
You & 1: Part 2

A story about three freshmen; Pan, Han and Yara, who become friends while they enroll at the Intertech Institute. Pan, who had a bitter past, met Yara, an innocent but feisty girl who lives far from home. Together, they create a bond with Han, a beagle-like boy with a cool personality. Unknowingly from others, each of them holds the deepest secret. Pan had a dark past which related to one of the faculty's seniors named Zee. After they meet each other during the orientation program, Pan always acts anxious around him, causing their circle of friends to put suspicion about them. At the same time, two men are trying to pursue her; Cray, the Economy Moon and Aye Yi, the sophomore senior. Han, on the other hand, falls for a notorious player of the faculty named Kim after an unexpected encounter with the senior. However, the senior never had a relationship with a man before and keeps hurting Han with his act and words. For Yara, she is trying to put her past behind her once she enrolled at the InterTech. She even creates a new identity and personality for herself so she can start fresh. But it seems like her past keeps haunting her. After a night out, a series of unexpected things happened to these three freshmen. They end up tangled with some people within their circle, making their life mix up with bittersweet events. Can they survive the freshman year at InterTech? Who will Pan choose in the end? Will Han manage to date Kim? And, can Yara finally put an end to her past life? *** Att: Slow update. Long burn story.

anya_mac69 · Urban
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56 Chs

32- Straight or Bend?

She stares at the plate. It looks tasty. The chicken looks juicy and the rice is fluffy. She digs in slowly after saying a grace of gratitude for the food.


Pan nods. She is a simple girl with a simple taste. Hainan chicken rice will always be her go-to meal. It's light, simple, tasty and healthy.

"Why did you never tell me about Shu?"

Pan drops her cutlery.

Too bad for her, even how simple she is, her life is complicated. Unlike her and her preference.

Pan's eyes shift to Cray. The man hangs his chin on his palm and stares at her. A cup of Americano seems untouched because ever since the drink arrived at their table, the lid has not been open yet.

"Is it important for you?"


Pan sighs. She smacks her lips a few times. Sipping her lemonade to wash her throat a bit.

"I think I would rather keep my personal life a secret," she replies.

"Even from your friends?"

Pan nods. She looks down, playing with her fork.


"Because it's complicated. And, I'm not ready to answer any questions about Shu," Pan simply replies without hesitation. "Besides, I wanna protect my family. The less people know about them, the better," she continues.

"It's unfair for Shu. I mean, you seem like you wanna hide her from the public,"

"If you suggest that I am ashamed to have a daughter at such a young age, then you're wrong. I'm doing this for her own good," Pan's note is getting serious.

"What about her father?"

She puts her cutlery again, this time, for good.

"I know I'm asking too much-" Cray softly grabs her hand. "But, I just wanna know you more. You do realize that I'm pursuing you now. So, I wanna know everything," he watches her earnestly.

Pan sighs. She pulls her hand carefully. Looking down at her shoes.

"You have a problem with me having a kid?"

"No... I just want to make sure that her father will never interfere between us,"

"He has his rights as Shu's father no matter what. Whether you like it or not, eventually, he will be a part of our life," says Pan.

"So, you still keep in touch with him?" Cray's inquiry makes Pan halts for a while. She frowns, trying to jumble words so it won't look awkward.

Finally, she nods her head in faint.

"I don't know how to explain, but yeah, we still talking to each other. Before this, we're not. But, now we do," says Pan.

Hearing her makes Cray turns bitter.

"I hope it's all about Shu and nothing else," he says.

Pan gives the man a deathly stare.

"Don't tell me you're jealous,"

"Yes, I am."

For that, the table falls into a deep silence.

"I am a straightforward person. If I said, I'm jealous, I am jealous. I won't conceal it. Even though I'm only in a talking phase with you, I'll do everything to show you how serious I am," Cray finally speaks his mind after a long pause.

Pan held a huge sigh. She looks bummer but there is no much response coming from her.

"I'm sorry, Cray, if I ever hurting your feelings..."

Cray grabs her hand again, this time it's even tighter.

"I just want you to see how serious I am with my feelings for you."

Pan nods. She gives him a faint smile.

"Let's continue eating, okay?" Cray pushes Pan's plate closer to her.


Kim slowly climbs the stairs with a huge box in his embrace. He tries his best to balance both his body and the box. Yet, he almost stumbles back.

Luckily, a pair of hands manage to catch him before he rolls down the stairs.

"Fuh, I'm almost this close to crack my ass!"

"Only I can crack that ass..."

Kim startled and jumped a bit to the front. He almost drops the box, but his saviour manages to grab both him and the box. Kim now gets sandwiched between the box and the man.

"Let me go!" he rants

"You will fall if I let you go, Senior..."

"I'd rather kiss the floor!"

"I'd rather kiss you..." Han smirks. Kim swats him with a sharp glare. Slowly, he lets go the man so he can stand on his feet.

"Just because we fucked..." Kim tones down his voice so no one can hear them. "You can't assume that I will let your hands all over me!" he continues, finger pokes at Han's chest.

"I already passed that zone, Senior Kim..." Han glares at Kim and flashes his naughty smirk. "As a matter of fact, I did pass the first base, second base... Final base..."

Kim tries to suppress his anger. Or maybe, his lust at this point. Han already knows his pick points. One caress and that's it. He's done for it.

Dangerous alert goes beep.

"I don't care! Hands off me!"

"I didn't even touch you..."

"Early warning in the future!" Kim says.

Han moves a few steps back from Kim. He purposely gave him a room to breathe. Right now, the senior almost burst his head off. His red cheek explains everything.

"I'll spare you this time, Senior Kim. Because you're blushing so hard, your head looks almost burst," Han teases Kim.

"Who's blushing?! I'm not! I'm angry right now!" Kim stomps his feet and walks away from there.

Han laughs in tiny. It's fun to tease the person that we like. Today, he learns the fun, so damn well!