
you are my only one {jaehyun ff}

as you know...life is not always good... there is always a time when its good and bad... does love change everything? maybe you can get the answer here... this is my life journey...with jaehyun..jisung...yuna and everyone else in my life... what could be so wrong about it? this is my life...park eunji's life... -park eunji

vanessa_08 · Teen
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74 Chs

You are my only one {jaehyun ff} #10

Jaehyun search eunji,then he see's yuna

Jaehyun: yuna-yaa~~

Yuna: yes?

jaehyun: did you see eunji?

Yuna: i did

Jaehyun: where?

Yuna: you are only her ex,whats your buisness?

Jaehyun: just tell me!

Yuna: fine,fine.she is in the field

Jaehyun: ok thanks

Jaehyun see's eunji that still crying

Jaehyun: eunji!


Jaehyun comes too eunji

Jaehyun: eunji....

Eunji: what?

Jaehyun: im sorry for the past,cant we be together again?

Eunji: after all this???

Jaehyun: i said im sorry

Eunji: you cheat on me and then you want us to be together again!?

Jaehyun: its not what it looks like,past is past eunji

Eunji: what kind of man cheats and then say that its "not what it looks like"????

Jaehyun: but it is not what it looks like

Eunji: do you think im going to belive you just like that

Jaehyun: just listen to me first

Eunji: never!

(School bell ringing,class is over)

(Eunji goes home already)

-jaehyun pov-

Jaehyun: i gotta tell her the truth,but how?

-jaehyun pov end-

To be continued....