
52. Waverly’s Birthday Pt. 1

       “WYNONNA, WHAT IF SHE HATES IT?!?” Nicole exclaimed, throwing her arms out in front of her as she paced back and forth across the Homestead’s living room. 

       “Would you chill your asshole?! She’s not gonna hate it!” The brunette yelled back. This argument had been going on for about 5 minutes.

       “YOU DON’T KNOW THAT!” 

       “Yes, I do!” 


       Wynonna shot up from the couch and grabbed her arm, turning her and smacking her across the face to snap her out of it. “SHE’S NOT GOING TO HATE IT, NOW WILL YOU STOP? YOU’RE MAKING ME NAUSEOUS!” 

       The redhead let out a breath. “Sorry. I’m just . . .”

       “Annoying,” Wynonna mused. 

       Nicole shot her a look and they both sat down on the couch. “I want to make this special, Wy. She deserves that after the hellish year she’s had. And . . .” She dropped her voice a little. “Not to mention the ones she missed.” 

       Wynonna’s lip twinged a little at that, though she knew it was true. “She’s going to love it, Haught. I promise,” she assured, giving her shoulder a squeeze and looking down at Nicole’s hands, more specifically, the gift she was holding in them. “Ya know . . . My birthday’s in 5 days . . .”

       “Shut up, Wynonna.”


.  .  .


       Waverly had just finished up her shift at Shorty’s and was heading home to go to bed. The clock on the radio read 12:04. “Happy birthday to me,” she muttered, putting the car in reverse and backing out of her parking space. 

       Over the past week, not one person had mentioned her birthday to her. Not even Nicole, which she was somewhat shocked about. Not that she wasn’t used to people forgetting, it’s just that she expected Nicole, of all people, not to. 

       She stepped out of the car once she parked it behind Nicole’s cruiser and climbed out, quietly opening the door of the house in hopes to not wake the redhead. She set her purse down on the counter, giving Calamity a good pet before tip-toeing off to the bathroom. She wiped the makeup from her face and undid her hair from its braid, brushing it out a bit before she made her way into the bedroom, peeling the crop top off her body, sliding her jeans down soon after. She was too tired to find something to sleep in, so she gently crawled into bed next to the sleeping Deputy.

       Well, mostly-asleep Deputy. 

       Nicole wrapped her arm around her back, pulling her closer as she was already moving that way to take in some of her warmth. She ran her stubby nails across her bare back a few times, pushing a kiss into her head. 

       “I lu’you, Cole,” the brunette mumbled, the movement against her back quickly coaxing her to sleep. Nicole grunted slightly against the top of her head, the best answer she could manage in her half-wake. 


.  .  .


       Waverly woke up, feeling Nicole’s chest rising against her chin. She kept her eyes closed as she relished in the taller girl’s warmth, the September morning having put a chill in the room. 

       When she finally did open her eyes, body not letting her sleep anymore, she was shocked to find the redhead smiling down at her.

       “Morning?” She mumbled slowly, confused of what was wrong with her. 

       Nicole slid her hand up to her cheek. “Happy birthday, Wave,” she whispered softly. 

       Waverly’s heart swelled, face awing. “You remembered.”

       “How could I forget?” She smiled, leaning in for a kiss. Waverly giggled as Nicole rolled her to her back. She hugged her arms around her middle as the redhead leaned down to meet her lips. 

       “Everyone forgets.” 

       “Well, I’m not everyone,” she whispered, tangling one of her hands in her hair. 

       “Shh, just kiss me,” the younger girl ordered, forcing her mouth onto the Officer’s. 

       “Yes, Ma’am,” she drawled. Waverly let out a throaty groan, feeling a hand clamp around her breast as her tongue pushed into her mouth. 

       Nicole slowly kissed down Waverly’s neck and she tugged her bra off, dropping her hand to her revealed chest, pinching her fingers around a slightly perked bud. The smaller girl brought her hands down to the hem of the tank top Nicole had on and tugged it off of her, tossing it away. She was happy to see that the redhead had decided to sleep braless that night. 

       With a smirk, she grabbed Nicole by the back of the neck and brought her head back up to her lips, squeezing her thighs around her hips as she flipped them over, straddling her lap.

       She let out a gasp, eyes widening. She looked down at the redhead in shock, who had a cocky grin plastered across her face. After Waverly’s heart rhythmed out, a smile dusted her features as she slid down her body, ripping her basketball shorts down to reveal the bulge that had previously pressed against her centre. She pulled her briefs off, a familiar blue dildo bobbing side to side in its wake. 

       “Is this the same kind?” She asked, spitting onto the tip and rubbing it up and down the shaft with her hand. 

       The redhead shivered, her hand balling up some of the blankets. “We liked the other one so much, I thought we mise well have one for here, too . . . And you can’t have a birthday without some real good birthday sex.” 

       Waverly’s eyes darkened. “Did you really sleep in a strap-on just so we could have real good birthday sex.” 

       Nicole nodded sharply. “Yes. I did.” 

       The brunette shook her head with a small laugh. “Was it worth it?” 

       The Officer sat up, pulling the brunette closer to her face. “Let’s find out.” 

       Waverly grinned and pushed her back, hungrily meeting her lips, swallowing a moan the redhead let out. Nicole slid her hand to her ass, giving it a bruising smack, digging her fingers into the tender flesh. Their tongues danced mindlessly, hands sliding up and down each other’s bodies, grabbing at every inch of skin they could get a hold of. 

       Nicole flipped them over and pulled away from her mouth, sucking in a breath of air before tipping her head sideways, sinking her teeth into her neck. Waverly let out a strangulated moan, digging her nails into her shoulders. “God, Nic.” The redhead chuckled, leaving a slow trail of hickeys down her neck, across her collarbone, and down the valley of her breast. Waverly let out some breathy sighs, pushing her hand into her hair. Nicole continued down her stomach and through the middle of her abs, feeling the muscles quiver under her lips. She stopped at the elastic, looking up at her with a smile. Waverly pushed herself up on her elbows, looking down at herself. “Well, I was going to wear the new crop top hoodie I bought for myself today, but I guess that’s out of the picture,” she laughed, watching the red-purple marks slowly darken all the way down her torso. 

       “Well, I didn’t see you stopping me,” Nicole smirked, sticking her fingers under the hem of her underwear, looking up at her with questioning eyes. 

       “I never said I was mad about it,” she winked. Nicole licked her lips, slowly sliding the garment down her legs. 

       “Damn, Baby,” she breathed, seeing how she was already dripping onto the sheet beneath her. She slowly slid a few fingers up her slit, nipping along the inside of her thigh. 

       “It’s your fault, not mine.” 

       The Officer pushed herself up on the bed, meeting their lips as she slipped a finger through, rolling around the bud. “There anything I can do to help, Darlin’?” Nicole drawled, casting her hot breath onto her ear. 

       Waverly brought her hand up to her cheek, tipping her head to meet her eyes. “You can let me ride your cock,” she husked deeply. Nicole’s eyes went wide. Her mouth fell open, a small whimper tumbling out as the words sent a fire rippling down to her core. Her finger seized its movements within her folds. Waverly smirked, proud of how she broke the redhead. “Is that ok with you, Babe?” She asked, her voice soaked in seduction as she tapped her fingers on her jaw bone. 

       Nicole still couldn’t manage a verbal answer, so she scrambled off of the brunette and flipped to her back, propping herself halfway-sitting-up with their pillows. Waverly slowly crawled toward her on her knees. She swung her leg over the redhead’s hips and sat behind the toy. Locking eyes with the Officer, she slipped her hand in between her thighs and pushed two fingers into herself with a breathy sigh. She slowly removed them, sliding them up the full length of her slit before wrapping her hand around the shaft and smearing her wetness onto it. 

       If Nicole wasn’t broken before, she sure was now. 

       She gulped as Waverly gripped her shoulder with one hand, the other holding the toy straight as she positioned her entrance over it. Nicole wrapped her fingers around each hip to steady her a little more. She slowly slid down onto the tip, a shudder traveling up her spine.

       The redhead felt the change of pressure, and her hips twitched slightly, nudging it against her front wall. Waverly met her eyes with a whimper and she gave her an apologetic smile, grabbing the base of the dildo herself. The brunette placed her other hand on her opposite shoulder and slowly slid down the shaft. Nicole moved her hand out and placed it back on her hip as she took in its full length. “Shit,” Waverly breathed, eyes scrunching together. 

       “Good shit or bad shit?” Nicole asked quickly, sliding her hand under her thigh just in case. 

       The smaller girl opened her eyes, looking down at her. “No, good shit . . . Very good shit,” she chuckled. 

       “Ok, good.” 

       The younger girl leaned down and cupped her face, kissing her as she rolled her hips in slow circles. She picked up her rhythm as she felt the redhead slowly coaxing her forward, hands pressing up on her ass. She sat back, pressing her palms into the fronts of her shoulders for balance as she switched from fast rocking to slow bouncing. Nicole’s eyes rolled back at the increased pressure the base was pushing into her centre. She let out a low groan, pushing her fingers deeper into the fleshy part of her hips. 

       “Mmph, Baby,” Waverly moaned, sliding up and down with ease developed from many rounds in this position, a certain someone having a keen liking for it. Then again, she had a very keen liking for it, as well. She could feel warmth pulsing through her core, so she leaned forward, her swollen nub rubbing against the redhead’s toned abs. “Nicole,” she whispered as the Officer sucked a perky mound of flesh into her mouth. 

       Waverly could feel the tenseness in Nicole’s shoulders grow as she picked up speed. It was obvious that she was desperate to start thrusting up into her, but was resisting so Waverly could her have dominance in this position. She slowed down a little bit, pushing her hand into her red tangles. “Relax, Love. Take what you want.” Nicole looked up at her, biting her lip with an unsure brow. She tipped her head back by her hair. “I want you to fuck me, Nicole,” she husked deeply, digging her nails into her scalp.

       The taller girl was stunned for a few seconds, chest rising quickly. A wolfish grin slowly slid onto her face. She wrapped her fingers around her arms, pulling her forward as she bent her own knees outward. Waverly let out a gasp. She pressed her hands into the pillow on either side of her girlfriend’s head. Nicole gripped onto her mid-waist and pushed her slowly down onto the blue object, easing her back up just as slow. She repeated it a few times. “You like that, Birthday Girl?” She asked in the rough voice she had only heard her use the last time they used a strap in Vegas. And, oh, how she had forgotten what it did to her. 

       “Yes, Nic,” she whined.

       Nicole started forcing her into her hips faster with more force. “Huh?” She asked, pushing her hips up to meet the rhythm she was setting with her hands. “Does that feel good?” 

       “Fucking amazing,” she uttered. 

       Nicole tsked, holding her steady with her hands as she began to snap into her, a grunt escaping her lips. Waverly looked down at her with wide eyes, mouth hanging open, high-pitched whimpers and moans falling out. “I. Won’t believe you. Until you’re screaming.” She pushed her thumbs into the smaller girl’s stomach, making her arch her back slightly, giving her better access to her g-spot. 

       “Oh fuck!” The brunette moaned. Nicole smacked her hand down onto her ass. Hard. Waverly bit down onto her lip, only letting out a whimper. 

       She yanked it out from her teeth. “I want to hear you,” she growled, smacking her ass again with more force. Waverly let out a loud moan that tightened the redhead’s abdomen. She wrapped her arms around her back, gripping her waist with the hand for the opposite side as she snapped her hips at full force, feeling a zap of pleasurable pain with every smack. “Unngh, I’m gonna come.”

       Waverly’s arms buckled, looping around Nicole’s neck as her core clenched around her member. Her ear-ringing cries filled the room as the Officer pounded into her through her orgasm. 

       Though Waverly’s orgasm ended right as Nicole’s started. 

       She twitched through the aftershocks as the Officer kept splitting her open, grunting and groaning in her ear. Waverly’s nails ripped into her back as the air got caught in her lungs, another surge of arousal spilling out of her. 

       The redhead held on tightly to the smaller girl. “I’ve got you, Waves,” she whispered, feeling her body shake as cum dripped down onto her abdomen. She slowly stopped rocking her hips when she felt her girlfriend’s muscles relax, pulling the toy out of her. Waverly dropped down onto her with her full weight, nails still embedded deep in her shoulder blades. Nicole hugged her tighter, running her fingers up and down her spine. “You ok, Love? Did I hurt you?” She asked worriedly. 

       “No . . .” She rasped. “Two . . . Had two.” 

       Nicole’s eyes widened, a proud smirk tugging at her lips as she loosened the hug. “Well, then.” 

       Waverly let go of her back, rolling herself off of the redhead. Nicole propped herself up more, looking down at her cum-covered abs. She felt around on the bed for Waverly’s hand, picking it up and smacking it down onto her stomach. A shudder shook the smaller girl, feeling her moving her hand across her toned muscles. The Officer lifted it to her mouth, tracing her tongue from the base of her palm to the tip of her fingertips. “Nicole,” she breathed, watching her take three fingers in her mouth, releasing them with a pop. She looked at Waverly’s darkened eyes with a grin. Pushing herself to her knees, she rolled onto the smaller girl, rolling them again so she was on her back. “Ninja,” Waverly giggled, pressing her finger into her nose. She dropped her head, nipping at her chin. “Sexy ninja,” she purred, attaching her teeth to her collarbone, Nicole letting loose a real-ass-pornstar-moan. The smaller girl lifted her eyes as she sucked on the spot, the redhead’s face flushed and more shocked than she was. Waverly detached her mouth, sliding her hand through her hair. “That good, huh?” She scraped her teeth along her neck. Nicole’s eyes rolled back as she gripped her hips.

       “See what you do to me? Whatever-the-fuck-that-was, that’s what you do to me.”

       The younger girl giggled, darting her eyes up with a feral smile. “Yea?” Waverly knew she had a thing for biting and sucking. But she never tried to figure out just how much she liked it. “Tell me when.”

       “Wha-” He voice was cut with an inhale. Waverly nipped at the furthest edge of her collarbone. She moved right, nipping a little harder, getting the same reaction. She already knew this area was safe, having bit her a lot harder just a few seconds ago.

       But she loved teasing her. 

       The next was more of a bite, teeth gripping her bone. Nicole grabbed onto a handful of her hair, tipping her own head back. The brunette smirked, aligning her mouth with the other edge of her first collarbone, pushing her open jaw forward. Nicole writhed with a moan under her, grinding upwards at such an angle, the dildo accidentally slipped into the brunette. She let out a hiss of pleasure. The Officer winced, quickly pulling out with an apologetic look, but Waverly clamped her mouth down with the same force as earlier, slipping the length back into herself. “Fuck, Waverly,” she growled, jerking into her. The brunette palmed her chest as she rocked her hips, hitting her personal max biting pressure on the end of her bone. She didn’t want to actually hurt her, no matter if she liked it or not. It must've done something wild to the redhead, though, because she lifted her straight up, throwing her across the bed. 

       She let out a surprised shriek, looking up to see Nicole jumping off the bed and grabbing her legs, yanking her toward her. She flipped her over to her stomach and put her feet on the floor, bending her over the bed. A shaky gasp left her lips as Nicole buried the toy in her with an immediate slamming force. She dug her blunt nails into her hip as the other slapped her ass. “Ho-ly fu-ck, Ni-c ,” she cried out in between snaps. The Deputy slid her hand up her back, pressing down into the dense muscles of the smaller girl. She let out a series of strangled pants as her centre throbbed with extreme force against the base of the toy.

       Nicole grabbed her thigh and flipped her over after a minute, shoving her up more on the bed, all without slipping out. She wrapped her arms around the backs of her thighs, thumbing her clit with her right hand. “Fuck, you’re tight,” she growled, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. 

       “Mmn, I’m already close,” Waverly moaned, gripping her breasts for dear life. Nicole dropped the top half of her body forward, shoving her hands under her shoulders, fingers wrapping around the tops as she crashed their mouths together in an opened-mouth kiss. The brunette’s fingers scraped up her back again, trying to find something to grip onto along her muscular figure. 

       The feeling of her nails scratching up her torso flipped Nicole hard over the edge. She wailed her girlfriend’s name into her chest, knees almost buckling underneath her. The smaller girl’s fingers tore down her back as she hit her own orgasm, Nicole’s body rubbing quickly against her swollen bud. 

       Their labored breathing stilled after a minute or two and the taller girl stood up to her full height. “What in God’s name?” Waverly breathed, looking up at her with an amused smile. 

       “I don’t know who that was,” she sighed bashfully, tipping her head down. Waverly pushed off the dildo, sitting up and grabbing her hands, coaxing her onto the bed. The redhead flopped forward onto her stomach, letting out a sigh. 

       “That was Officer Kinky Pants- Oh my God, your back is bleeding!” 

       Nicole chuckled lightly into the mattress. “It’s ok,” she assured, brushing her thumb over her knuckles as her other hand ghosted over the many angry red lines on her back. 

       “Noo, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she mumbled, pushing her finger gently into the small spots where blood was gathering at the surface. 

       “You didn’t, Love. It’s ok, I promise.” She flipped over and unstrapped the harness, kicking the strap-on to the floor, pelvic bone hurting too much to do any more of that. 

       “And now you’re getting blood on our bed, Love,” she grumbled. 

       “If ya kiss me, it’ll make ya feel better,” she drawled with a dimpled smile. Waverly sighed, holding back a smile. 

       She could never resist the dimples. 

       “Rude.” She laid down next to her, the redhead rolling to her side and wrapping a protective arm around her as their lips met in a slow, loving kiss. 

       After a few minutes, they slowly rolled and Nicole pulled Waverly on top of her, now able to hug both arms around her as the brunette gently pushed her fingers through her hair. “I love you,” Nicole mumbled. 

       “I love you more.” 

       “I love you morer.”

       “I love you most.”

       “I love you mostest.” 

       Waverly shook her head, pulling away from her lips. “Wanna bet?” She challenged, raising a questioning brow. 

       “I do,” she quipped. 

       The smaller girl let out a huff and slid down her body, head hovering over her stomach. She moved her hand up, pressing it up on the bottom of her chin so she couldn’t look down to see what she was doing. Nicole’s abs tightened as she began to suck around on her right side. 

       Waverly pulled her lips away from her stomach with a pop after a few minutes, letting go of her chin. “Voila.” Nicole looked down to find that she had left about 20 hickeys forming the shape of a heart. There were a couple of single love bites scattered around the rest of her torso that she used to throw her off from figuring out what she was creating. 

       “You are talented,” she giggled, tracing her finger around it. She looked back up at the very proud brunette, her smile switching to a pout. Waverly raised her eyebrows. “But. The bet’s not over yet.” 

       The brunette scooted up the bed, grabbing her phone off of the nightstand. The time read 1:24. “Well. For now, it is. I have to be at work in less than an hour.” She went to get off the bed, but the redhead wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her back towards her. 

       “No, you don’t.” 

       She tutted. “Yea, I do,” she corrected, trying to wiggle out of her grasp. 

       “Uhh, no you don’t,” she insisted, looking up at her with a cheeky smile. 

       “Says who?” She stopped moving in her arms to hear her answer. 

       “Says me.”

       “Yea, well not Shorty,” she huffed, pulling out of her arms.

       Nicole caught her foot with both hands. “Really? Cause when I talked to him yesterday, he said it was fine.”

       She blinked at her for a few seconds. “Are you serious?” She questioned, narrowing her eyes at her. 

       “Yes, I’m serious! No girl works on her birthday!” 

       The younger girl smiled brightly, moving back down towards her. “Did you get me a day off, Nic?” 

       “I did,” she confirmed, kissing the tip of her nose. 

       “Aww, Baby,” Waverly cooed, peppering her face in kisses. “Thank you!” 

       “Mm, you’re welcome,” she giggled. “You know why I did that?” 

       “Hmm?” She mumbled, still kissing all over her face. 

       “Because I wanted to win this bet,” she smirked. 

       Waverly scoffed as she began kissing down her body. “Yea, well, you’re still not going to win.” 

       “How can you be so sure?” She asked through a small shudder as her tongue flicked around her nipple. 

       The brunette continued to kiss down her body, tracing a stiff tongue up her abs. “Well, it just so happens, Officer Haught, that my face is in between your legs.” She traced her tongue up her folds. 

       “Yea and I fucked your brains out earlier. What’s your point?” 

       She slowly stuck her finger through her entrance. “You’re about to find out my point,” she husked, directing her lips to where she wanted them most.