
You & 1: Part 2

A story about three freshmen; Pan, Han and Yara, who become friends while they enroll at the Intertech Institute. Pan, who had a bitter past, met Yara, an innocent but feisty girl who lives far from home. Together, they create a bond with Han, a beagle-like boy with a cool personality. Unknowingly from others, each of them holds the deepest secret. Pan had a dark past which related to one of the faculty's seniors named Zee. After they meet each other during the orientation program, Pan always acts anxious around him, causing their circle of friends to put suspicion about them. At the same time, two men are trying to pursue her; Cray, the Economy Moon and Aye Yi, the sophomore senior. Han, on the other hand, falls for a notorious player of the faculty named Kim after an unexpected encounter with the senior. However, the senior never had a relationship with a man before and keeps hurting Han with his act and words. For Yara, she is trying to put her past behind her once she enrolled at the InterTech. She even creates a new identity and personality for herself so she can start fresh. But it seems like her past keeps haunting her. After a night out, a series of unexpected things happened to these three freshmen. They end up tangled with some people within their circle, making their life mix up with bittersweet events. Can they survive the freshman year at InterTech? Who will Pan choose in the end? Will Han manage to date Kim? And, can Yara finally put an end to her past life? *** Att: Slow update. Long burn story.

anya_mac69 · Urban
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

36- Han's Virtue

"So, you guys have a new mentor?" asks Han. Pan nods, slowly skims at Yara.

"You know..." Pan making a gesture, calling Han so the man can get closer. "I think... Yara and him... They have something..."

"Pan!" Yara jerks up from her chair and claps Pan's mouth with her palm. They wrestle a bit, Yara is trying to conceal information from Pan, who lets out a funny laugh.

Han watches her two bestfriends bicker like two puppies fighting for a bone. He chuckles as he glares casually on his phone.

"Waiting for a phone call?" suddenly, Pan asks. She manages to held Yara so the girl can stop harrasing her. Han nods in tiny. He flashes a naughty smile at them.

"A delivery, actually..." he sheepishly smile.

"A delivery?" asks Yara. She sits properly and fixes her white shirt. Han laughs in tiny.

Han's phone finally bursts. He picks the call in jolly.

"Where?" the caller asks. Han can't hide his wide smile, eyes looking at the door.

"Where are you?" he softly asks the caller.

"Third floor. A3-02,"


"Got it..."

Call ends.

Yara and Pan exchange look.

A few moments later, someone slides open the door. But, only a hand that holds a cup of raspberry ice tea is visible.

"Show yourself. No one is here..." says Han. At the same time, he signals Pan and Yara not to make a noise.

The person slowly appears in front of the door. When those brown eyes notice the existence of Yara and Pan, the shocking face can't be hide anymore.

Han laughs a bit. Yara's jaw drops somewhere on the floor. Pan bursts into a deep chest chuckle.

"Let me fetch it," Han rises from his chair. Leaving Pan, still laughing and Yara who is in deep confuse mind.

"Is that Senior Kim? Why is he here? Don't tell me he's stalking you. Imma kill him for good!" Pan stops Yara from leaving her seat.

"Chill. He came for Han. Can't you see he's delivering tea to him?" Pan wiggles her brows. Yara points her finger at the door.

"What's his deal with Han?"

Pan smiles. She just realizes that Yara is still in cloud about the incident between Han and Kim.

"Hmm... That night after the party... They slept together," Pan softly explains to Yara.



"Here!" Kim almost smacks the tea to Han. The boy grabs the tea and sheepishly smile at him. Kim still looks fuming, standing in front of the class with pinkish cheek.

"Why are you blushing, senior? Are you shy?" Han teases Kim.

"Blushing my ass! It's 40° out there!"

Han leans closer to Kim. Softly, he uses his hand to wipe Kim's sweating forehead. The boy quickly jolts away from Han.

"Ai sutt! Get away from me!"

"What did I do? I just taking care of you..."

"No need to!" Kim swats away Han's hand.

Han grins softly at Kim. He leans even more closer to the man. Instead of listening to Kim's warning, he keeps on dabbing the sweat away from Kim's forehead. After a while, he fixes the man's hair and check upon him casually.

Kim's gut churns when Han's scented neck abuses his nose. He can't help but feeling somehow electrocuted by the closeness between them. Eyes staring at each other as he witnesses Han's attentiveness towards him. All this time, it's him in that position. The one who is taking care of others.

Never the counter part.

Realizing the abnormal situation, Kim suddenly pushed Han away from him. The feeling and thoughts makes him shy all of a sudden. He slaps his face in his mind.

"That's enough!" Kim stops Han from doing what he did. Han taken aback by Kim's reaction. This man is definitely a stubborn lad.

"I'm just taking care of you, senior!"

"I'm not a kid! Stop caring so much..."

"When it comes to a person that I have a good feeling, I want to care and protect them with all my heart," Han brushes Kim's hair with care. "Can't you see that I'm hitting on you, senior?"

Kim's eyes get wide. Han's glistening eyes pierce deep into his soul. He can see how sincere the younger about his feeling. But, all this... It feels awkward to him.

"Gotta go now!" Kim grabs his bag tight and stomps his feet, leaving Han chuckles alone in front of the classroom.

"Senior Kim!"

Kim turns back.

"Thanks for the drink. Love ya!"

Kim frowns, showing his middle finger at Han. The boy laughs in tiny, shaking his head while watching the man slowly disappear from his sight.


Inside the classroom, Yara almost fainted when she saw the little BL drama scene between Han and Kim. She claws Pan's forearm until it almost got bruise.

"Yara, my hand is bleeding..." Pan whines. Yara quickly let her hand go.

"This is new to me..."

"I know..." Pan smiles at Yara. "Are they the cutest?" she shrieks. Yara frowns, her face is in a panic mode.

"Well..." she can't utters more words for it. Looking at Pan in her shipper mode, she feels somehow awkward with the situation.

"What are you guys doing here?" Han's sudden appearance makes them jump in place. Yara backs off quite far from him, while Pan still in her BL girl mode.

"Well... Of course we were watching a love scene, fresh out of a BL series! What should we name the series... My Love, Senior? Hate to Love You, Senior?" Pan teases Han. The boy glances at her, smiling while sipping the tea.

"I... I'm still in daze... What... Just.... Happening?" says Yara, slowly tries to change the setting in her mind.

"Okay... See... I think I should explain this properly. I'm pursuing Senior Kim now. I try my best to hit on him. It's quite challenging because he's one of the stubborn cow I ever met in my life. However, my heart has made the decision for me, so that's where I stand," he generously explains his feelings to Yara.

"Wait... I thought you like Pan!"

Pan gazes at Han with her sharp side eyes. Han clicks his tongue and shakes his head in tiny.

"I do like Pan. But, not in that way..."

"What do you mean?" asks Yara.

"I adore her. I respect her. I admire her braveness and boldness. She is like... An idol to me. I like someone like Pan. But, not in a way like I feel with Senior Kim," says Han.

Yara pauses, trying to process all the information from today's incident. Perhaps this is too unfamiliar for her; she lives in a world where everything adheres to the norm.

"I know this is strange for someone like you. When you first found out my mom is bisexual, you reacted the same way. I'm not blaming you, though! I've been living in that prejudiced society for so long," Han grabs a chair and sits calmly.

I think it's time for Yara to learn a few things about life... Pan whispers to herself. She slowly hands Yara a chair so they can sit down and talk heart-to-heart about it.

"This is new to me," Yara softly utters. Han nods, his lips still smiling while looking at Yara's innocent face.

"It's fine, Yara. One thing that I feel grateful for knowing you is, you never judge even after learning about my background. Between me and Senior Kim, everything is new. I bet by now, he must be in a daze like you. He's never been in a relationship with a man, as far as I know. So, I have to convince him about it," says Han.

"But Han... How will you do that? I mean, it's not easy to make someone fall for you, let alone in a situation like this," Pan expresses her concern.

"Pan, love is love. There is no prejudice. I know it's like hiking a mountain for me to make Senior Kim fall in love with me. But, I don't want to give up my feelings for him just because society says so. I will make it happen," Pan softly grabs Han's palm, a sign of her being supportive towards his feelings.

"I... How can you fall for a jerk like him! Sheesh!" Yara gushes. Han laughs slightly, watching his friend's reaction.

"There is something about him that only I knew about it," Han playfully smirks.

"Oi... Oi... Man in love, please have mercy on single soul like us!" Pan cries her laugh out. Han can't help but blushing a bit.

"It's fun to see someone in love..." Yara slowly spurs a remark. Finally, she lets a grin escape from her face.

"You can have the same experience with Aye Yi..." Pan teases her. Yara smucks and glares at Pan.

"Ew... He's not my type!"

"Oh really??? Then, who is your type?" Han takes a chance to tease Yara back. The girl blinks in blanks.

"Maybe you like Senior Seth..."

"No! Ew!" Her whole body jerks when Pan mentioned the name.

"My mom said, you'll get what you hate..."


Pan and Han laugh along. Teasing Yara has always been entertaining for them.

The day passes by with a new things to learn and a fun day with friends.
