
Wedding Plans

Bara didn't like the idea of ​​his parents. They set him up with a girl. If he didn't want to hide his deviant sexual orientation, maybe Bara will have a duel with her father for having arranged his life. Bara was not young anymore. He was now 35 years old. He was free to determine his future. No need to overshadow by his parents.

Bara came to the office. His beautiful secretary welcomed him. As usual Dian greeted him with a flirtatious smile. Dian knew that Bara was gay, so she liked teasing her boss.

"Dian I will wait in my room," said Bara as he walked to his room.

Shortly thereafter, Dian followed Bara into the room.

"Yes, boss. May I help you?" joked Dian teased Bara.

Dian knew her boss would not be tempted, only excited to see a handsome and clean man.

"Yes. You are the one I want to beat up," said Bara flatly in response to Dian's teasing.

"Before Boss hits me I'll kiss Boss first."

"I will not be tempted by your seduction. I want to have a serious talk with you. How is the progress of my vote count?" Bara predicted his vote in the election for the people's representatives.

"Boss is competing with Dito from the red moon party. The voice of boss and him slipped into each other. But in region B and A, boss won hands down."

"Do you think I will win?"

"I think boss will win. Because Boss's competitors are far behind except for Dito."

"If I win, I will take you to be a secretary and an assistant on the board."

"Why is that boss? What about the office?"

"That can be arranged."

"Won't you have your own secretary, boss?"

"I don't believe in other people. I only believe in you. Even though you are flirtatious, I rely on you," Bara said flatly without expression.

"You praised me or insulted me?" asked Dian, while leaning her body closer to Bara.

Dian took a sitting position at the table while Bara took the chair. Dian's legs straddled. If Bara was a normal male he would probably eat Dian. Whether because Bara was gay or not, Dian was very brave enough to tease her boss.

"Dian please guard your attitude."

"What if I don't want to boss?" said Dian sensually in Bara's ear.

Dian always teased Bara so that the man would return to his nature of liking women. Too bad a man as handsome and rich as Bara had to be a gay. Dian was sad to see her handsome boss have to surrender in the hands of men.

"It's useless to tease me. You will never succeed. Don't waste your energy making me normal. Hasn't it been five years that you have been doing it? The proof is I am not tempted to touch you."

Dian bursted out laughing. What Bara said was true. Dian had tried to tease Bara but her boss never paid attention.

Dian used to put her heart on Bara but her love gradually lost because this man was difficult to heal.

When she found out that her boss was gay, Dian was disgusted. Teasing Bara on a whim. It's useless trying because it won't change Bara's deviant behavior.

"I know boss. My head gets dizzy if I don't tease you."


"I'm just flirting with you, Boss."

"Don't joke. Sit on the chair! I want to have a serious talk with you."

Dian followed Bara to sit on the sofa.

"How about our new project permit?"

"Still in process, boss. Waiting for approval."

"Why did it take so long? You didn't give them bribes? Remember when dealing with the government you have to be diligent about giving them money to run smoothly."

"It's been done by you. Be patient boss. Don't get angry. You're in a bad mood. What happened?"

Bara crossed his arms. He massaged his head which happened to be sick. Matchmaking problems made him angry and upset to his parents. Dian touched Bara's shoulder gently.

"Tell me why boss?"

Bara raised an eyebrow. The man hesitated to tell the problem.

"Boss, don't hesitate to tell me. Don't I know all the boss's problems?"

"Make me a coffee, only then I'll tell you."

Dian stepped into the pantry to make coffee. Soon Dian returned with coffee and biscuits.

Dian served coffee and biscuits on the table. Bara drank his coffee little by little. The coffee was still hot. Bara was afraid that his tongue would blister if he drank too hot coffee.

Dian knew how to serve an Aldebaran. Bara's full name was Aldebaran. The woman knew Bara inside and out. What Bara liked and didn't. Bara's mother thought that they were lovers.

Bara's Mama and Papa will bless their relationship, but all of that was only hope. Bara and Dian were just superiors and subordinates. They have already clarified their relationship to Bara's parents.

"Do you feel better, boss?" Dian crossed her arms to stare at Bara's handsome face. Only if this handsome boss were a normal man.

"Not bad. I'm having a lot of thoughts. I fought ... ...."

"Fought?" Dian cut off curiously.

"I fought with my parents."

"How come boss?" Dian's eyes widened in disbelief. An Aldebaran can be a rebellious child.

As depraved as Bara, who justified any means to achieve his goals, will not dare to argue with his parents ..

"How comr boss be a rebellious child?" said Dian teasing Bara.

"I'm sorry Dian."

"Sorry for what boss?" Dian's mouth was wide open, waiting for Bara's story.

"Sorry for not accepting your invitation to marry in order to cover up my sexual orientation. Now I am being matched by my father and mother," said Bara, whilst bowing down.

"WHAT?" Dian could not hide her shock. Her heart was broken. Jealousy arose in her heart, but Dian immediately realized.

"Boss has never heard of me. If you want to marry me, you don't have to worry if your wife finds out that boss is gay."

"That's why regret that I didn't listen to your idea. If we married it wouldn't have been like this."

"Regret always comes at the end, boss. If at the beginning then it's registration. Then what is boss's plan?"

"Like it or not I have to agree to this marriage because my Papa was already suspicious. Earlier my father had accused me of being gay. If I refused, then my father would be more suspicious. You know who my Papa is. Stubborn and ambitious. My character descended from him. "

"What if I meet a woman who is going to be arranged with you, boss? I will admit to being the boss's lover. How?" Dian raised an eyebrow. Dian was very enthusiastic about canceling Bara's matchmaking plan.

"It's useless Dian. That woman was also forced by her parents to accept this arranged marriage. She will definitely ask me to cancel this marriage. I can't afford to do all that. My family traditions are messed up. If both parties agree then this marriage can't be cancelled. This marriage does not only involve the bride and groom, but also involves both family parties. If the extended family has taken part, this marriage is difficult to cancel. The customary sanction to cancel the matchmaking that has been agreed by the two families of the prospective bride and groom is no joke. "

Dian nodded to hear the explanation from Bara. Honestly, she didn't understand the wedding customs in P town because she was from B town.

"I order you to find out who my future wife is and how she is!" commanded Bara to throw a brown envelope on the table. In the envelope was the personal data of Fadila Elvarette, his future wife. Bara did not have time to see the envelope, so carelessly.

"Fine boss," replied Dian briefly without rebuttal. The beautiful secretary immediately took the envelope that Bara had thrown and opened it.