

Chapter One.



"Violet! Get your ass up. You are already late," Mom's voice once again disturbed my sleep. What do they want from me? I slept very late last night and they want me up so early God damnit.

I closed my eyes and tried to go back to my dream. Nah, it was gone. Mom succeeded. Another loud bang on my door forced me to spring out of my bed and open the door.

"What is it?" I asked Mia and yawned. She folded her arm and clicked her tongue. Then I looked at her and–


"Yeah dammit. I wouldn't be waiting for you though. See you there."

"Wait up, I'mma just dress up and I'll be right behind you." I had totally forgotten. It's Monday and I told Mia to wake me up very early this morning so I wouldn't miss the morning workout. I have no plans of offending coach Ben this new week.

Mia left me behind. I slipped my sport-tight on and wore my basketball jersey. God, I hate being late for training.

I wore my Nike Air Max Taurasi and laced up. Packing my Violet hair in a bun, I faced the mirror and took one long look at myself.

Dad just got me these shoes and I have been dying to wear them for weeks. Today was just a training day, I shouldn't wear my favorite shoes to the court.

I changed my mind and wore my Kyrie 7. That's better. It's my second favorite shoe, I hope one day I'll have his handles and play like Diana.

"Violet, I won't tell you sorry," Mom's voice sang around the house.

"I'm done, I'm already there," I shouted back. I put my Nike slides in my ballbag and hung my headset around my neck. I grabbed my basketball and my skateboard.

Heading downstairs, I took one of the sandwiches Mom made and took a bite as I left the house. I didn't even say goodbye. When I come back, I'm sure she's gonna scold me for forgetting to give her a good morning kiss. What type of parents scold their kids for such a thing? Mine of course.

I took a deep breath as I skated out into the neighborhood ecstatically. What is there not to enjoy? The cool weather in Westbrook was enough to make a bad day good.

Everyone in this part of the world knew me. By everyone, I mean everyone.

"Morning Violet, tell your coach I'll be joining them soon," Mrs Sarah said with a grand smile.

"Sure would do."

The old woman enjoyed my company, well, so did everyone around this part of the city. Mia and I used to go to her place for hot porridge when we were young and now, I wonder why we did that because others make better porridge than Mrs Sarah.

I returned everyone's greetings till I got to the court.

The sounds of balls against the hard ground made me nervous. I was never late to court, never. Today is an exemption and it's all thanks to Dad. He kept me up all night based on some sort of self-training ability as he called it.

I pulled out the door of the court and went inside. Damn I knew it, all balls dropped and all eyes were fixed on me. I took a deep breath and watched Coach Ben pretend not to see me.

I dropped my bag, my ball, and my headset in the cabinet and jogged around the court without waiting for him to tell me. I was late, I know but he should know I don't usually come late to court.

Most times, other players meet me on the court, practicing. Mia worked and continued bouncing a ball. She's my younger and only sister, I had to do a lot of talking to bring her to love basketball.

After five rounds, I stopped on the court and picked up a ball. Couch Ben still pretended not to see me. How I wish I could read his mind.

He's brutal when it comes to punishment and I doubt he was going to be lenient with me this time.

I bounced the ball once and he looked at me. "Ball dead," he said.

I shook my head and dropped the ball. "I'm sorry coach."

He left the others and walked to me. "You are late."

"I'm sorry."

" There is no apology on the court. All these people, do you think they do not have what to do in their homes? As the captain of this team, you should always lead as an example," he pointed to others who stood there, plainly looking at me.

"It is what they see you do that they'll imitate."

I kept quiet, talking would only get him angry.

I bowed my head with both hands at my back.

Be turned his back on me and said, "Suicide."

"What? But—"

"Sui---cide," he emphasized. I looked at my teammates, they felt pity for me. I sighed and went to the baseline.

"How many?"

I haven't done suicide in years. The days of suicides were over. I have grown past it and I do not think I have the strength to do it again.

Of course, I was never punished because I always try my best to be the best and I am succeeding. Although I am not so good yet, is still didn't deserve suicide.

"You are to do suicide till the end of today. Count it and let me know at the end of the day."

"You've got to be kidding me, you can't be serious. I mean, it's Monday, I can't just spend all day killing myself–"I remembered I was still on course t. Saying too much could get me into trouble.

He wasn't ready to listen. I humphed. Now, suicide. Trust me, it's worse than killing yourself. I have to jog from the baseline to the two-point line, touch the ground, and jog back to the baseline.

You touch the ground and jog down to the three-point line then back to baseline, then down to the midcourt and back, then the opponent's three-point line then back to baseline, the. The opponent two points line then back to the baseline. Finally, I'll jog from baseline to baseline then Sprint back. That is one suicide.

I stood there, still in my thoughts. I can already imagine the pain in my bones. I turned to him. "Dad, you really want me to commit suicide?" I said.

"Coach Ben! Suicide till I leave the court."

Oopsie, that didn't work. How could my father be this brutal to me?