
Wanting to get close

The moment Stephen mentioned the old man's family name, he was surprised, this man and his wife have the same family name, what a coincidence, he did not want to think too much about it. "Margaret, is it okay if I call you that?" he almost cried when he said her name, but Marga did not notice, however Stephen on the other hand did, something was definitely wrong with this picture.

"Of course but I would prefer if you can call me Marga, everyone does." Marga looked at him with affection, somehow when Marga looked at him, he felt like family to her, he felt warm that she wanted to give him a hug, it was really odd, he was one of the few people she felt comfortable even after the first time they met. "Okay Marga, dear, you know your husband just saved me last night, so I invited you today so that I can give you a tour of our hotel and other places in Fountain Country." Mr. Lim blurted not even stopping to take a breathe, he wants to spend more time with his grandchild.

"Ahm Mr. Lim, thank you for the offer, what happened last time was part of my job, there is really no need to thank me. As I have mentioned we are on our honeymoon and we would like to spend more time with each other before we go back for work." Stephen politely declined while squeezing Marga's hand. Seeing the old man's sad demeanour, Marga added "But we would really be happy if you can give us that tour too Mr. Lim, right sweetheart?" she then squinted her eyes towards her husband asking her to agree.

"Really? ahahaha. I am just so happy that you allowed me to be the third wheel for your honeymoon. I will definitely make sure you will have the best time!" then he sipped his coffee while looking at the girl from the brim of his cup, he would surely thank the heavens for today.

They chatted for a while during breakfast and when it was time for the tour, Stephen excused himself to make a call back home, "Father, how is Aunt Fatima doing today, is everything well?"

"Yes, she seems to be doing alright, no need to worry and enjoy your honeymoon. Can I expect a grandchild soon? ehehe" then their conversation ended, Father Son was also enjoying his alone time with his sister.

Back at the hotel, after they had their breakfast, the newly wed were accompanied by the fascinating Mr. Lim who seemed to focus all of his attention at Marga. Stephen at first find it weird that he seem to want to get close to his wife, in fact too close, there were instance when he was just left standing on the vegetation area of the hotel, while both Mr. Lim and Marga are already on their way to the Botanical Garden.

Marga of course did not mind, she was always a polite girl and did not see anything wrong with Mr. Lim trying to get close with her, she did not find any malice in it, unlike the husband standing beside her. The hotel even has its own mini zoo, which was very popular to the kids, while they were at the front of a mother and child panda, the child panda fell down from a branch when it tried to get a bamboo shoot, but luckily the mother panda was quick and got her baby in time, then hug her baby then gave it the piece of bamboo shoot it tried to reach before it fell down.

Marga can't help but feel a sudden wave of emotion, she suddenly felt sad. Could her mother be as caring as this mother panda? She then felt a weight on her shoulder, Stephen held her close, her husband meant everything to her, he understood her more that anyone else in the world. "You have me now to always take care and love you sweetheart. I will be with you for the rest of our lives, don't be sad anymore." then he lightly kissed her forehead.

"I'm not sad Stephen, I was just wondering stuff here and there. And you're right, we now have each other for everything, so there is no reason to be sad." Marga beamed although she felt a little hollow inside.

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