
Chapter two

Vista is 18 years old. Today, she flies to Greece for students exchange culture. She became interested in the culture of Greece and the heritage there. The most upset for her, she doesn't have enough money for spent time there. Because her budget spent expense fees course and all payments on important things. The first times she leaves her lovely grandmother.

She holds the necklace this treasure of her parents while watching the sunset from the airplane windows . suddenly she feels so sleepy . " I hope everything gonna be better "

In Greece, the famous lykos family is the most powerful family in the world with a lot of trading system and control over finances, arms, politics and natural treasures. no one knew the CEO of this company and the information from them. This company looks like a legendary company. The second family is Aima. This family controls the mafia system Nd game, casino all over the world. The sources produced black money. Vista arrives in her dormitory near the beach, she feels so fresh . It is the first time that she can make her dream come true. " I think about my first plans, pack my bought luggage, buy food and go to the beach at night." She always make plans before do something. " I don't know that anyone stays here yet, and I can't speak the Greek language either. Haha I look like frogs outside the wells. " Vista went to market near her dorm (vegetables ... seafood ) completely. Food for the stock a week during short internship there. When she crossed music shop, she saw a group of children dancing to Greek music . " I want to dance too. They look so cute, I can't imagine when they will grow up as beautiful as God because the people who live there have blue eyes." " It's so hot hotter than my country, I miss my grandmother what she's doing right now. " While Thinking, watching the children's dance, she doesn't pay attention that someone ran hit her so hard , and the food slips on the street, The stranger man said " WTF giatí stékeste ekeí san pétra? (why are you standing there like a stone?) She felt hurt on her buttocks and her hands. Isn't he blind? why not see the person standing, and what is he talking about? She looked at his face and felt numb. her cheeks are turning red because she has never seen someone beautiful like him. he's so tall , white skin , berry blue eyes with gray hairs. oh he's god, she thinks. " stupid getup." . suddenly she wonders why everyone hasn't moved, and everything seems that time has stood still. "Who are you? You are not human. " vista changes her face with shock and fear. "Do you think you are human? No one can move unless they have blood three types of lords." He stops talking and goes into the smoke cycle which he spells out silently, the last words she heard from him seeing you next time Stupid >Time starts to move and a gang with a gun tries to caught him , running crossed her. She wonders what's going on? Dramatic performance or dream?

The mysterious person is the prince lord of the wolves when he returned to his empire, he told his father about the big U-235 (Uranium) chemist stock. " I am heard the staff are talking about plans to transfer this chemistry to the Vampire Empire." So, it's going to be dangerous if they create nuclear secrets in the Lords region. I thought we should transfer this chemistry into our empire and destroy it. Because if we destroy it in human areas, it will be harmful to humanity. The Wolf Lord after listening to his son, he felt overwhelmed that the Vampire Empire never gave up on the ambition to control the Three Lords. They always make trouble and want to take humanity under control as a slave, which is a betrayal of the Lord's rule three promise. "My son, you must do a careful mission and bring your cousin Peter and Chris with you." After hearing his father's permission. He leaves castle to his friends place. A large barracks where soldiers are training vigorously. The sound of swords was heard so loudly that the commander ordered the soldiers to fight. suddenly heard a voice interrupted the action "Dear friend, i really want to be your students,

You look really great when you teach students "The commander replied with a smile," Who dares to accept you as student when you are so strong , what's happened from castle? Yes, there is a new mission that you Nd your brother must be join.They walked to the room to discuss the plan.