
11. Ewwwww

Nicole pulled up to Shorty’s at 7:55. She wasn’t excited to be hanging out with Wynonna, but she was happy to get a drink or two. She stepped out of her car, smoothing out the wrinkles on her lavender button-down and rolling the sleeves up before walking inside. It was fairly empty with only about 10-15 people there, so she easily spotted Wynonna filling her glass with more whiskey while the bartender wasn’t looking.

She walked up to her shaking her head. “Hey, Earp,” she sighed, sitting down on the stool.

Wynonna almost fumbled the bottle when she jumped, but she set it down safely before looking towards her with a grin. “Haughty! Lookin' good.”She smacked her shoulder. “Not for long, though. We're having some fun tonight.

“Is that right?” Nicole asked with a raised brow.

“If you’re gonna be with my baby sister, I need to get to know ya, and this is how I do it."

Nicole hadn’t planned on drinking a lot tonight and she didn’t consider herself with Waverly, but she didn’t want to argue about that. “Uh, I have to work tomorrow."

Wynonna shrugged. “Yeah, so do I. Your point is?”

Nicole thought about it for a second before shrugging. “That’s fair.” She looked towards the bartender. “Hey, can I get four tequila shots and a beer?” The bartender came over, delivering their drinks 

“I like how you think, Dimples,” Wynonna smirked, downing her shot and making a face. Nicole mumbled an agreement and did the same, washing it down with a swig of beer. She took her other, shaking her head around after.

Wynonna cocked a brow and did the same. “Two more, Ricky!” she called. They downed their last shots after he poured them up.

Nicole looked around the bar for a moment. “Pool? The table's open."

Wynonna nodded and pushed off the bar stool. “Alright. Loser’s buying tonight, deal?”

“Deal.” She shook Wynonna’s outstretched hand and they walked over to the table. Nicole set her beer down on the ledge and grabbed a stick off the holder. “You can break.” She leaned against the wall as Wynonna lined up her shot.

“So . . .” She fired, knocking a striped ball into the left pocket. “How’d you end up in the Ghost River Triangle?” She shot again, missing that time.

Nicole pushed off the wall and walked over to the table. “I don't really know, to be honest. I just kind of felt drawn here my whole life. A friend of my mom’s lived up here when I was little so we visited sometimes, and I always loved it.” Nicole took her shot and knocked a solid ball in. “I left my old job because I hated it there and as I was looking for an open position in the area, a spot here had just opened up, so obviously I applied, and within 2 days I had the job.” She missed her second shot, scratching the white ball.

“Ha,” Wynonna teased. She grabbed the ball from the slot and placed it at the end of the table. “Well. I’m glad this is where you parked your bus. We need a good person to take over when Nedley decides he can’t do it anymore.” She missed her shot and slammed the end of her stick on the ground, muttering profanities to herself.

Nicole looked up at her with her mouth slightly open. Wynonna wanted her to take over as Sheriff? She hadn’t even been here for 2 months. “Well, thanks. It’d be an honor to take over his position . . . I dunno if I am capable of that, though.” She made two in a row and added more chalk to her stick.

“Of course you are, you’re a great cop, Haught Stuff.” 

“Aw, thanks, Wynonna. I think that’s the nicest thing you have ever said to me,” she cooed, shooting and missing

“Yeah, don’t get used to it,” she laughed. She made her next three shots, finally missing on her fourth one. “Oooo, beat that,” she grinned, popping the “t”.

Nicole waved her hands in the air as she walked over to the table. “Ooo, you’re ahead by one, I’m so scared!”

“You should be because I’m gonna get some more shots. No cheatin’, Haught Shit.” Wynonna leaned her stick against the table and walked off. Nicole shook her head, rolling her eyes. She shot and missed. Sighing, she took a swig of her beer and checked her phone, seeing there was a text from Waverly.


Waves :  Hey, I’m really sorry about earlier. Idk why I got mad. I hope u have a good time with Wy tonight, I told her not to torture u too much


Nicole smiled. She was glad Waverly wasn’t mad anymore. It had really been stressing her out.


Nicole Haught ❤️ ❤️ : It's ok. I’m having more fun than I thought I would. Maybe she’s not that bad after all...

Waves :  See what u think after she has a few more drinks lol

Nicole Haught ❤️ ❤️ : Here she comes with more. Wish me luck lmao ❤️

Waves : U'll need it. TTYL



“Hey, Smiley, whatcha looking at?” Wynonna asked, walking up to Nicole with a tray of shots.

“Nothin’,” she mumbled with a smirk, shoving her phone back in her pocket and flicking her eyes down to the tray. “Holy shit, when you said you were getting more I didn’t think you meant a whole bottle!” She gawked at the 10 shots sitting on the tray of what looked like vodka this time.

“I thought you said you wanted to have some fun tonight?"

“I don’t think I’ve had this much fun since Academy,” Nicole mumbled, still shocked. “Well, at least with other people around.” She scratched the back of her neck.

“Aren’t you my age?” Wynonna huffed.

“26 . . .” she mumbled. She didn’t party a lot. She didn’t want to mess up her status as a police officer by doing something stupid.

“Girl, you need to get out more,” Wynonna said with a shake of her head, handing her a shot.

“Hey! I do get out. I just don’t need to drink to have fun,” Nicole defended, swallowing her 4th shot of the night and placing it upside down on the tray. “It's your turn,” she said, trying to get the taste out of her mouth. Wynonna downed two of hers and walked to the table, missing once again. Nicole figured the alcohol was starting to hit her, and walked up to the table to carefully line up her shot. She pulled back just enough and the red ball went straight into the pocket. She lined it up again and shot another perfect one. She grabbed a glass and downed it. “Woooo!”

“Yeah, yeah, we get it,” Wynonna grumbled, rolling her eyes. Nicole shot again, missing. “Ha,” Wynonna muttered. She finished the whiskey in her glass and walked up to the table. Tonight was obviously not her night, for she missed, sinking the cue ball. “I think the table’s crooked."

Nicole shot and knocked it in with ease. “Really?” I don't think so . . . Two more to go!” She teased, twirling her stick around. She flipped another shot glass before taking a shot.

“Aw, poor you,” Wynonna said with a sarcastic pout, patting her on the shoulder when she saw she missed.

“Aw, poor you,” Nicole mocked, taking a sip of beer. “Where’re we even goin’ after this?” A small slur was starting to creep through her voice.

“I dunno, wherever we end up,” Wynonna shrugged, shooting and knocking the white ball and one of Nicole’s in.

“Nice one, Earp,” Nicole laughed, clapping her shoulder. “Do they Uber out here?”

“Yeah, why?” she asked, taking a shot.

“I’ma need one to get home tonight.” She downed a shot and lined herself up on the table, almost knocking her beer over. Her final ball barely rolled into the pocket. “Top right!” she called, knocking in the eight ball in successfully. “WOOOO, SUCK IT EARP!!!” Nicole swallowed down her final shot and threw her arms in the air.

“Damn, Red, you talk to your mother with that mouth?” Wynonna mumbled, downing her final two shots on the tray.

“Nope,” Nicole sighed, leaning against the table.

“Oh . . . Sorry."

She shrugged. “It's fine, they all hate me, I hate them. That’s just how we do it.”

“Sounds like a blast . . . C'mon, let’s go have some real fun.” Wynonna let out an evil laugh and walked their empty glasses back to the bartender, slapping a $50 down. Nicole chugged the last of her beer and set her mug on the bar as Wynonna grabbed her arm and drug her out to her truck.

“You’re driving?” Nicole asked, taking a step back from her.

“You obviously can’t, Lightweight."

“Am not!”

“Ook, Haughty, get in the truck.”

After a 20-minute drive of drunken chit chat and six almost-crashes, they pulled up to Pussy Willows. Nicole got out first, cocking a brow at the sign on the front of the building. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been clubbing, but that was probably a good thing, though.  

“You ready?” Wynonna asked, walking around the front of the truck to her.

“I was born ready,” Nicole confirmed with a huge smile on her face. “Can I text Waverly first, though? She'll probably wanna know where we are.”

“Go for it,” Wynonna sighed, hopping on the hood.


Nicole Haught ❤️ ❤️ : Heeeey youuuu!

Waves : What did u do

Nicole Haught ❤️ ❤️ : What do u mean? The onluy thing I did wass desrtoy ur sister in pool haha

Waves : Oh ok. I thought u two were in jail and needed bail or something

Waves : What r u guys doing now?

Nicole Haught ❤️ ❤️ : Pussssyyyyyyy

Waves :  What…?

Nicole Haught ❤️ ❤️ : We’re clubbing girlllll

Waves : Ohhhh, Pussy Willows. Got it. 

Waves : Well, u guys go have fun, don’t do anything too stupid, please? Call me if u need anything ❤️

Nicole Haught ❤️ ❤️ : I wiill. Bye bye Waves!


She put her phone back in her pocket and walked over to Wynonna. “Ready!”

“Let’s do this!” They walked to the front of the line and Wynonna showed the bouncer her badge. He nodded and unclipped the rope so they could enter.

Nicole waved at him as they entered the dimly lit, foggy room. "Ooooo," she mumbled as she followed Wynonna up to the bar.

“Hey, Aphrodite, what can I get ya?” a shorter blonde lady asked from behind the bar.

“I told you to stop calling me that, Tana. I don't work here anymore,” she grumbled through her teeth.

“Sorry, I had to," she said with a chuckle.

“You worked here?!” Nicole gasped.

“Hey!” Wynonna whined, smacking in the general direction of Nicole. “Say it louder for the people in the back.”

“Sorry . . .”

“Get me a whiskey,” Wynonna sighed. “Haughty?”

“Jack and Coke,” she said, but both the bartender and Wynonna shot her a look.

“Are you sure ya need more tonight, Red?” Wynonna asked.


Tana sighed, pouring their drinks and serving them up anyways. “Ook, here y’all go.” They took their drinks and walked into the crowd.


.  .  .


It was now around 2 AM. Wynonna had thrown her guts up in the trash can near them and had headed off to the bathroom to clean herself up. Nicole was almost as trashed as Wynonna, but she was having too much fun to let it get to her. She barely knew what was going on or where she even was, but almost sobered up when she felt a pair of hands on her hips. She spun around and was met eye to eye with a younger brunette.

“You wanna show me those moves at my place, Baby?” the girl asked, pressing her body against Nicole’s.

“No, I don’t. I’m taken.” She lifted the girl's hands off her hips and dropped them with a disgusted scowl on her face.

The brunette rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Bitch.” She walked off, leaving Nicole speechless for a moment.

What had just happened? She was used to being hit on by people, but her own reaction was what shocked her. Taken? She wasn’t. Or . . . was she? 

The burn of alcohol hit her stomach like a ton of bricks. She let out a groan and stumbled back to the bar. “Gimme one shot of your hardest,” she slurred at the poor man behind the bar. He nodded and poured some she-didn’t-even-know-what into a shot glass. Nicole downed it and almost gagged. She shook her head and walked towards the direction she thought was the bathroom to try and find Wynonna. 

Her drunken directional skills proved to be right, for she bumped into Wynonna, who was just walking out. “We’re leaving,” Wynonna mumbled. Nicole nodded. She was now feeling as drunk, if not more, than before the interaction with that girl. Wynonna grabbed her hand and led them out of the back of the club. The smell outside was much nicer than the smell of weed and alcohol in the club. Nicole took a few deep breaths and stumbled along behind Wynonna, noticing they were in an alley.

“Well, well, well,” a deep voice growled behind them. Wynonna spun around, whipping out Peacemaker and trying to hold it steady. “The Earp Heir’s a drunk, just like her daddy.” He stepped closer to them. Nicole backed up, instinctively touching her hip, though there was no gun there. 

“Don’t talk about him like that,” Wynonna snapped, stepping closer to the shadowed figure.

She had seemed to be handling it, so Nicole stayed quiet, backing further away behind a dumpster and poking her head out. She accidentally fell against it trying to balance herself in a squat, rubbing her front against the outside of it and getting nasty smelling liquid all over her shirt. “Ewwwww!” she whined, wiping her hands off on her pants. 

“Bobo will be so happy when I deliver you to him,” the Revenant smirked, flashing his eyes and lunging at her. Wynonna stumbled out of the way just in time and kicked him in the back of the legs, causing him to fall forward onto his stomach.

She flipped him over and put her knee on his chest. “I don't think you’ll be deliverin’ anything to anyone ever again . . . Well, besides Mr. Lucifer.” He flashed his eyes at her again with a growl. She stood up with a laugh and placed Peacemaker against his forehead. “Have a safe trip!” She pulled the trigger, and a hole opened up in the ground and sucked him down in it.

“What the . . .” Nicole hauled herself up to her feet, stumbling out towards Wynonna.

She spun around with wide eyes. “Uhhhh . . . . . .” 

Nicole rubbed her eyes. “That shit he gave me must’ve been somethin' real weird, ‘cause I swear you-”

“Yep, let's go,” Wynonna interrupted. They stumbled out of the alley and headed towards Wynonna’s truck. “You stink, Haught Shit.”

"I fell down," she mumbled.

“Wynonna?” a voice called from behind them.

They turned to face her and squinted at the girl in the darkness.  “Chrissy?” they said in unison.

She let out a laugh. “Hey, guys! I didn’t expect to see you all the way out here!”

“We were havin’ a blast!” Nicole said with a huge grin on her face.

“I can see that.” Chrissy stopped in front of them and looked them over with wide eyes. “I was supposed to drive my friend home, but she left with some douche. You guys need a ride?”

“Sure do!” Wynonna answered with a grin. They both were so wasted that they were already forgetting everything that had happened. They climbed into the backseat of Chrissy’s car and she pulled out of the parking lot.

By the time she arrived at the Homestead, they were both passed out. She didn’t know what to do, so she went up and banged on the door.

After a few seconds, a very tired and upset Waverly answered. “Who the hell- Oh, hi Chrissy!” She pulled her blanket over her shoulders. “Why are you at my house at three in the morning?”

Chrissy let out a heavy sigh. “I kinda have your sister and that new red-headed cop passed out in the back of my car,” she mumbled. 

Waverly’s eyes widened. “Oh no.” She walked with Chrissy to her car and opened the left-hand door, causing Wynonna to flop halfway out the car and Nicole to slump into her lap. “I am so sorry, Chrissy,” Waverly mumbled, trying to push Wynonna to an upright position.

“Neither of them threw up in there, so it's fine,” she replied with a laugh. “You ready?”

“Yep.” Chrissy grabbed Wynonna under her arms and pulled her out slowly. Waverly grabbed her legs and they carried her into the house, upstairs, and set her down onto her bed.

“What do I do with that one? Do you have her address or something?” Chrissy asked as they walked outside.

“No . . . She can stay here for the night, I guess,” Waverly shrugged, hiding a smile.

“Ok. Where are we going with her?”

“Uh, my bed, I guess,” she shrugged. Chrissy nodded and leaned in, dragging Nicole’s top half out. They carried her up and dropped her onto Waverly’s bed.

“I think Nonna threw up on herself at some point,” Waverly grumbled, rubbing her face. “Do you mind putting some clean clothes on her?” 

Chrissy had done this before with both the Earp girls, so she knew the drill. “Yup,” she sighed, sulking out of the room.

Waverly put her hands on her hips as she looked towards her bed. Nicole had God knows what smeared down the front of her shirt and jeans and she really didn’t want it all over her bed. She walked to her closet and found an oversized hoodie with kittens all over it and a pair of navy sweatpants that she barely ever wore because they were too long for her. She grabbed both articles of clothing and threw them on the edge of the bed. 

It now hit her that she was going to be changing Nicole. It felt like she was breaking some kind of rule and that she wasn’t supposed to be doing this. Would Nicole be mad at her? No, she would be grateful that Waverly didn’t leave her in those nasty clothes. Right? 

“Screw it,” she mumbled to herself. She grabbed the clothes and moved them to her nightstand. Waverly kneeled on the bed next to Nicole, finally getting a good whiff of the dark-colored stain down her front. “Ugh,” she groaned as she untucked her shirt and started unbuttoning it. She got to the bottom button and pulled her shirt open. The liquid had soaked through her shirt and was all over her chest and stomach. “Yuck.”  

Waverly got up and walked to the bathroom, grabbing the baby wipes. She walked into Wynonna’s room, watching Chrissy yanking on Wynonna’s skinny jeans, trying to get them off her limp body. “You need some of these?” she asked with a laugh.

“Yeah,” Chrissy responded, out of breath.

“You get throw up, I get nasty garbage-smelling juice. I think that’s fair,” Waverly said with a nod.

“I did see them wander out of the alley behind the club. Who knows what they were doing back there,” Chrissy sighed, pulling some baby wipes out of the container.

Waverly’s eyes hardened and she shook her head. “They are in so much trouble tomorrow.” Waverly went back into her room, setting the wipes down on the nightstand. She walked to the edge of her bed and began untying Nicole’s shoe. She threw it to the side and moved to the other one. She had to smile at the socks. One had whales on it and the other had narwhals. She moved up to her jeans, straddling her lower legs. She undid her belt and threw it in the general direction of her shoes. She shifted her hands to the button, undoing it and then unzipping them. Grabbing the top hem of the jeans, she began to pull. She wiggled her hands back and forth trying to get them below her hips and was relieved when she finally got them down to her knees. She stopped for a second, glancing up.

She hadn’t imagined Nicole as a briefs kind of girl until now. "Hm, learn something new every day." 

Waverly climbed off the edge of the bed and grabbed one pant leg, pulling it down with all her might. When she slid it off her foot, she moved to the other one, doing the same thing. She grabbed the jeans and folded them, setting them with her other things. She straddled her again, properly this time, and pulled her up into a sitting position, wrapping one arm around her back to hold her up. Waverly slid the shirt off her arms and tossed it to the floor. She laid Nicole back down and climbed off her, folding the shirt and setting it on top of her jeans.

After grabbing the wipes, she pulled one out and began to wipe down her neck and chest. She slid down to her stomach, rubbing the wipe up and down the toned body of the Officer. It was shocking that her tight uniform could hide so much definition. She was trying to stay mature, but it was awful hard seeing the beautiful girl lying half-naked in front of her. Waverly climbed back off the bed and tossed the wipes in the trash can.  She took the sweatpants and slid them on Nicole’s body, letting out a breath of relief when they fit her nicely. She climbed on her, pulling her up again. She grabbed the hoodie and laid Nicole against her so she could unfold it. She slid it over her head and pulled her arms through the holes. “Done,” Waverly sighed, letting out a breath. She pulled the hood off Nicole’s head and carefully pulled her hair out. She laid her back down and crawled off her, scooting her up so she was on the pillow and covered her up. She walked back to Wynonna’s room, seeing Chrissy standing at the edge of the bed, admiring her hard work. 

“We did it!” she laughed when Waverly walked in. 

Waverly gave her a high five. “And I am exhausted. You can crash downstairs if you want,” she offered.

“Already planned on it. I have a bag of clothes in my car, be right back.” Chrissy turned out of the room and walked downstairs.

Waverly followed, poking her head down the stairs. “I’m gonna get their pills ready. They’ll need ‘em tomorrow.”

“Good idea,” Chrissy called from the front door.  

Waverly walked to the sink and poured 2 cups of water, carrying them back upstairs. She set one in Wynonna’s room and one in her own. She walked to the bathroom and grabbed two bottles of medicine, dispatching them the same way. She walked to her closet and changed her shirt, for she had still managed to get whatever was all over Nicole all over herself. She found Nicole’s hoodie she had thrown off earlier in anger and put it back on, smelling it with a smile. 

“Goodnight, Waverly!” Chrissy called from downstairs.

“Goodnight! Thanks for bringing them home safely!”

“No problem!” 

Waverly shut the light off and crawled into bed, moving Nicole’s arm out of the way. She really was glad Chrissy had found them when she did. Wynonna was probably going to try to drive them home and it most likely would not have turned out pretty if she did. Wynonna was safe. Nicole was safe. What more could she ask for? Waverly let out a heavy sigh and soon drifted off to sleep after she scooted closer to Nicole’s still passed out body.


.  .  .


Nicole’s eyes slightly opened, her brain immediately throbbing from the light shining in them. She let out a loud groan and shifted herself to her side, facing away from the window. 


The window in Nicole’s room was behind her bed. She opened her eyes once again, scanning the room she was in. It was obviously not hers. She rubbed her eyes, wincing from the bruise. She looked to her right and saw a body lying next to her, letting out a gasp.

What had she done last night? 

She paused for a second in thought as her brain continued to piece some things together. 

She felt like she had been here before. 

It took a moment, but Nicole relaxed when she realized it was Waverly’s room and that it was Waverly next to her. She slumped back against the mattress with a pained groan. “How did I get here?” she muttered to herself.

“Chrissy and I carried you up here after you passed out in the back of her car,” Waverly mumbled back, scaring the living shit out of her. She rolled over, and Nicole let out a breath, turning to face her.

“What happened last night?” she groaned, rubbing her forehead. She pulled her arm back, looking at her sleeve. She sat up very quickly and pulled the blanket down, looking at her pants. “Where’re my clothes?”

Waverly sat up with a sigh. “Here, I'll sum it up for you. You and Wy were at Shorty’s playing pool. You got bored. Drove already drunk to Pussy Willows. You were there for a good three hours and got wasted off your ass. Chrissy found you two after you staggered out of the back alley. You were covered in garbage liquid. Wynonna was covered in throw up. She drove you guys here, but you both had passed out in the back seat of her car. We brought you both inside. I changed you and wiped you off because I was not getting that nasty shit on my bed. I went to bed exhausted, thanks for that. And now we're here.” Waverly nodded towards her nightstand. “Pills are right there, by the way . . . Do you remember any of that?”

“Nope, not really,” Nicole sighed, reaching for the medicine.

“Figured you wouldn't,” she said with a little laugh.

“My head hurts,” Nicole mumbled, laying back down after swallowing the pills and pulling the hood over her head.

"I, uh, I hope you don't mind that I changed you," Waverly mumbled, scooting closer to her and rubbing her thumb over her hand.

"Well, judging by how bad I smell right now, I’m gonna thank you for it," Nicole mumbled with a little smirk. "As long as you liked what you saw."

Waverly giggled a little. "Mhm, sure did." She snuggled even closer to Nicole. "You can shower here if you want," she suggested.

"Alright," she sighed, slowly sitting up again. "What time is it?" 

"Quarter till nine," Waverly answered, standing up and stretching.

Nicole swung her legs off the edge of the bed. "I have to be at work at 10." She stood slowly, grabbing her head. "Shit, my car is still at Shorty's, ain’t it?"

"I think so. D’you want me to call Dolls and ask him to drive it here?" 

"Yeah, that'd be nice . . . I'm gonna shower.” She winked at Waverly before turning out of the room. “I'm keeping this hoodie, by the way."