

A week has passed since the graduation and everyone was preparing for not only the wedding, which would take place within a weeks time, but they were also preparing for the Employee and Shareholders ball.

The employees were excited and full of talk about what they were going to wear, the hair styles. Even some talked about talking to the CEO and rubbing elbows with some of the Shareholders.

Mr. Kim wasn't a mean, dictating slave driver as some CEO's you've seen in movies, dramas or in novels. He was easy going, calm and of course very handsome for a man in his fifties. He would only turn cold and evil when it came down to business and his family.

"Mrs. Shaw, could you please call President Kim to my office?" He asked his secretary " Yes sir Mr. Kim." She replied.

Ten minutes later Dontae knocked on the door. He walked in tall, confident and calm. He had a cold stare in his eyes. He walked to the front of his father's desk and bowed.

"How may I be of service to CEO Kim?" He asked

Mr. Kim looked up from his work and smiled at Dontae. He motioned him to the big white couch to the right in his office.

" I didn't call you in for anything specific. I just wanted to hang out with my son for a while." He said " How's the wedding planning?" He continued.

Dontae eyes brightened as he got excited about the approaching wedding.

They sat down and Dontae began to talk. "Everything's going well. The venue is awesome. The ceremony will take place by the pool. It has a waterfall, so it will be tranquil. The reception will be held in a spacious ball room with huge crystal chandeliers and we will have Korean, Cuban and American foods. Did you enjoy the Lechon Asado Con Mojo?"

"Yeah, that was the best pork I've ever had. Will that be on the menu?"

" Yes! Amari and I are going to have a dance battle with our attendees. We're going to see who's the best dancer in the relationship!"

" I love you son, but you will not win that battle. I've seen Amari dance and she's got moves." He laughed as he put his hand on Dontae's shoulder.

" Whatever, I've got a secret move that will blow everyone's mind." He laughed. " Dad, on a serious note. I know that I've invited Inu to the wedding, but could you please just for my wedding day, send her to Miami to work on the William's Housing project? Amari doesn't like her and I know that she really doesn't want her there. She's just being polite and understanding of me. I don't want any problems or mishaps on this day. Could you please send her away and tell her it's of the most importance that she go there. Please dad?" He asked.

Mr. Kim looked upset. His eyes got cold on hearing Inu's name. His smile disappeared and he began to frown. His nostrils began to flare.

" Sure. i would've fired her already because of what happened in your office. I dont like scheming people and I think she's no exception. Everyone knows that she has a crush on you, but to disrespect you, Amari, my family and my business. Right now I don't even have words for it. Be careful of her. She is a fox." He exclaimed. " Alright, time to get back to work. Be careful and love you Tae boobie!"

Dontae stood up fast with embarrassment as if others were in the office with them listening to their conversation.

" Dad!" He said through clenched teeth " Stop calling me that. I'm not a baby."

Mr. Kim smiled and winked his eyes " You will always be our baby! Now go."


Later that afternoon, Dontae was in his office laying on the couch in his office relaxing. His secretary Ms. Shaun walks in.

She's a slim young African American woman with shoulder length black hair. Her eyes are almond shaped and sparkling brown in color. Oval face, round small nose and plum lips. She had on a beautiful pale pink blouse and black slacks with four inch black heels.

" Mr. Kim here is the alchohol list for the ball and the vendor providing it. I need you to finalize this with your signature. Also, Ms. Irie dropped by earlier. I told her that you were in a meeting. She looked annoyed as if she didnt believe me." She said.

As he placed his signature on the document he said " Don't worry about her. I'll talk to her later."

" You can talk to me now." A familiar voice came from the door. Inu stood in the doorway with her arms and legs crossed. She strolled in with a tight royal blue pen skirt and a white blouse with a big over layed bow in the front.

she walked over to the couch where he was sitting as if she was trying to seduce him with the movement of her hips and sat down next to him.

" Why have you been avoiding me boyfriend? What's wrong?" She asked with a pout and puppy dog eyes.

" Inu, do you have a crush on me?" Dontae countered her question with another.

" What made you ask that?"

" You. You made me ask. What the hell was that kiss last week? If you didn't like me, then you wouldn't have kissed me." He said trying to control his anger.

" But, I don't like you. I was just teasing you, that's al." With a surprised look on her face.

" I don't believe that. I'm getting married Inu. You have disrespected my relationship with Amari and you've disrespected me personally. I will not allow this, not even from you. I think it's better if we keep a distance with each other for a little while. Here are some orders from the CEO. He wants you to go to Miami to take care of the William's Housing project. He said it highly important and mandatory you go." He said calmly.

" Well, if that's how you want it." She looked down at the flight info and saw that she was to leave the following Thursday. " Wait a minute. I won't be able to attend your wedding. Why can't I leave that following Monday?" She asked.

Dontae looked at her sternly and said " Are you questioning your assignment?"

" No, I just want to attend your wedding."

" Its okay, you dont have to. Just send your gift. Besides, your mother will be there. She could tell you all about it."

Inu stood up and walked toward the door angrily. She was upset that she has been indirectly uninvited to the wedding and that Dontae was being indifferent with her.

' Amari, Saturday you will pay. You will not marry my man. If I can't have him, you nor anyone else can't have him either.' She thought as she slammed the door.

What was she thinking and how would she execute it?