

Fire seemed to be coming out of Dontae when he stepped out of his father's office. Flames of blue sapphire blazed from his body.

He stepped into the elevator and went down to the fifteenth floor for the conference meeting.

Everyone was afraid to look at him and afraid to make a mistake. They knew that two years ago, something in him had changed. Whenever he was angry they would get extra work, embarrassed or even fired. Thankfully CEO Kim was in the meeting today. So everyone was a little at ease.

After the meeting everyone tried to hurry out of the room. Trying not to make eye contact with President Kim.

CEO Kim stopped Dontae before he walked out of the conference room. He was worried that his son couldn't handle the news that he gave him earlier.

" Dontae, have you been going to therapy lately?" Mr. Kim asked

" Yes dad." Dontae replied.

" Make sure you visit him today. I think you need help coping with the news today." He said calmly but was worried that his son was going to do something worthy of being arrested again. " Mattee of fact, take the rest of the day off. Whatever meeting you may have today, I will take care of them. Okay?" Mr. Kim continued.

" Thanks dad. I will leave right now." Dontae sadly smiled.

" Be safe and be careful on the road."

" Yes sir. Bye."

Dontae lied about going to his therapist regularly. He hasn't seen him in months. So, he replaced therapy and went to the gym.

He wanted to beat an unsuspecting person senseless today. He needed to release his anger of Inu's return.

While in the ring at the gym. He slammed, punched, kicked and almost broke a guys arm. Thank goodness they guy bad on bead gear and protection in his private parts. He would probably be disfigured or couldn't have children by now.

Finally one of the coaches stopped the madness that was happening in the ring. "Dontae, don't kill him here. I don't want that reputation on this gym. Come out of there and rest." The coach said angry and scared at the same time.

Dontae came out of the ring and sat down next to his gym bag. He pulled out a bottle of water. Opened it and started to drink from it.

The coach walked over to him with annoyed eyes and his hand over his mouth. He sat down next to him with worries eyes " What was that all about man?" He asked " You usually don't get that turned up. What's going on?" He continued.

" The b**ch who ruined my relationship with my ex is coming back to the company next month." he said with a cold stare looking at the ring while his lips curled and nose flared.

" I don't mean to worry into your business, but what did she do exactly?" The coach asked nosely.

" A lot of scheming." Dontae said coldly. He knew the coach was being nosy and didn't want to let him into his personal life.

" Well, whatever it was don't take it out on our guys bere. They have families to go home to." He patted Dontae on the back as he stood up and went back to doing his job.

Dontae was starting to pack up his belongings when he heard his phone ringing. He looked at the screen and it read [ Detective James]. He answered it on the fourth ring.

" Hello, Detective. What do you have for me today?"