
You're the one for me

Being a generous person has never been in a petty girl's dictionary. With great aspirations unfinished in her old life, the young woman transmuted into the body of a saint from a fantasy world. To guarantee her safety, the young woman tries to hide her old personality, assuming the identity of Sofia Werneck. But when she finds out that the old Demon King is still alive and wants her as a bride, her facade of kindness begins to crumble. She swears under the skies that she is not the only bad one here!

CorujaSOS · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Qhere there is panic, there will be doubts

After thinking carefully about Sofia's memories, I decided to forget the reasons for the girl's suicide. It was better not to think about it too much for now.

Apparently, I'm going to have to assume Sofia's identity, because I assumed her body.

He had another name and another way of life - his name was Miranda.

After years of studying to get my law degree and start my career plan, this situation destroyed all my efforts.

Many considered my personality to be cold, but this mainly resulted in the fact that I was unable to express my thoughts without offending the people around me. It was tragic... But it was not something I could avoid and criticisms of my behavior did not seem relevant to me. I see no sense in following the social parameters imposed by society. Yes, I am really self-centered, and punish.

So, assuming Sofia's identity is easy to say, but hard to do...

Before Sofia entered a pink world filled with love for the Hero and began to pursue the demon King in search of justice, she was a kind and pleasant person to live with.

Looking at this fact, the depressive personality that she has appeared in these last months seems better to follow as an acting. Except that in addition to following this propensity for tears and blatant sadness, I would have to be on a diet. So the sad personality is out of the question.

I don't want to starve yet.


As I am in a closed place, which looks like an armadillo burrow with a very closed and robust door, the earthy smell and the bad air circulation make my caution increase in relation to the Church of the Gods that Sofia works.

It is unconvincing that a person, no matter how faithful he is to the Gods, would agree to close himself in prayer in that place of his own free will. I don't even know how they do the needs here, much less how to explain the blood stains on my clothes and on the floor.


The chances of danger of being discovered as a scam are great when I look at the blood still pure red. And my head gains the sensation of infusing cold water.

I try to dig through the memories I got from Sofia in search of a solution. And I am relieved that Sofia is not useless for any other magic system besides healing magic. All games are not real life, it appears. It is minimal, but there is a simple magic to clean the stains and dirt that most civilians also perform in their daily lives.


I say it out loud and I'm amazed. It is not that words have power!

After cleaning the stains I try to find a nice place to sit and I can't find ... There is nothing to increase the favorability of this place.