
You & 1: Part 2

A story about three freshmen; Pan, Han and Yara, who become friends while they enroll at the Intertech Institute. Pan, who had a bitter past, met Yara, an innocent but feisty girl who lives far from home. Together, they create a bond with Han, a beagle-like boy with a cool personality. Unknowingly from others, each of them holds the deepest secret. Pan had a dark past which related to one of the faculty's seniors named Zee. After they meet each other during the orientation program, Pan always acts anxious around him, causing their circle of friends to put suspicion about them. At the same time, two men are trying to pursue her; Cray, the Economy Moon and Aye Yi, the sophomore senior. Han, on the other hand, falls for a notorious player of the faculty named Kim after an unexpected encounter with the senior. However, the senior never had a relationship with a man before and keeps hurting Han with his act and words. For Yara, she is trying to put her past behind her once she enrolled at the InterTech. She even creates a new identity and personality for herself so she can start fresh. But it seems like her past keeps haunting her. After a night out, a series of unexpected things happened to these three freshmen. They end up tangled with some people within their circle, making their life mix up with bittersweet events. Can they survive the freshman year at InterTech? Who will Pan choose in the end? Will Han manage to date Kim? And, can Yara finally put an end to her past life? *** Att: Slow update. Long burn story.

anya_mac69 · Urban
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Side Track- ZeePan


I wanna pull her hand so bad, so she can leave her friends faster. The urge to talk to her stacks piece by piece in my heart after what I see at the basketball court.


He seems in a hurry, but I know if he forces me, I won't like it. He knows me well enough to treat me with respect. Or else, there will be a fight tonight. I can see his lips tremble like he has been holding something inside.

"Talk," Pan halts when she feels the distance between them and her friends is far enough.

Zee glares at her and smacks his lips before sipping the air deep.

"I wanna see your book,"

With no argument, Pan hands out her book. Zee takes it and flips page by page.

"Only a few left. I can make it even before the deadline," she says in a calm tone.

"There is not much of girls' signature..."

"What choice do I have if they refuse to sign?" Pan replies.

Zee holds the book in his hand. He stares at Pan.

"I know this is not my business, but I hope you can tone down your social life," he says.

"I don't get it," Pan answers in short.

"I saw what happened at the basketball court."

"So, you're stalking me..."

"I'm not. Just happened to be in the right place, at the right time,"

Pan shakes her head in disbelief.

"It's not enough that you're close with the Econ Moon, you wanna be close with another man?"

"So you believe the rumor?"

"I saw him pick you up the other night,"

"We met each other that night as well. Should I argue about that too?"

Zee shuts himself. His eyes pierce deep into her sight.

"I... I just wanna remind you about your mission. Don't stray away from that. You had a promise with Shu..."

"I'm not that stupid, Zee. I know my ground. I'm not a teen anymore," Pan starts getting annoyed. She wants to put him in his place, but she doesn't wanna be rude.


I know I shouldn't care much about her. But, seeing her mingled around them makes me feel insecure. I wanna protect her but I'm nobody to her. Those boys... They are threats to her.


Why are you treating me like I still belong to you? I have my business, and so do you! Now I feel more insecure because of this!

"Fine. I won't interfere anymore. But, please take care of yourself. For Shu,"

"No need to remind me about that. And stop using Shu's name to threaten me,"

"Shu is important..."

"For me. Not for you,"

The air goes silent. Zee sighs a bit. He then grits his teeth and...


He hands the book to Pan. She is about to grab the book, but suddenly Zee pulls it tight. They are having a mini tug-a-war session for a moment.

"Be careful..." Zee gives her a soft reminder.

Pan leans closer to Zee, staring deep into his eyes. Her lips crook up a bit while tilting her head to the side.

"I know how it feels to get hurt, I learned my lesson. So, don't worry..." her smile fades from her face. "I'm not that innocent," Pan yanks the book in a harsh gesture from Zee.


How should I tell her about my feelings?


Zee, tell me what's inside your mind...

"I gotta go now," says Zee. He turns around and walks away. Pan shuts her eyes tight and breathes in deeply.


The man turns around.


"For what?!" the man yells as he is already far from her. Pan halts a bit, eyes moving to the side. She bites her lips.

"For the basketball practice!"

Zee stuns. He stares at Pan. The girl nods and lifts her shoulder a bit. Slowly, Zee draws a tiny smile on his face.


So, you did remember it, Pan...


I'll never forget that, Zee...