
You Are My Precious

Amy was waiting for 10 minutes at the station for him to come. They were not in touch for 6months after the graduation....she was wearing a green top with golden design on it and black trousers. "wow, you look nice"...he came talking.he was wearing a magenta coloured shirt with a light purple half blazer and blue jeans..he was charming and so gorgeous. Amy's heart was beating so first that she can hear.. she was confused why this was happening to her.... Where she didn't know same thing was happening to him by looking at her. she was gorgeous.look in her eye was innocent. Both were happy...but their happiness was different. Amy was happy that she met with her best friend after 6months whereas her best friend Was happy to meet his secret lover whome he had crush for the first time and also the last..... want to know their sweet love story... then please read my story....I would love to share my story with you my dear readers ❤️❤️

eugeneamy · General
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33 Chs

I trust you

They entered the apartment. Luke's friend was not there. it was both of them. At the thought of this Amy suddenly feel awkward. First she was happy that it was them. There was no-one to disturb them. But then the thought of Luke and her alone at night in a apartment crazy things came to her mind. She was nervous and panicked. Looking at her Luke asked " Are you not feeling well? Is your stomach hurting dear?"

Amy looked at him and smile. "I am fine. I think I will take a shower."

"Ok then go ahead." Luke gesturing his hand towards the bathroom said her. He then went to the sofa and drink some water.

Amy was still thinking something. She was little hesitant to asked Luke. But then she gathered her courage and asked pityfully "Lu can.. I .... borrow.... sorry....can...you..."

Luke wondered what is she asking. " Please tell me what you want Am."

Amy finally asked "Lu actually I didn't bring so many cloths to change. Do you have any spare clothes that I can wear?"

Luke heaved a sigh. He then went to his wardrobe and bring a new pajama for her to wear. It was a cute baby pink coloured bunny printed pajama.

Amy looked at this surprised. But Luke told her that he bought this for his sister. But the size is short for her. So she asked him to return and exchange. But Luke didn't like the idea. He just kept it in his wardrobe.

Amy was happy that it was the exact reason. There was no other woman. Luke understand what she was thinking. So he explained beforehand. Then he suddenly went to close to her. Amy looked nervous. But Luke told her "I can assure you that there is no one except you in my heart. You are the first and only one. Go take shower first. "

Amy blushed and ran to the bathroom. She closed the door and took some time to slower her heartbeat. It was beating so fast that made her unable to breath. She smiled and look her face in the mirror. She was red all over. She took almost an hour to complete her shower. When she returned to the room Luke was smoking in the balcony.

"Why are smoking? It's not good for health. Can you not smoke? Is it too hard to stop?"

"No it's not that hard. Go sleep. I will take shower now." Luke rubbed her head and then went to the bathroom.

Amy took her time to dry her hair. Then use some night moisturizer and then thought "should I lie down to the bed...but Luke is in the bathroom now." But finally when she heard the sound of the bathroom door opening she hurriedly went to bed and cover herself from head to toe with the blanket.

When Luke saw her he chuckled. He took time to dry his hair. Then he went to the bed. He didn't lie down there. He sat there at the edge of the bed. Then he uncover the the blanket from her head. he adjusted the blanket for her so that she can sleep comfortably. He looked at her face. She looked so innocent and like a baby. Her skin was smooth and fair. Her lips were like jelly. She is his angle. He then kissed on her forehead. He then wanted to go to the other room but then Amy grabbed his hand. "Where are you going. Are you not going to sleep?" Amy asked.

"you were not sleeping?" Luke thought she was asleep. But it's like he was caught. then he calm himself down and said "You should sleep. it's not early anymore. I will be in the other room. Don't be afraid. Any problem just call me. "


"Are you afraid"

"Yes. It's new place to me. And I have never sleep alone. Till now my sister was always there to accompany me. But now she is married. And I am alone. I don't like it. But you are also abandoning me in this place. I am really afraid. please stay here Lu." Amy pleaded her eyes were little moistures. It's like she is about to cry.


Finally he said "ok don't cry baby. I will not go anywhere. I can never imagined to abandon you. Don't think like that. Actually it's me. I thought that it is not ok for us to sleep in a bed. I thought you will think me as a bad guy. "

"Lu I trust you."

Luke was in dazed. He was really so happy. he kissed her forehead. The lay down by her side. He took her in his arm. Amy lay on his firm chest. She could smell his masculine smell. It was so good she thought. They hugged each other.

"Goodnight sweetheart. Just sleep. "

"Goodnight Lu. " Amy kissed his cheek. Then closed her eyes. They both fall asleep soundly.