
Chapter 1: The meeting of two stars

" Every day is the same, seeing the same people, doing the same thing and going to the same places. Nothing changes and it is not as if I want things to change but I sometimes wish that my days would differ a bit from each other. I guess this is what happens when you reach the top so quickly, everything around you feels so boring and dull." thought Yoon Han Gyeol on the way to his workshop.

Yoon Han Gyeol is a famous talented fashion designer who graduated from fashion school two years ago. At the age of twenty-four years old, he had already graduated from fashion school and had already set up his own boutique in Seoul. Medias were very intricated in this young man you became successful at such a young age in the fashion industry. However, upon reaching the top in such short time Han Gyeol felt a void in himself as if an important part was missing.

That day while going to his workshop, he was lost in his own thoughts and was looking down, avoiding people's eyes, with his cup of coffee in his right hand and his sketch book in the other one with a cap on his head covering his face. When suddenly a man who was jogging came and accidently bumped into him, making him fall down and spilling his coffee on himself at the same time. The man was taller than him and was also more muscular. No wonder that this simple collision made him fall down. He was wearing black jacket with two white stripes on the sleeves and grey sweatpants. His hoodie was on his head but did not cover his face. The man helped Han Gyeol to get up and when the latter looked in front of him, he saw the man's black mesmerizing and deep eyes.

- " Are you okay ?" asked the man

Han Gyeol was completely lost in the man's eyes and was not able to focus on what he was saying. The man placed his hand on Han Gyeol left shoulder and this immediately awakened him from that state of trance.

- " Are you fine ?" asked the man for the second time.

- " Y-ye-yes. Yes! I am okay." Said Han Gyeol before starting to look down again.

- " I am so sorry that I spilled your coffee on you. I would like to pay for the cleaning to apologise for this." Said the man while looking at Han Gyeol's white sweater covered with coffee stains.

- " N-No no need. It is not that serious. It is only my sweater that is stained and I have other clothes at work. I can change there. Plus, coffee stains are easily washable, thus it will not cost much." Said Han Gyeol while looking down avoiding the man's eyes at all cost.

- " I think that this belongs to you?" said the man before picking something up from the ground.

It was Han Gyeol's sketch book which, luckily, had not been stained or wet by the coffee.

- " Here." said the man while handing over the sketch book to Han Gyeol.

When he took back his sketch book Han Gyeol looked back at the man's face and his smile made Han Gyeol heart go crazy and he could not think straight for a single minute.

- " Th-thank you." He said after a few minutes.

They both looked at each other and went their separate ways.

Han Gyeol hurried to his workshop and upon reaching he was surprised to see that, unlike every day, he was not the first one to arrive at the workshop. Han Gyeol shared his workshop with his two best friends, Kang Hyun Woo and Cho Sang Ho. Kang Hyun Woo is a talented photographer and marketing adviser and Cho Sang Ho is a website designer, programmer and also a tech genius. All three of them were famous talented young people. Han Gyeol, a talented fashion designer who already had his boutique and brand, Hyun Woo, a photographer who worked for several super models and idols and had organised many galleries and exposition for his photos and Sang Ho is this super talented web site designer who had been contacted by many big companies and firms to design websites, mobile application and test games.

The workshop was very big and spacious for the three of them. The ground floor was where Han Gyeol and Sang Ho worked on their projects and the first floor was where Hyun Woo did his photoshoots and Han Gyeol often made most of the outfits exposed in his boutique.

- " Hey Han Gyeol! How come you are late today ? Are you not the one who is always on time?" said Sang Ho with a smile while looking at him.

- " I had a little accident on my way here today." Said Han Gyeol.

- " Yeah, I can see that! What happened to your sweater? Did u spill your coffee on yourself." Said Sang Ho in a surprised tone.

- " No. On my way here I accidentally bumped into a guy who was jogging and I spilled my coffee on me." Said Han Gyeol while removing his sweater.

- " Good thing that you always keep spare clothes here or else you would have to stay like this all day." Said Sang Ho with big smile on his face. " Come Look at this I almost finish the website you asked for your boutique."

Sang Ho took Han Gyeol to his work station and showed his computer and some plans he listed on a piece of paper.

- " Soon people from different countries will be able to buy your clothes easily now." Sang Ho said excitedly.

Han Gyeol was very excited about that news given by his friend. Finally, something exciting was about to happen in his life after a long time. His eyes glittered with excitement.

- " You just need some photos of the clothes you want to sell." Said Sang Ho

- " Speaking of that! Have you seen Hyun Woo ? Has he arrived yet ? I did not see his motorcycle outside." said Han Gyeol while looking around

- " He came on foot today. He left his motorcycle at the mechanics for some repairs. He is already upstairs. One of his clients called earlier and asked him to finish the editing of some photos for tonight so he started as soon as he came." Said Sang Ho.

- " Oh ! I am going to see him. I need to talk to him about the photos for the website." Said Han Gyeol while walking towards the stairs.

- " Wait! I'm coming with you." Said Sang Ho while following him.

They both went up the stairs and, in the studio, they saw Hyun Woo working on his computer editing photos.

- " Hey Hyun Woo can we talk?" asked Han Gyeol.

- " Yeah! What can do for you guys ?" asked Hyun Woo while pivoting his chair towards his friends

- " Have you found someone to model my clothes for the website Sang Ho is creating?" asked Han Gyeol.

- " Oh Yeah! Here is the portfolio of many of the models for whom I have done photoshoots and who are willing to work for the website's shoot." Said Hyun Woo while handing a file to Han Gyeol.

- " None of them are good enough. They do not have the spark in their eyes." Said Han Gyeol.

- " I thought that you would say something like that. You know all of these models accepted immediately when I told them it was for you. They wanted to represent the brand of the young famous fashion designer." Said Hyun Woo while laughing when putting the file back in his drawer.

- " I do not understand! You are looking for someone to be photographed while wearing your designs so why can't you just pick one of them?" asked Sang Ho while looking at Han Gyeol with a perplexed expression.

- " The person I am looking for must have the something I am looking for to embody the feeling that I put in making those clothes." Exclaimed Han Gyeol.

They all went back to their respective works. The day went on and by the end of it, Han Gyeol was the only one left in the working studio as usual. Even if today, he was not the first one to arrive, he would be the last one to leave.

At ten p.m. Han Gyeol closed the workshop and left for his apartment. While walking Han Gyeol arrived at the same spot where he had met the man who had bumped into him. When he looked in front of him the memory of what had happened in the morning came back in his mind. Upon remembering this memory Han Gyeol made one these silly smiles.

- " Why am I smiling like this?" Han Gyeol asked himself.

Han Gyeol continued on his way back home. While walking, Han Gyeol saw the same man from the coffee incident in the morning. He was wearing headphones which were obviously on as there was a small blue light coming from them. The man was standing looking at his phone wearing the same clothes that he was in the morning with the only difference was that he was carrying a gym bag.

He suddenly started to walk towards the man as if his feet had a mind of their own and his hearts was pouncing in his chest. The more he approached the man, the faster his heart was beating for a reason that was unknown to him. Just when he was about to approach the man, the latter started to cross the road. With his headphones on the man could not hear the car that was coming his way at full speed and because he was looking at his phone, the man did not notice that the traffic light was still red. By chance, Han Gyeol pulled the man towards him.

When he pulled the man, the latter grabbed his left arm sleeve so firmly and they both fell down. Their faces were only a few millimetres apart as they both gazed into each other's eyes. At that time having the man just lying over him made his heart beat so fast that he was afraid the man would be able to hear it. The space in between them was so thin that they could hear and feel each other breathing. At that very moment Han Gyeol was already lost in the man's deep black eye and he could no longer move or think. His body had already become completely numb and his mind completely blank, preventing him from getting up.

- " I am sorry!" said the man while getting up.

- " No! I should be the one apologising for pulling you like this." Exclaimed Han Gyeol.

- " No! You just saved my life! If you hadn't pulled me back, I would have died today." Exclaimed the man.

When the man looked at Han Gyeol's arm, he noticed that when Han Gyeol pulled him, he accidentally tore off Han Gyeol's left arm sleeve and when they fell down Han Gyeol had hurt himself on his elbow. Han Gyeol's elbow was slightly injured and he was bleeding.

- " You are bleeding!" said the man.

- " Oh! Don't worry it's nothing. " said Han Gyeol while looking at his elbow.

- " Are you sure?" asked the man.

- " Yeah! Look, I can easily move it." Said Han Gyeol while moving his arm. "Aah!" he suddenly shouted.

- " Are you okay?" the man again asked while taking a look at Han Gyeol's arm.

- " I don't know ? I was fine a moment ago." Exclaimed Han Gyeol while grabbing his arm.

- " You must have done a wrong move. Don't move your arm anymore or else, you may get yourself more injured than you already are!" said the man in a very worried tone.

- " My house is just across the street, a few buildings away. I have all I need to clean and bandage your wound." Said the man.

- " N-No need. I will take a cab and treat my wound at home." Said Han Gyeol in a very reluctant way as if the simple idea of being at the man's house made his heart pounce even more quickly than it already was

- " It will be difficult for you treat your wound correctly without any help. Please allow me to help. You just saved my life; it is the least I can do to thank you." Said the man while grabbing Han Gyeol's arm and taking him to his place.

- " Okay…," said Han Gyeol.

The man's home was not very big but it was very cosy and beautiful. The living room was a bit messy. There were a few books lying on the sofa and a T-shirt on the floor and another one on the lamp and two dumbbells on the floor.

- " Uh, sorry for the little mess. I don't really expect people to come." Said the man with a silly laugh while picking the objects that were lying around.

- " No, it is okay. I am a bit messy too at home sometimes." Said Han Gyeol as he helped the man to take the books from the sofa.

- " You sit on the sofa; I will go and bring the medical box." Said the man as he entered another room.

Han Gyeol sat in the living room looking around and thinking about the man. A few minutes went by and the man was still not back from the room in which he had entered. When suddenly the sound of objects falling was heard from the room. Han Gyeol was worried wondering what was happening inside the room. He wanted to ask if the man was okay but his mouth would not open. He got up and went to the door of the room and just when he was about knock at the door, it opened and the man came out of the room.

They were again facing each other, looking into each other's eyes and with very few space in between them.

- " Uh, I heard noises coming from the room." Said Han Gyeol while lowering his eyes to avoid the man's eyes .

- " Yeah, I dropped a few things while taking the medical box from the shelf." Said the man while closing the door behind him.

They both said down on the sofa and the man started to clean Han Gyeol's wound with some antiseptic lotion.

- " Ah!" shouted Han Gyeol at a low tone.

- " I am sorry. Did I press the wound too hard?" asked the man.

- " N-No. The lotion just burns a little." Said Han Gyeol

- " I will blow on the wound while cleaning it. It will lower the pain." Said the man before starting to blow on the wound while cleaning it with a piece of cotton and antiseptic lotion.

As he was doing so, Han Gyeol kept looking at the man. His mind was completely focused on the man and could not think of anything else. Until he suddenly noticed that man had not recognised him.

- " You must probably be thinking that I did not recognise you from this morning's incident." Said the man with a smile while looking at Han Gyeol.

- " How did he know that? Was thinking out loud?" thought Han Gyeol.

- " First, I bump into and spill your coffee on your sweater then you save me from could have been a deadly accident after that I tore off most of second sweater's sleeve and I get you injured while you tried to save me. I surely do owe you a lot." Said the man while laughing at what had happened during the past few hours.

- " No, you don't owe me anything. What happened this morning was an accident and as far for what happened this evening, you would have done the same thing if it had been me." Said Han Gyeol with a smile.

It was for the first time that Han Gyeol felt so comfortable with another people other than his best friends and mother.

- " Here, you are all patched up! How is your elbow now?" asked the man.

- " It absolutely fine. I can move it a bit more now. Thank you for helping me with that."

- " It is the least I could have done for you after everything I did to you today. I should be thanking you for that. Thank you uh... . What is your name? If I am going to thank you, I better do it properly."

- " My name is Yoon Han Gyeol."

- " Thank you, Han Gyeol, for saving my life today." The man said with a smile.

- "Uhm… If you don't mind, can you tell me your name?"

- " Oh yeah, I'm Kim Kyon Jun."

- " Thank you for helping for my wound but I should get going now. I have a big working day tomorrow."

- " Well, I hope to see you again sometimes."

- " Yeah, me too." Said Han Gyeol with a smile.

When Kwon Jun saw Han Gyeol's smile, his heart started to race and he started to smile too. But it was one those silly smiles that people tend to make when their heart starts to act on their own. Kwon Jun accompanied Han Gyeol to the outside gate and said goodbye to each other.

As Han Gyeol walked away, he continuously looked back Kwon Jun and Kwon Jun would look at him walk away. This continued until Han Gyeol turned to another street.

After fifteen minutes Han Gyeol arrived at his apartment and took a nice hot shower while making sure his bandage did not get wet. All night long he could stop himself from thinking about the Kwon Jun and all the time he would remember his face he would touch the bandage. Kwon Jun was also in the same state that night. He would continuously remember Han Gyeol's smile and his cute dimples.

The night went on and the next morning, Han Gyeol got up early and went to the place where he first met Kwon Jun and waited there for a few minutes. But the latter did not come and Han Gyeol kept waiting until he realised, he was getting late and that he had to talk to Hyun Woo before his client came for a photoshoot. He waited for Kwon Jun another five minutes and left for the working studio.

When he was only a few buildings away his phone rang. It was Hyun Woo calling.

- " Where are you?" shouted Hyun Woo on the phone. " You should have been here an hour ago"

- " I am sorry. I got late at the coffee shop, there was a long line there."

- " Okay. Are you still far from the workshop right now?"

- " No. I am only a few blocks away. I will be there in a few minutes."

- " Great. Listen, last night I called a friend who works at an agency last night and he told he had a model who maybe was the kind of person you were looking for."

- " That's great. Can you tell him to send the portfolio of the model? We will take a look and contact him if we will hire him for the website."

- " Uh… . The thing is that my friend asked the guy to come today at the workshop for us to meet him in person to have the opportunity of really meeting him."

- " Good. We will be able to meet him face to face. When is he supposed to come?"

- "Yeah. Actually, he is already here waiting for you."

- " What!? Don't worry I am on way right now."

- " Be quick. Sang Ho already served him three cups of tea." Hyun Woo said before cutting the call.

- " Why did you lie by telling Han Gyeol that I already served the man three cups of tea?" asked Sang Ho while looking at Hyun Woo.

- " I just told him that to make him hurry up and come more quickly." Hyun Woo replied with a big smile.

Not even two minutes later, Han Gyeol arrived at the workshop. He kept his coat on a hanger and went upstairs, where everyone was waiting for him.

When he arrived upstairs, he was shocked to see Hyun Woo, Sang Ho and Kyon Jun talking together.

- " Oh Han Gyeol. You're here already." Said Kang So

- " This is Kim Kyon Ju. The model I talked to you about on the phone." Said Hyun Woo

- " You!" exclaimed both Kyon Jun and Han Gyeol.