
17>< He just had to go and look at me like that.


I squirmed in my blankets, tossing and turning over and over. Endlessly. Levi had to go stare at me like that today. Just thinking of the raw desire in his eyes melted my core and a liquid heat coated my panties. I moaned as I turned again, the sheets a little too warm for my liking.

I kicked them off and my mind went back to this afternoon. I noticed Levi's head turn in my direction but I didn't notice him looking at me because I was glued to the screen.

A scene that liked came on and I turned to Levi to say something but then I found him burning my body with his eyes. I felt throbbing in my underwear and a fine coat of liquid heat spread. I went hot all over. Christ, Levi was hot.

I wanted him to do something so bad that it hurt. Probably revenge for the first time I stared at him that first morning in my house ........... but back then I was just observing him, not imagining him nude in my bed.