
37. I Accidentally Fist Bumped

       “I think this looks good!” Waverly smiled, stepping back with her hands on her hips, admiring her work. She had made three signs, all reading “Wynonna: Do Not Touch” in big letters, and placed one on top of each of the vehicles in the garage. 

       “Perfect,” the redhead smirked, kissing her temple.

       She giggled, turning and tugging on the sleeves of her flannel. “When are people going to start getting here?” She asked as they walked over to the couch. 

       “7ish. That’s when I said, and it’s 6:30 now, so Jer should be here any second now.” They heard a faint “ow” come from outside. Nicole pushed herself off the couch just as she sat down. “And I think he’s here!” She walked to the door, opening it. 

       “Take it!” Waverly heard him exclaim breathlessly. 

       “Jesus Christ, Nerd! Did you buy out the whole store?!” They walked in, each sporting 2 boxes of beer. 

       “Maybe?” Waverly took the top case off of Nicole’s stack after closing the door behind them. “Hey, Waves!” 

       “Hi!” She smiled. They set them all down on the counter and got to work shoving the bottles into the ice bucket.

       His eye caught the signs on the cars. “Wynonna’s coming?” He questioned. 

       “Ya,” Nicole confirmed, breaking a box down. 

       “Does that mean Doc’s coming, too?” He asked maybe a little too excitedly.

       She looked towards him, blinking slowly. Her eyes went wide suddenly and she walked over, shaking his shoulders. “No. He is straight. Don’t even.”

       His mouth fell open a little. “What?! No, I don’t like him.” His voice was higher than usual, so Waverly figured he was a pretty bad liar.

       The Officer rolled her eyes at him, walking over to continue helping her girlfriend. “Mhm, keep telling yourself that,” she mumbled. 

       “Don’t act like you’ve never fell for a straight girl, Nicky,” he said, giving her a knowing look.

       She threw him a glare. “There’s a difference between crushing and obsessing,” she pointed out. 

       “Really? Cause if I remember correctly, you were pretty frickin' hooked on-”

       Nicole pushed a finger to his lips, staring at him wide-eyed. “Shhhhhhhh.” He smirked at her and she shook her head with a small smile. They heard a car horn from outside. 

       “I’ll get it,” Waverly said, walking over towards the door. She saw Topher and Jessie climbing out of their car. “Hi!” She greeted when she opened the door. 

       “Hey, Waves! You’re alive!” Jessie exclaimed. Waverly laughed, taking a bag that Topher handed her. They had been in charge of snacks. They walked inside. 

       “Woah,” Topher mumbled under his breath. 

       “Mhm,” Waverly smirked. She looked towards Nicole, who had Jeremy over her shoulder. 

       “Christopher, you better behave yourself,” Jessie warned with a glare. He nodded with a smile. 

       “Say it!” The redhead demanded as Jeremy wiggled around. 

       “Nicole! Put me downnnnn!” 

       “Say it!” Waverly let out a sigh, walking around them so she could put her bag down. Nicole started spinning them in circles. 

       “OK! Ok, I’m sorry!!” She set him down with a proud grin. 

       “Thank you.” 

       “You’re an asshole,” Jeremy grumbled. Nicole opened a beer, tipping the bottle at him. “Waverly, your girlfriend’s an asshole.” 

       “She really is,” she agreed with a smirk, leaning forward on the counter. 

       “Don’t think I won’t do that to you, too,” Nicole warned. She looked over to her with a nervous smile.

       They heard the sound of a rickety truck pull up a few minutes later. “Here we go,” Waverly mumbled as she and Nicole walked towards the door.

       Nicole opened it. “Haught Dog!” Wynonna exclaimed as she walked up to them, letting Doc carry everything by himself. She plucked the black beanie off of her head. The redhead tutted, snatching it from her hand and putting it back on.

       “Wynonna, behave,” Waverly chastised.

       “I am!” Nicole rolled her eyes, walking inside. 

       “Holy shit,” Wynonna gasped under her breath. Waverly elbowed her. “Aw, you made signs just for me?”

       Nicole chuckled, pulling the pistol out of her waistband. “That’s not the only thing just for you.” She spun the gun around her finger.

       Wynonna looked between her and the pistol wide-eyed. “Ok, I’ll behave,” she nodded. Nicole and Waverly smirked and she put the weapon away. Wynonna didn't need to know it wasn't loaded. 


.  .  .


       “I got an idea,” Nicole slurred. It had been a couple of hours and everyone had drank more than a few. Everyone turned attentively to her. “We should play Never Have I Ever!” A series of slurred agreement came from the group.

       Nicole smirked, standing up, Wynonna grabbing her arm as she almost fell forward. “Be careful there, Haught Shot.”

       The Officer pat her shoulder as a thank you. “Grab a drink n’ head upstairs!” She helped her girlfriend to her feet, picking up the bottle of Fireball they had been sharing. They all stumbled upstairs, Jeremy diving into a beanbag.

       “We’re sharing!” Chrissy exclaimed, plopping down next to him. They both laughed hysterically. Nicole and Waverly eyed the pool table, looking back to each other with small smirks on their face. The redhead dropped onto the other beanbag, yanking the smaller girl on top of her. She giggled, situating herself in between her legs. The rest of the group gathered around, all forming in a circle. 

       “Mk, I’m going first, startin' soft . . . Never have I ever gotten a ticket,” she smirked. Waverly looked up at, her rolling her eyes. Everyone but Doc, Waverly, and Nicole drank. 

       “Narc,” Wynonna grumbled. Nicole shot her a wink. 

       “We’re going this way,” Waverly informed, spinning her finger clockwise. They all nodded. “Ok . . . Never have I ever failed a class in school.” Wynonna snorted into her bottle, clinking with Topher, who also drank.

       Jessie shook her head at him. “Never have I ever skipped a class,” she said, drinking herself. Nicole chuckled, taking the bottle from Waverly’s hands.

       She leaned her head back. “Naughty, naughty,” she tutted. 

       “You’re just a nerd.” The brunette pushed her hand to her chest in mock offense. 

       “Alright, now we know Jeremy and Waverly are boring,” Topher slurred. 

       “We been knew,” Wynonna sighed. Jeremy threw the cap of his beer at her. 

       “We need to kick it up a notch here, People,” Topher declared. “Never have I ever smoked weed.” 

       “Pshh.” Wynonna clinked her bottle with Doc as they raised them to their lips. Everyone’s eyes grew wide, watching Sheriff’s Deputy Nicole Haught take a drink of her Fireball. 

       “Nicole!?!” At least 3 of them asked at the same time. She threw her hands out in front of her. 

       “All this time I thought you were a Stickler . . .” Wynonna said breathlessly. 

       “What? Just cause Ima cop ya’ll figured I’ve never had fun?” They all blinked at her, slowly nodding as if it was obvious. 

       “I figured all the fun you had was not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign every so often,” Chrissy admitted.

       “Funny, Sheriff’s daughter,” she murmured.

       Chrissy widened her eyes. “Don’t tell him,” she whispered beggingly.

       Nicole smiled, raising her pinky finger, locking it with the blonde’s. “But, yea, like every high schooler ever, I came across Mary Jane on more than one occasion.” 

       “Did they not do drug tests on their starters or something?” Waverly asked. 

       “First of all, it was like 4 or 5 maybe 6 times, I wasn’t a stoner. Second of all, they did, but I wasn’t one to suspect so they barely checked me.”

       “Oo, was Haught Hands the star volleyball player?!” Wynonna asked with a snort. 

       “Baseball,” she corrected, handing the bottle to the girl on her lap.

       The older Earp cocked an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a dude sport?” 

       “That’s how good she was,” Waverly gushed, squishing her cheeks, wiggling her face around. Nicole rolled her eyes with a disfigured smile, pulling her hand away, intertwining their fingers on the smaller girl’s lap. 

       “Right,” Wynonna sighed. “Never have I ever slept with someone 5 years younger than me.” Doc squinted his eyes at her, a laugh leaving her, Nicole, Jeremy, and Waverly, all knowing she was a lot more than 5 years younger than him. The short brunette passed the bottle up to the redhead with a sly smile. She took a swig, wiggling her fingers over her stomach.

       She giggled, clutching her hand in her own, stilling it. “You’re just mad you’re an old lady,” Waverly teased. Nicole tipped her head, whispering a probably not-so-family-friendly comeback in her ear, proving more so when her face went bright red as the Officer pulled away. 

       “Excuse my nasty sister and her even nastier girlfriend,” Wynonna grumbled. 

       “Wy, I have to hear you and your nasty . . . Doc ,” Waverly retorted. Wynonna looked at her for a second before nodding in agreement and shrugging it off.

       Doc sighed. “Never have I ever used anything worse than marijuana,” he said. Wynonna chuckled, taking a pull of her whiskey. 

       “You’re not gonna go tattle on us, are ya, Haught?” Jessie asked. She pretended to lock her lips, throwing away the key. She smiled, leaning into her fiance, both drinking. 

       “Never have I ever sent nudes,” Chrissy smirked, tracing her eyes around the room, watching everyone but Doc and Nicole drink.        

       Waverly groaned as some of the burning liquid slid down her throat. “Bad decisions were made."

       “Haught Shit, Waves has that pic on her phone, I’m counting it,” Wynonna informed. 

       “She sent that to herself!-” Nicole thought back to her past for a second. “Yea, on second thought, I might need that.”

       Waverly handed it to her. “Oh, do you now?” She asked. 

       “Mhm,” she mumbled into the bottle.

       Jeremy had a small smirk working its way up his face as he thought of his next question. “Never have I ever slept with the opposite sex,” he said with a proud smile. Everyone but him and Nicole drank. His smile grew sly and the redhead widened her eyes, clenching her jaw at him. “Hey Waves, I think Nicky needs that when you’re done,” he informed, not taking his eyes off of Nicole.

       Waverly almost shot the liquid in her mouth back into the bottle. The Officer looked like she was about to strangle him. “Sorry, what?!” She asked, looking at Nicole with an amused face.

       She grabbed the bottle out of her hands, taking a drink and crossing her arms, still glaring at her best friend, face redder than her hair. “We’re not gonna talk about it,” she mumbled. “Nor were we ever!” Jeremy laughed evilly. Waverly turned and wrapped her arms around the embarrassed redhead. 

       “I thought you were full on rainbow flag homosexual,” Wynonna admitted. Nicole looked towards her, pursing her lips. “I need to hear this story, Haughty.”

       “I am full on rainbow fla-” She stopped herself, closing her eyes with a sigh. Waverly giggled quietly, enjoying the new shy side of Nicole that she wasn’t used to. “I’m fully gay, yea.” 

       “You don’t have to talk about it if you really don’t want to, Love,” her girlfriend said quietly, kissing the bottom of her jaw gently. She smiled down at her, thanking her for her concern.

       “She’s just gonna torture me more if I don’t,” she pointed out. Waverly nodded, realizing that was a good point. “I was a junior in high school. I had somehow convinced myself that because I had never actually been with a guy, I didn’t know if I was 100% gay or not. I obviously had no idea what I was talking about. I started talking to this closeted senior dude and we apparently had the same mindset, so . . . I ended up at his house. We tried, but we both realized pretty quickly that it was doing neither of us good, so we just ended up playing Mario Kart and eating pizza for the rest of the night.” She cast a glare towards the man laughing his ass off next to her. “Are you pleased with yourself?”

       He wiped his eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more pleased. You’re gonna hate yourself tomorrow.”

       She nodded at him with a tight-lipped smile, an idea having popped into her head. “Never have I ever gotten caught by my best friend making out with a Justin Timberlake cardboard cutout,” she smirked, tipping her head at him. His mouth dropped open. Everyone around the room broke out into a fit out laughter. “Drink up, Chetri!” He sunk down into the beanbag, slowly bringing the beer to his mouth.

       Wynonna sighed as she calmed down. “Alright, you two, this game is going to lead to some dark secrets if we continue. Let’s switch it up to truth or dare?” Everyone nodded, still calming down from the events of the last minute. Jeremy rubbed his face of embarrassment, sitting up. “Me first!” She traced her eyes around the faces before settling on a pair of honey brown orbs. “Haught Ham, Truth or Dare?”

       She thought it over, deciding it would be crazy to take a dare from an Earp. “Truth,” she answered.

       Wynonna nodded. “Since we were on the topic . . . Where’s the weirdest place you’ve done it?”

       Waverly looked back at her, interested in her answer. She thought it over. “Weirdest place . . . I’m gonna go with . . . Taco Bell bathroom,” she said with a completely straight face. The brunette on her lap snorted, face turning beet red because of course it did. 

       “Gee, I wonder who that was with,” Chrissy mumbled. Wynonna blinked at the two of them. 

       “You asked,” Nicole shrugged, a small smile teasing at the corner of her lips. 

       “I didn’t really think that one over,” she said quietly, pushing her hand through her hair.

       Waverly cleared her throat, slowly standing up on unsteady legs, Nicole placing a hand on the back of her thigh to make sure she didn't fall backward. “I think I want a beer,” she sighed. They all came to a consensus to head back downstairs. After those who needed another got one, Nicole decided to move over to the sound system, pressing a few buttons to play one of her sets, sending the brunette a wink before she flipped a switch that turned all the lights off, colorful lights spraying down in beat with the music she was turning up. She walked over to her wide smiling girlfriend with one that matched it. “You continue to amaze me, Officer Haught.” She ran her hand down her front, gripping at the flannel and pulling her into a kiss. 

       “I’m full of surprises,” she slurred as their foreheads touched. The smaller girl smirked, handing her a beer. They walked over to the group of people, looking down to see the tattooed man doing the worm across the floor.

       “It’s official, Topher is cooler than you,” Waverly sighed.

       Nicole raised her eyebrows at her. “Hold my beer.” The brunette widened her eyes as the bottle was pushed into her hand and the redhead stripped her splint, dropping down next to the man and matching his rhythm. The room erupted into cheers and laughter, Waverly leaning into Jeremy as she laughed at the two.

       They both popped up after the song ended, huge smiles on their faces. “That was awesome!” Topher exclaimed, still winded. 

       “Hell yea!” Nicole laughed. He held his fist out for a fist bump, which she returned . . . with her right hand. She looked down, smile fading. “Whoops,” she mumbled, fist still clenched. Topher looked at it wide-eyed. She spun around, looking at Waverly.

       She was smiling at her but grew concerned as she read her face. She traced her eyes down to her elevated hand, immediately gasping and rushing forward. “Nicole!” She took hold of her wrist. 

       “I accidentally fist bumped,” she mumbled.

       Waverly pursed her lips at her. “Can you open it?”

       “I dunno,” she shrugged. 

       “Well, try!” The redhead slowly opened it, wiggling her fingers around slightly. The brunette let out a sigh of relief, running her finger down the lines of stitches, making sure she didn’t pop any out. She picked her splint up off the ground, helping her put it back on. “Don’t be stupid again,” she ordered with soft eyes.

       “No promises,” Nicole smiled. She shook her head at her, playfully shoving the beer into her chest. 

       The incident was forgotten about as time ticked on into the later hours of the night. They had all been drunk dancing and screwing around, falling over one another at some points. The number of beer bottles scattered around the room grew at a steady rate. Some were empty, some were half empty and forgotten about. 

       Jessie stumbled over to the younger Earp, whispering in her ear. An evil grin grew on her face. She took hold of Nicole’s hand, dragging her over to the counter. 

       “Wynonna, get your phone ready!” Jessie shouted. The darker brunette looked at her funny, but when she saw Waverly cleaning all the shit off the counter, she knew what was about to happen. 

       “What’re you doin’?” Nicole asked.

       “Get up there,” Waverly smirked. 

       “Wha-” She stopped, seeing Jessie taking a lime out of a bag they brought. She looked back to the smaller girl, pulling her bottom lip in. The redhead hopped up onto the counter and laid back. 

       “What’re you about to do, Babygirl?” Wynonna asked, pointing the phone at her.

       “Bodyshot!” She slurred with a toothy grin. She turned and climbed up onto the counter, sloppily straddling her legs. She leaned forward, hovering above her face. “You ready, Baby?” She husked.

       The girl under her let out a shaky breath, pupils blown. “Yea, mhm!” She spewed quickly with a nod.

       Waverly smiled, kissing the bridge of her nose before she sat up. She went to work unbuttoning her flannel. She looked up slightly when she reached the bottom, corners of her mouth turning upwards. “You made a mistake wearing this kind of bra.” She unzipped the front of her sports bra. 

       “Waver-” The brunette stuck the lime Jessie had set next to her head in her mouth. Nicole looked up at her with wide eyes, feeling her tucking each side of the bra back under the sides of the flannel so it was the only thing covering her breasts.

       Jessie walked up beside them with a container of salt. “Ready?” She asked, looking at Nicole. She nodded, looking up at her girlfriend. The other brunette drew a line of salt up the middle of her abs and another in between her breasts. She set the shot in between her legs. “Go for it!”

       Waverly gave the redhead a sultry smirk as she bent down, pressing her nose into her centre as she picked up the shot glass, sitting up and tipping it back. She handed it to Jessie and locked eyes with Nicole as she dipped down, slowly sliding her tongue up her abs, feeling the muscles flutter under her touch. She continued up, tasting the new line of salt hit her tongue. She giggled, hearing the redhead’s breathing pick up. She lifted her head, hovering over her face. Nicole’s eyes were as wide as they could be. She licked her lips and moved her hands up, gripping her hair as she met her mouth. The group around them whooped. Waverly looked up at Wynonna, smiling with the rind sitting in front of her teeth. Her sister shook her head, ending the video. She laughed, pulling it out of her mouth. She looked down at the very turned on redhead and leaned down, kissing her deeply as she carefully reached in her shirt, zipping her bra back up. She sat up, stumbling off the counter when she was done. 

       “That was . . . good job,” Nicole mumbled as she hopped down, buttoning her shirt back up.

       They both turned at the sound of buttons scattering across the floor over the volume of the music. “Your turn, Cowboy,” Wynonna smirked, holding onto the sides of Doc's shirt that she had just ripped open. 


.  .  .


       Nicole’s eyes blinked open, body involuntarily groaning. “Holy fucking shit.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. 

       “That’s a potty word,” a voice groaned.

       She lifted her head slightly, squinting down, seeing that her girlfriend’s head was resting against her stomach, body sprawled out in between her legs. On further inspection, she realized they were laying on a bean bag that had somehow ended up downstairs and neither of them had a shirt on, just their bras. “What the fuck?” She mumbled, barely audible. 

       “Shut up, you’re hurting my everything,” the brunette grumbled.

       Nicole sighed painfully, shutting her eyes. They fired open at the sounds of vomiting coming from across the room. “That better not be on my floor,” she said loud enough for whoever it was to hear. 

       “I should make it as a punishment for letting me drink so goddamn much,” Chrissy complained. She heard feet trampling down the stairs, across the floor, and to the blonde’s position at the trash can, letting their own spray of last night’s mistakes out. 

       “Remind me to never drink again,” Jeremy grumbled, plopping onto his back. Chrissy muttered an agreement. 

       “Wave, move,” Nicole said. “I need to go make sure everyone is alive.” She groaned, wrapping her arms around one of her legs. “Babe, c’mon.” She pulled her arms off, rolling out from under her, lying face-down on the cold concrete for a second. She slowly stood, stopping as she felt her own stomach churn. Thankfully, she seemed to be in the clear. Her shirt was nowhere in her close proximity, so she sighed, walking over to the duo lying near the trash can. “You seen my flannel?” She mumbled, shielding her eyes from the window near them. 

       “Nope,” they both answered.

       Nicole turned away, trudging over to the couch, finding Doc and Wynonna splayed out across it. She poked Wynonna in the forehead. “Wake up, asscrack.” She got nothing. She poked her again a little harder on the cheek. Still nothing. With a groan, she punched her in the boob.

       Her eyes flashed open as she clutched her chest. “Go mess with Waverly’s tits!” She complained, furrowing her eyebrows at her.

       “I was making sure you weren’t dead,” she informed, lightly smacking Doc on the cheek a few times. He blinked his eyes open slowly at her. “Howdy, Pardner.”

       He tipped his hat, untangling his arm from the sleeve of his shirt that somehow got wrapped around it. “Where’s your shirt?” The older Earp asked, rubbing her eyes. 

       “Don’t know.” She moved away from them, walking past the beanbag, seeing that her girlfriend had fallen back asleep. Upstairs, she found Topher on the floor next to Jessie, who was half on the other beanbag. She leaned down slowly, grabbing on the silver-haired man’s leg, shaking it around. “Rise and shine.” He groaned after a few seconds, flipping over and covering his face with his arms. “Your pants are behind your head,” she informed, moving over to his fiance. He smacked his hand backward, feeling around, grabbing them after a few seconds. 

       “Please tell me I have underwear on,” he mumbled. 

       “You do. I wouldn’t say the same about her, though.” He muttered a laugh, looking over at the bare ass hanging off the beanbag near his head. “You can do the honors if you want.” He smiled, bringing his hand back, smacking it down.

       She let out a whimper, pulling her shirt down over her butt. “What the hell?” She complained with a sleepy slur. 

       “Ya’ll haven’t seen Waverly or I’s shirts, have you?” Nicole asked, walking about the room, looking around. She got two negative responses, so she walked downstairs again and sat down next to the beanbag, rubbing her hand gently on Waverly’s back. “Wake up, Pretty Girl.”

       She grunted, rolling over. She must have also not realized they ended up on a beanbag because she rolled right off onto the floor, smacking the back of her head onto the concrete. Nicole gasped at the noise, pushing the beanbag out of the way, walking closer to her on her knees. “Ah, fuck!” She whined, gripping the sides of her head as she squished her eyes together. 

       “You ok, Baby?” She asked, concern showing through her tightly furrowed eyebrows as she cupped her cheek. 

       “No,” she whined.

       The redhead clenched her jaw, placing her hands on her shoulders and sitting her up. Waverly gripped her arm, feeling pretty lightheaded. Nicole turned her, putting her hand on the back of her neck. “Let me see.” She slowly pushed her fingers up the back of her head, stopping when she felt a goose egg. “Just a bump, you’ll be ok.”

       The brunette whined again, leaning into her. She sat back, looking down at herself, then over to Nicole. “Our shirts are still behind the bar,” she said with a small smile, buttoning the button on the Officer’s jeans and straightening the hem on her briefs.

       Nicole cocked an eyebrow. “What?”

       Waverly blinked at her. “What? You don’t remember?”

       Nicole’s eyes widened. “Remember what?” 

       “We kinda . . . did things . . .” She traced her fingers down her arm.

       The redhead’s eyes were still just as wide as she nodded her head quickly. “With everyone here?” 

       “They were all busy with themselves,” she smirked.

       Nicole sighed a relief, quickly cocking her head. “What were Jer and Chrissy doing?” Waverly shrugged. 

       “We were shielding our ears from all of you noisy assholes,” Jeremy informed from his position on the floor.

       The Deputy grimaced at him. “Sorry, I know she’s pretty loud,” Nicole joked. The brunette smacked her shoulder, face a deep red. 

       “No . . . The loudest was Doc.” Waverly snorted, clapping her hand over her mouth, vibrations reminding her of her pounding headache.

       They heard two sets of feet coming downstairs. “Christopher Alexander, if I turn out fucking pregnant, I swear,” Jessie warned.

       He threw his hands out in defense. “My pull out game is strong!” 

       “You better hope so!” She walked around the counter, looking down. “Found your shirts,” she said, holding them up with a smile.

       Nicole stood up slowly, another wave of nauseousness rolling over her. She held a finger up to Jessie, nodding her head and walking towards her after a couple of seconds. “Thanks,” she mumbled, slipping her’s on and tossing Waverly’s to her. “Anyone know what time it is?” She held down the power button on her phone, the screen showing it was dead.

       “About 1:30,” Chrissy said, looking at her phone.

       Nicole’s heart jumped up to her throat. “Shit.” She quickly picked up her car keys from across the counter, rushing around it, bending down and kissing her girlfriend’s forehead. “Make sure everyone gets out of here safe and lock up when you leave, I have to be at work in 30 minutes.”

       The brunette’s eyes shot open and she grabbed her arm as she went to turn around. “Nicole, you can’t drive like this!”

       She gave her a small smile. “I guess I’m about to,” she shrugged. “I’ll be ok. I love you and I’m sorry, but I can’t miss work, I’ve already missed enough lately.”

       Waverly looked up with concern in her begging eyes. She pulled away from her, jogging towards the door. “Be careful!”

       “I will, I prom-” She pushed her hand off the doorframe, rebounding herself back to the trash can, shoving her face in it. 

       “Nicole!” Waverly complained, pushing herself off the floor.

       The redhead looked up at her, wiping her mouth on her collar with a forced smile. “I’m fine, Wave!” She quickly made her way back to the door. 

       “That was nasty, Haught Shit!” Wynonna shouted. The Officer threw her the finger as she closed it behind her. 

       “If she dies, I’m going to kill her,” the brunette grumbled. 

       “That doesn’t make sen-”

       Jeremy was cut off when Waverly shot him a piercing glare. “I know it didn’t make sense!”