
Employee and Shareholders Ball

Everyone, employees, shareholders, CEO, president and executives with their lovely spouses and significant others all gathered in the Mystic Ball Room.

The entire room shined as if gold covered every nuck and craning of the room. The champagne marble colored floors look as if you were standing in sheer golden water. The walls illuminated from the lights shinning as if gold and diamonds were encrusted in the walls. The columns were so huge, it brought out the ambience of the room.

Everyone were dressed to the nine. Gowns, Tuxedos, hair makeup as if they were done by the gods, handsome debonair men. Oh girl, you just had to be there to see and feel the energy. It was as if the room was filled with celebrities waiting for the award show to begin.

The Kim's were greeting their guest as they arrived. It was a red carpet event. Paparazzi were flashing their cameras, taking pictures of everyone arriving. The Kim's are the type of people who are humble and know where and when to give their appreciation. They loved making their employees feel needed and appreciated, and the always give back to the community. They're not arrogant people.

Amari arrived in a pale pink, silk spaghetti strap, long ball gown. Her hair was in a bun with ringlets on the sides. She was very elegant and modest.

She walked up to the Kim's and hugs were spread all around. " Don't you look lovely tonight?" Asked Mrs. Kim, who was dressed in a real A-lined ball gown with black lace around the breast line. Her hair was curled in an updo. She had on a black diamond necklace and earrings to match.

" Why thank you! You look just as lovely!" Replied Amari as she chuckled. " You better be careful, if you continue to look like this, Mr. Kim may give you another baby tonight." She continued with a whisper and smiled.

" Stop." Mrs. Kim smiled " I'm too old to be pushing strollers. My two babies are in their last year of high school. I'm done and he is too. Right, Dennis?!"

" Yes, dear." Mr. Kim replied and turned to look at Amari again and smiled " Dontae is inside entertaining guest. We will be in, in about another thirty minutes. Go ahead and enjoy yourself." Mr. Kim continued as he directed her towards the entrance.

" See you guys soon!" Amari said as she started towards the entrance of the ball.

Upon entering the door that lead down a hallway with two fish ice sculptures. Amari came across two French doors. She could hear the jazz music playing and people chatting. Glasses were clanking and people were dancing. Food and champagne were being passed around.

Amari spotted Dontae talking to one of the shareholders. She went to grab his right hand and kissed him on the cheek.

Upon feeling someone touching his hand and a kiss placed on his cheek, Dontae turned and smiled. He kissed her back on her cheek and introduced her to the shareholder.

Dontae cut the conversation short and lead Amari to a private corner. He kissed her passionately and started to get greedy. Their tongues played tangle for a good two minutes until Amari stopped the game. He can't get enough of her tonight.

" Babe, you look amazing! He said catching his breath.

Breathless, Amari replied " Thank you! I'm here to complement my cool, crazy and sexy man!" She smiled and blushed.

" You have accomplished that goal! I'm afraid to let anyone else see you. They might want to steal you away! Hide behind me for the rest of the night." He playfully grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him as he laughed.

She smiled at hearing those words and slapped him on his shoulder. " Well, before things get too R-rated over here, shall we continue to show our appreciation to your employees and shareholders?"

" We shall!" He said as He pulled her away towards the crowd. She hugged his arm as they walked back towards the guest.

Still outside greeting guest, Mr. and Mrs. Kim layed their eyes upon a stunning Inu. Her tall slender body wore a tight fitted, knee length black leather sleeveless dress with a train showing every curve. Her hair was wavy and voluminous. Her lips were tinted cherry red and the rest was flawless.

" Good evening Inu. Dont you look... nice!" Mrs. Kim said as she tried to control her emotions about Inu kissing her son. She wanted to rip her lips off and throw her body to the alligators.

" Why thank you Mrs. Kim. I tried to doll it down a bit this evening in order for the other employees to be recognized." She said. Inu never likes Mrs. Kim. She felt that she has always interfered with her plans to date her son.

" If you call that dolling it down. " Mrs. Kim said under her breath while rolling her eyes. " Well, you do look nice. Just so you'd know. I want you and Amari to start getting along since she will be Dontaes wife and you his friend. You are his friend, right? I set up a room for you two to talk out your differences and finally become friends." She continued.

Inu rolled her eyes and sighed at the thought of talking to her nemesis. " Must I?" She asked irritably.

" For Dontaes sake, you must." Mr. Kim stepped in and said.

" Fine. I hope you guys know that you're ruining my night." She said angrily and stormed into the building.

" This girl is too much. I want her fired Dennis." Yelled Mrs. Kim.

" I would've fired her last week when I found out what she did to my Tae boobie, but she has connections to the government and Japan, plus she's good at her job.

" I have connections to the government also. She can't be spared."

" Sugarfoot, just give her one more chance and if she fail, I will personally send her to Japan to take care of some contracts over there."

" What, Japan? Send her there now before she start any more trouble. It's like this, if she is not fired by nights end, you can sleep in the pool house." Her eyes were dark and the air got cold as she looked him straight in the eyes. She turned away and walked calmly into the building.

Mr. Kim sighed and uttered under his breath " Ah, women, you can't live with them and you can't live without them." While holding his head as he watched Mrs. Kim walk into the building. He then walked in behind her.

As Inu entered the ballroom doors, she started looking around for Dontae. She spotted him on the dance floor with Amari. She sneered at the sight of her.

She caught sight of her secretary and waved for her to come over.

" Hi, Ms. Irie. Nice party isn't it? Are you having fun? Your dress is amazing!" Her secretary said as she approached her dancing and swaying to the music.

" Yeah, yeah it's a hoot." Inu said sarcastically. " In forty-five minutes, tell Dontae to meet his fiance' in the 'Beyond Stars Room'. She told me that she wants some alone time with him, so I set up that private area just for them."

" Awe, that's so sweet! But can't she tell him herself? I mean, they're right next to each other right now. Why can't she tell him herself?"

" Because she want to surprise him that's why! Don't question it anymore. Tell him when he come in not to turn on the lights. she said that she have candles and she will light them."

" Okay! I hope it's not a fire hazard"

" It won't. Just do it."

" Yes ma'am! Have fun and see you Monday!" Her secretary said as she smiled and waved while walking away.

" Yeah, you too!" Inu smiles half heartedly.

' Dontae will soon be mine and that b**ch will be out of the picture!' She thought while smiling sinisterly. She caught up with some colleagues and joined the festivities.