
You're Testing a Kitchen Knife, But Why Are You Using it to Strike a Military Shovel?

Zhao Feng transmigrated into a parallel world and became a product livestreamer. For a whole week, he promoted kitchen knives, but for six days, no one showed any interest. Not only that, the viewers in his livestream room mocked him, claiming that everything he sold was garbage. Unable to tolerate this, Zhao Feng couldn't hold back his anger anymore. In front of hundreds of viewers in the livestream room, he pulled out a military shovel and said, "You all said my stuff is garbage, right? Well, now I'm going to show you whether it's garbage or not." "Clang! Clang! Clang..." The kitchen knife struck against the military shovel and created countless sparks, silencing the whole livestream room. After a while, the screen was bombarded with numerous bullet comments. "What the hell? Who taught you to test a kitchen knife like that?" "This is insane! Such a good kitchen knife might end up ruined!" "They asked you to test the kitchen knife, and you used it to strike a military shovel? That's just crazy!" Gradually, news of Zhao Feng's eccentric testing method spread online, causing a huge sensation. Suddenly, he went viral and became incredibly popular. Not only that, but people also discovered that this livestreamer not only had a ruthless way of testing products but also exposed the behind-the-scenes secrets of the entire product-livestreaming industry.

Fried Rice With Sour Cabbage And Beef · Urban
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40 Chs

You’re Just Advertising One Product. Do You Want To Risk Your Sanity For This?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


As Zhao Feng pulled hard, the chainsaw in his hand spun, emitting an ear-piercing roar.

Under the high-speed rotation of the sharp sawteeth, they formed afterimages that made one tremble with fear. Coupled with Zhao Feng's ferocious expression, it made the entire scene very terrifying.

After disappearing for a while, he did not have any intention of discussing with his viewers. He raised the chainsaw high and slashed at the Ole eSports chair.

In an instant–

Accompanied by an ear-piercing tearing sound, the white sponge exploded with a bang. As the chainsaw made contact with the steel frame, they could see orange sparks erupt from the contact the chainsaw made against the metal frame of the chair. 

The sound was intense, and the booming sounds continued.

It was like a factory processing parts.

In less than three minutes, under the witness of countless viewers, the entire Ole eSports chair was split into two halves straight in the middle.


Seeing this, the audience could not help but gasp. Their mouths were wide open, and they could feel the cold air caressing their backs.

They stared at the Ole eSports chair that Zhao Feng had neatly split into two halves on the ground, and their hearts were filled with shock.

"No way! Does the streamer always sell his goods like this?" A commenter could not help but ask.

How could people call this selling goods? Without any context, people would believe that he was a murderer on the run.

Which streamer would tear down the product because the fans didn't buy it?


The public chat was dead silent.

After an unknown period, someone suddenly suggested that they should call the police. It would be best to check the streamer's mental state as well. Otherwise, something scary might go down.

"I'll call the police now!"

A conspicuous commenter said that he had already called the police and was describing Zhao Feng's appearance to the operator. According to the other party, the streamer was most likely a murderer on the run.

Who knows, they might be rewarded for catching someone on the run.

Many viewers were extremely excited when they saw this. They all expressed that they wanted to report it and get a share of the profits. In the past, it was always them who paid taxes. Now, it was their turn to make money.


Zhao Feng had successfully seen the response in the livestream.

When he put down the chainsaw in his hand and considered whether he should further divide it so that his viewers could see the chair's "innards" more clearly, he inadvertently looked up and saw the scene above.

"No, ha…" He sighed, "There's no need to panic, everyone. There's really no need..."

"I'm not a murderer on the run!"

"Brothers, listen to me–"

No matter which world it was, the deterrence of the police was always very powerful. If it was unnecessary to trouble them, Zhao Feng would never trouble them.

However, what Zhao Feng did not know was that everything would have been fine if he did not try to explain himself. His explanation only made the netizens misunderstand his intentions more.

"F*ck, what did I just hear? The streamer actually called us brothers. I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Oh my god! I can still hear Zhao Feng call me brother and not call me a resentful gremlin. Quick, quickly give me two more bottles of sleeping pills. If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up!"

"You still say that you're not a murderer? If you're not a murderer, why are you panicking? When you heard that we were calling the police, you even started calling us brothers. (Screaming in pain)!"

"I'm really sorry, host. I miss the days we used to have, but my upbringing and the education I received since I was young do not allow me to defend evil. Although I'm deep in darkness, my heart is bright."

Reading all these comments, Zhao Feng suddenly felt tired. Were these bastards trying to torture him? Did they have to send him in?

"Alright, alright, shut up!"

"Will you buy the chair or not? If not, I'll go offline. I'm only promoting this product today!"

"If I don't earn money, why should I waste my time chatting with you guys? Why don't I spend my time looking at girls' long legs?"

Zhao Feng didn't indulge these bastards at all and threatened to log off on the spot.

The viewers immediately panicked. They hadn't seen enough yet. How could they let Zhao Feng go offline? Everyone sent bullet comments, begging Zhao Feng to stay and stream for a while longer.

However, Zhao Feng seemed to have made up his mind. Without any discussion, he was ready to press the offline button. When the viewers saw this, everyone went crazy.

Just as they did not know what to do.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Someone from the stream suddenly shot out rockets. The gorgeous special effects instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Sixteen Kitchen Knives Manufacturer gifted the streamer 999 rockets!"



"Isn't this the shop that the streamer promoted his goods to some time ago? I thought people said that Zhao Feng cheated him badly and kept smearing his reputation. A big shot couldn't stand it anymore, so he spent money to buy a lot of kitchen knives from the streamer."

A viewer thought that he was seeing things. He rubbed his eyes and saw that the name of Sixteen Kitchen Knife was still hanging on the public screen.

In just a few minutes, even the number one donator spot had been replaced by number two, with Sixteen Kitchen Knife taking over as the new number one spot in Feng Ye's stream.

It wasn't just him. Back then, although Zhao Feng didn't have many people watching him, there were at least a few hundred of them. Moreover, it caused a huge commotion. Almost everyone knew the streamer's dark history. This was a streamer who tried to break a kitchen knife because he couldn't take the viewer's goading.

All of a sudden, everyone's curiosity was aroused.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Host. You brought my Sixteen back to life and saved me from bankruptcy. I'm here today to express my gratitude. It's just a small token of my appreciation. I hope you don't mind."

After the Sixteen Kitchen Knife Manufacturer had given the reward, he immediately expressed his gratitude to Zhao Feng.

When the viewers finally saw the whole story from the boss himself, they were all stunned.

It turned out that the Sixteen Manufacturers were about to face bankruptcy. Even the day after the streamer sold the kitchen knives, the factory owner had dismissed all the workers and was preparing to file for bankruptcy.

It was because of Zhao Feng that all the viewers learned about Sixteen's kitchen knives for the first time that afternoon.

It turned out that kitchen knives did not have to be expensive to have good quality.

It could be said that the streamer's move not only saved a brand but also gave his followers high-quality kitchen knives.

This was especially so when they learned that Sixteen was an ancestral business that had been passed down in the boss' family for countless years. Their forging skills were far from comparable to those produced by the assembly line on the market. Everyone's hearts could not help but pause for a moment.

In the next second–

All kinds of bullet comments appeared on the public screen.

"I was wrong about the streamer!"

"Streamer, you're being righteous!"

"Oh my, I really do deserve to die. When has the streamer ever made a mistake with his goods? Other than the fact that the black garlic doesn't taste good and the electric fan can still produce wind without the fan blades, there's nothing wrong with the products he's advertising at all!!"

"F*ck, it's just an eSports chair. I'll buy it!"

"You're doing such a big job for such a thankless job!"