
2. Do the Maths

"CEO" His assistant bowed to him, he was scary when angry and the thing is he's always angry.

"CEO wants a response right this instant, Assistant Cheng or I'm afraid I would have to ask you leave with a resignation on my table" He said and shrugged before getting back to the file he was reading.

"Assistant Cheng ask for forgiveness CEO" His assistant was still bowed down not carrying enough braveness to face his CEO. He know he fu*ked up this time for real and CEO will fire him, But getting out of his office is way better than facing his wrath.

"You're fired" Dismissing his assistant was not new to CEO, He was always known to be the demon in the business world. Not only was he a CEO but he was always representing his company as a model too, He got the looks, the attitude and monetary power, So do the maths when girls drool over his looks.

his now ex-assistant quickly left in shame, He won't get a second glance from the CEO even if he beg on his knees. That's how heartless the demon his. A beast himself Lu Xiang, the sole owner of Lu corporation.

After bunch load of work, CEO Xiang took his coat from his chair and left to have a much needed coffee, as he strolled down the street of Korea he couldn't help but smirk as he noticed the attention he's getting from the female audience.

as soon as he entered a well known cafe just a walk away from his office building, Workers started buzzing around him afraid CEO Xiang will loose his cool, Without uttering a word he sit down on a booth and was instantly served with a cup of coffee and a cupcake. A cupcake?

He was never ever served with a cupcake, Everybody in the cafe knows how much CEO hates sugar. He looked up to bash the waiter face, but when he saw a girl around twenty-five to twenty-eight his anger subsided.

Geez, Stop staring boy, isn't he a shameless handsome man? The waitress thought.

"Sir, I have a try in my left hand and cloth in my other hand, would you please help me remove one thing from my face?" She asked he was too in daze to even answer so he nodded.

"I am afraid I've to ask you to remove your eyes from my face" She batted her eyelashes and walked away, Damn it did she just insulted CEO Xiang. The manager noticed and couldn't help but sobs inside. CEO Xiang is going to sue his cafe.

but when the manager saw that CEO absolutely said nothing he hit his jaw on floor, What day is today I need to mark. He was beaming with happiness.

Lu Xiang picked up his coffee leaving the cupcake untouched and walked outside towards his office, The only question on his mind was.

Was that cupcake sugar-free? It looks delicious.


Author Note:

Xiang you foolish man, You were supposed to think about the girl and not the cupcake *Gasps* LOL

till we meet again my cubes of sugar..

