
Moving On

my heart aches as the books turned into cold pages

stitched to memories that were torn

all the moments shared were made into ashes

as heart were fragile and left broken into pieces

I could still remember how we've locked ourselves up

dancing under the rhythm of our hearts

slowly but passionately

I was in between of your embrace

we were laughing

we felt infinite

all the dates when we're together

came across my minds

a day, month and year with you

seemed to be a lifetime for me


it is a lifetime

of our story


I regret making bad decisions

I regret that very moment when I turned your world upside down

and that very moment when I chose to be the one who walked away just for the sake of our good

to the cold and unknown future we can't seemed to comprehend

nights will never be the same

days will never be warm as they should be

mind couldn't think one proper thing

heart couldn't feel the same things

it's all soaked, shattered

left beautifully broken

perfectly scarred

one thing I also regret is writing this

my mind overthink things

my heart overfeel things

maybe, I should

maybe, I shouldn't

writing this is a part of the process

and I know that

baby one thing to forget you

is to write about me, you and us