
I Pull Him In For A Hug

My whole attention is on her and that she isn't moving. Tears stream down my face and hits her face in droplets but she still remained unmoved. I've to get her to the hospital and hope she doesn't bleed out even though the bullet had struck her in the shoulder

  "Emmy baby, please be okay."

ut remembering Jack shooting me, I'm grateful to be alive. But is my baby?

My good hand goes to my belly where I feel the bulge of life still inside. Thank God. This baby means everything to me. He and James. The two men in my life.

Seeing Jack with him and the gun, I couldn't have stopped my scream. I'd been so happy and excited that everything was working out to plan. I had caught an early flight and then chartered a cab to take me to his office. 

Walking in on Jack holding good in his hand, the thought racing through my mind then was that he was going to hurt him. Feeling helpless