
Class A ranking

I was studying inside the classroom for a science quiz when I observed that there was mayhem outside. I took off my earpiece and turned to face it. Everyone is shouting, and I'm beginning to wonder what's going on.

My classmates who are with me inside are also inquisitive about what is going on, so they have come out to observe what is happening through. Vyrie's seat caught my eye, but I forgot she wasn't in the room because she was at the clinic. She explained that she was going because her stomach was hurting.

There are only a few pupils in the room now that recess is finished, and everyone is still absent because our math teacher skipped class. And now the others have come out to join in the pandemonium outdoors, which I have no idea what it is.

"Can you tell me what's going on outside?"

When fabi entered the room, everyone was gazing at her and waiting for her to respond to Veeyah's question.