Go, leisurely cultivating vegetables in the spatial dimension, and when craving, exchanging snacks like spicy strips from the system, living quite contentedly.

Zephyrian · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 111 It’s getting cold

  "You guys are responsible for cutting bamboos, and you are responsible for digging small bamboos. Remember to try not to hurt me..." Chen Xue ordered the guards, and then said to the Chen family servants, "You guys pile these bamboos up. Put them together."

  The guards knew before they came that they not only had to listen to Master Chen, but also Chen Xue.

  Therefore, after hearing Chen Xue's instructions, even if he had doubts, he would not ask any more questions and work honestly.

  Chen Xue had long known that her abilities would be exposed as time went by, so she discussed with Mr. Chen and kept hinting to everyone that she was a disciple of Kunshan Immortal and knew some magical methods.

  In this way, everyone takes it for granted and is also afraid. After all, no one dares to use the name of Kunshan Immortal.

  Of course, although they would be exposed sooner or later, they could delay it if they could, so after they cut down the bamboo, Chen Xue asked them to leave first.

  Of course, the guards did not dare to leave. After all, if Chen Xue was in danger, it would be their dereliction of duty. However, they still listened to Chen Xue's words and did not go too far, turning their backs to Chen Xue.

  After Chen Xue put the bamboo away, she joined them. The guards escorted the carriage and continued on its way. When she glanced in the direction just now, she saw that all the bamboo had disappeared.

  They were surprised in their hearts. It was a lot of bamboo. Suddenly there was news. How could this be possible?

  Then, they thought of Chen Xue's last behavior and guessed that it was related to her, but they couldn't figure out how she did it.

  This is simply not a means that mortals can possess.

  Then, they thought of the recent rumors that Chen Xue was a disciple of the so-called Kunshan Immortal.

  In fact, although they obeyed General Ping Wei's order and became the bodyguards of the Chen family, they only regarded it as a mission and nothing else.

  There is a bit of a favorable impression. After all, Mr. Chen once rescued Xie Yunshang, and as Xie Yunshang's personal guards, they were very grateful and loyal to Xie Yunshang, so they also had some favorable impressions of the Chen family.

  But they are just some. It is impossible for them to be the same as serving Xie Yunshang.

  However, now that they discovered Chen Xue's secret, they felt a little wary and afraid.

  After all, they are also human beings. Although they have experienced battlefields and killed countless people, they are still human beings. They are still very awe and fearful in the face of unknown means.

  After all, it is just to make the bamboo disappear. If this method is used on them, they may not know how they disappeared.

  In this way, the group of people quickly caught up with the large army. The prisoners were envious when they saw this situation.

  They also want to be as free as the Chen family, but it's a pity that they can only think about it.

  "Mom, I'm cold!"

  A little girl of seven or eight years old, with flushed cheeks, was trembling against her mother. She seemed to feel very cold.

  Her mother reached out and touched the little girl's face, and immediately felt cold. She quickly held her close to her body, hoping to pass on the warmth from her body to her daughter.

  "I'm going to find food. I won't be cold when I'm full!"

  When the girl's father saw this, he walked towards the forest nearby. Fortunately, Xu Tian was the captain now and his management was not as strict as before, so they could leave. The team cannot go too far.

  And it was lunch break, so they could move around freely.

  The man entered the forest and wanted to hunt, but he didn't know how to start. Moreover, the weather was cold at this time, and no birds or animals could be heard in the forest. They seemed to have disappeared long ago.

  There was no other way. The man could only leave in disappointment and go to other places to see. Although because of Xu Tian, the exiled team was much better than before, at least there was more food.

  But for some people, they still don't have enough to eat, and most importantly, they lack calories.

  That is, there is too little meat to add more calories.

  Going out in search of food is the prisoners' favorite thing to do.

  The man soon saw a small stream in front of him, and there were already many people around him, holding wooden sticks on the bank and trying to catch fish on the bank.

  He had no choice but to go to other places, where there were fewer people, so there wouldn't be so much competition and he might be able to catch fish.

  The water in the creek is very shallow and clear. You can see that there are no fish in it. In other words, because of the cold weather, the fish are basically hiding.

  Unwilling to give up, the man picked up stones and threw them into the stream, as if he wanted to scare the fish out.

  Unfortunately, after throwing it away for a long time, except for making the stream turbid, no fish appeared.

  The man sighed and wanted to turn around and leave, but he thought of his daughter. She was growing and if she didn't add more nutrition, it would be bad for her future health.

  So, he gritted his teeth, rolled up his trousers, and planned to go down to the stream to fish.

  The cold stream water hit his feet, making him shiver, but he gritted his teeth and persevered.

  He bent down and reached out to feel in the stream, even lifting stones to see if there were any fish or crabs.


  Sure enough!

  Not long after, the man's hand was caught by the crab. He gasped in pain and wanted to shake his hand wildly to fly away the crab.

  But as soon as he raised his hand, he thought of his daughter and stopped. Although crabs are small, they are still meat and can more or less provide his daughter with some nutrition.

  So, he endured the pain and carried the crab to the shore. Looking at the crab with meat in it, he was thinking about how to remove it.

  However, at this time, the crab suddenly loosened its claws and fell to the ground, intending to get back into the stream. The man rushed over and caught it.

  After finding a piece of grass to tie up the crab, the man went down into the stream again with a smile on his face.

  I don't know whether it was because I was pinched by a crab, which caused me so much pain that I couldn't feel the cold water of the stream, or whether it was because I was so excited that my blood boiled.

  At this time, he couldn't feel the cold in the cold and stinging stream, and he just wanted to catch crabs.


  He was inexperienced and didn't know how to catch crabs. He could only resort to the desperate method of touching the crabs with his hands, letting the crabs grip his flesh, and then brought the crabs back to the shore.

  Using this method, he quickly caught four or five crabs, and although his hands were not bloody, they were still bruised.

  It took him almost a while, his feet felt numb from the cold, and he felt that he could no longer touch the crabs, so he came ashore.

  Then he wrapped the crabs in his clothes and rushed towards his wife and daughter excitedly. He had already decided that he would eat all the crabs for his wife and daughter. He would only drink a sip of soup at most to replenish their health.


  Suddenly, before he had gone very far, he was stopped by someone. The man's heart skipped a beat and he felt like he was being pulled into his clothes to prevent them from seeing the crab in his clothes.

  He had already recognized who these people were, and they were in the same group as Zhou Ping. These days, they kept pulling people to join them.

  Then they formed a "rice" group. Yes, as the name suggests, it was just for eating. Zhou Ping and others couldn't eat enough, so they thought of changing their clothes and getting an extra bowl of rice.

  So, they started to attract people, and then, by attracting the attention of the government officials, another group of people went to fetch rice. Not only that, they also asked them to change their clothes and fetch the second meal.

  As long as they hand over part of the second meal.

  Through this method, many people are attracted to join.

  Now, whether they stopped him for the crabs or to let him join, the man didn't know, but he knew that he had already refused once before.