
Chapter SEVEN

Isabelle’s POV

I had trouble sleeping for nearly two days because of Jericko's wink the other night. And since I woke up around noon again, I decided not to go to work today. I texted my boss to let him know I'll be working from home.

I'm currently enjoying brunch and will begin working later. I'm not sure why what Jericko did keeps running through my head.

My cell phone rang as I was daydreaming. I answer the phone and see that Jena is the caller.

I took her call and said, "Good morning."

"Isabelle, what is good in the morning?" she answered. "Why don't you report to work?”

“I'm sorry Jena, but recently I've been experiencing trouble sleeping. I woke up at noon.”

"What kept you from sleeping, exactly?" she inquired.

I took a brief break since I couldn't tell Jena that Jericko was the reason.

“Are you still there, Isabelle? Why are you unable to respond to my question? Don’t tell me that the guy in the bar is the reason again!”