
At the hospital

"Wiu!, Wiu!, Wiu!"

The ambulance came at the school a few minutes later, but Maxx was still unconscious. Her feeble body was still laying in bed, and the blood on her head had spilled across the bed's pillow.

They slowly pull Maxx into the ambulance, and Nurse Cha requests that I follow Maxx inside the ambulance, which I did.

Before exiting the ambulance, I overheard several students talking about how they were surprised to see an ambulance on campus.

"Can you tell me who's in the ambulance?"

"what happened?"

"No one knows," 

"I'm not sure, but I believe Maxx was in the ambulance."

Because the Emergency Medical Technician next to me was closing the ambulance door, I never heard the others say that. Maxx was given oxygen by a man who was standing close by and checked to see if she was breathing. Maxx's hand was cold as I held it. I'm concerned about her.

Maxx, I know you can make it through this.