


Ahad glanced at Kanwal's scowling face once again and closed his eyes. She hasn't spoken a single word since they got on the plane and he has a very good idea that she will not be going to speak anytime soon. Well, he couldn't blame her for this as he was the one who forced her to go with him. So what if he had to carry her on his shoulder all the way from house to car and car to plane, as long as he was satisfied to have Kanwal by his side. It was necessary for her to move from Shareefabad or it's what Ahad thinks or perhaps for himself too. Or else he feared he will continuously question himself about what Moosa said that day related to Mahnoor.

But how can closing your eyes from the storm could actually stop the storm and since when had he become such a coward to be running away from something? Questions after questions, there is no place to hide from your own consciousness.