
You're Testing a Kitchen Knife, But Why Are You Using it to Strike a Military Shovel?

Zhao Feng transmigrated into a parallel world and became a product livestreamer. For a whole week, he promoted kitchen knives, but for six days, no one showed any interest. Not only that, the viewers in his livestream room mocked him, claiming that everything he sold was garbage. Unable to tolerate this, Zhao Feng couldn't hold back his anger anymore. In front of hundreds of viewers in the livestream room, he pulled out a military shovel and said, "You all said my stuff is garbage, right? Well, now I'm going to show you whether it's garbage or not." "Clang! Clang! Clang..." The kitchen knife struck against the military shovel and created countless sparks, silencing the whole livestream room. After a while, the screen was bombarded with numerous bullet comments. "What the hell? Who taught you to test a kitchen knife like that?" "This is insane! Such a good kitchen knife might end up ruined!" "They asked you to test the kitchen knife, and you used it to strike a military shovel? That's just crazy!" Gradually, news of Zhao Feng's eccentric testing method spread online, causing a huge sensation. Suddenly, he went viral and became incredibly popular. Not only that, but people also discovered that this livestreamer not only had a ruthless way of testing products but also exposed the behind-the-scenes secrets of the entire product-livestreaming industry.

Fried Rice With Sour Cabbage And Beef · Urban
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40 Chs

The eSports Chairs Hit the Market, and the Boss of Sixteen Ran Out of Money Again

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

With the appearance of "Sixteen Kitchen Knife Manufacturer", the entire live instantly boiled over. Moreover, under Zhao Feng's dumbfounded expression, the originally stagnant Olei eSports chair sale instantly exploded.

In just a minute, the data that was zero suddenly burst out with astonishing vitality.

Ole eSports chair x120.

Ole eSports chair x1,000.

Ole eSports chair x3,564.

Ole eSports chair x7,866.


It was selling like crazy!

The numbers were simply going up like crazy!

"I just hit the jackpot, I just hit the jackpot…!"

Zhao Feng's mood was fluctuating as he watched the numbers rise.

His eyes were trained on the numbers, his face flushed with excitement.

Big house!

His big house was within his grasp!

He had never expected that his wish would come true in such a way. If it weren't for the help of the Sixteen's boss, he wouldn't have been able to achieve such a grand view.

"Thank you, thank you Boss Sixteen!"

"Boss Sixteen, you're too polite. If you have money, farm more!"

Zhao Feng shouted loudly to his camera. However, when he shouted, Sixteen immediately sent a large wave of gifts.

Carnival x999.

Instantly, Zhao Feng's livestream's popularity exploded, rising to the top of the trending ranks.

This sudden change of events had never happened for streamers who mained in selling goods. It was simply unbelievable, and countless people were alarmed.

The last they remembered that something went trending was a study channel turning over a new leaf and sold goods. They even used poetry recitals to teach people to be kind, which attracted their attention. At the same time, it could be said to have led to a new wave of selling goods.

Many did not expect that not long after, another livestream that sold goods would be on the trending searches and climb up the hot list. Could it be that there was a new way to carry goods?

Filled with curiosity, many people swarmed into the livestream. As soon as they entered, they saw the streamer asking for a gift from the viewers on the leaderboard. It was truly a shameful sight. In an instant, everyone frowned.

No, why was something like this shaking the entire country?

"Thank you, Big Brother Number One, thank you, Boss Sixteen. The boss is too rich. Please support me!"

No. 1 Movie x99!

"Boss is awesome, boss is generous, I wish you a big fortune!"

Sports car x99!

"Thank you. I wish the boss a good time and a good day like the wind, a good year, and a good month! Fight for wealth, fight for happiness, fight for longevity, filial children and virtuous grandchildren will be honored for generations..."

Helicopter x99!

Lollipop x999!

Along with Zhao Feng's mouth full of sweet nothings, the entire stream was completely dominated by the gifts' special effects. One after another the screen was so full that nobody could see Zhao Feng.

For a moment, everyone, including the viewers, was shocked. Didn't they say that Sixteen had gone bankrupt? Why was the shop owner desperately sending money to this guy?

However, the sensitive people had noticed that as time passed, the number one boss' gifts had become less and less valuable.

Finally, just as Zhao Feng was about to speak again, the boss of Sixteen spoke first.

"I'm sorry, host. The profits from the past few days have all been spent. I don't have any money left. I'll come back next time when I have money!"

After saying this, the boss of Sixteen paid the last bit of money in his account to Zhao Feng and left the stream without hesitation.

Everything went by so fast that it gave people the illusion that he came here specifically to deliver money to Zhao Feng.

The newcomers were dumbfounded.

No, what was going on?

Why would someone take the initiative to give money and leave after giving money? No request at all?

Among them, some streamers had nothing to do. When they saw Zhao Feng's number one donator being so open-minded, they did not say anything and just desperately tried to earn money.

Especially the last comment he sent, 'I don't have money. Come back when I have money.' It simply made people cry to death!

'I also want a big brother like him!'

The group of streamers who were watching had the same resonance in their hearts.


At the same time.

On the other side.

Xuxu Baby was still being scolded by his good friend because he handed this important responsibility to Zhao Feng.

Both sides were on speaker, and it was an intense sight to behold. Many viewers had the urge to join the fight.

"My passionate horse, Monkey, let me make this clear, this is the f*cking streamer you found is destroying my eSports chair! I don't mind if you can't sell any, but he saw the chair in half!" Gou'zi wailed from the phone. It was so tragic that the listener shed tears for the poor guy.

"Bastard, I told you not to ask me to help you sell goods, but you came to me. You are shameless, you force me into this!" Xuxu Baby was not willing to be outdone. It was true that he was in the wrong, but Gou'zi was not right either, wasn't he?

"F*ck you, Monkey, you're not human!"

"I'm not going to be a human anymore today. Let me bite you!"

"I'll kill you!"

"Just you wait!"

The two sides continued to quarrel, and the viewers were left entertained by the sight. They were just short of carrying a small stool and eating melon seeds. Today was simply too exciting. What could be more appetizing than their host being scolded?

They could even imagine that a video about this would go viral on the internet tomorrow.

However, there was someone they had to thank for blessing them with such a wonderful scene. It was the streamer called Feng Ye, A.K.A. the Black Garlic Warrior.

If he hadn't sawed Xuxu Baby's friend's eSports chair in half, they wouldn't even have known that livestreaming could be done like this. He was simply too ruthless. Truly like a warrior of ancient times.

Unfortunately, due to the chainsaw that had split the eSports chair, the baboon had completely given up on the Black Garlic Warrior. He then turned off the Black Garlic Warrior's stream. Otherwise, they could enjoy the Black Garlic Warrior's performance while listening to Xuxu Baby get scolded at the same time. You could say they could hit two birds with one stone. Double the joy!

Just as everyone was immersed in Xuxu Baby and Gou'zi's verbal abuse, a new group of people suddenly entered the stream and commented on the public chat"

"Just f*cking ignore these two and hurry come over to Feng Ye's stream. He has sold more than ten thousand eSports chairs!"


Xuxu Baby didn't see the comment, but the viewers did. It was as if they just read miraculous news.

"Are you sure?"

"This bro must be dreaming. With the way Black Garlic Warrior advertises his goods, who would want to buy it!"

"Exactly. It's fine if it happened once or twice. Who wants to be called a resentful gremlin every day?"

Everyone in the stream room refuted. Didn't you see how angry Black Garlic Warrior was just now? He used a chainsaw to cut the eSports chair in half. Nobody would want to buy it. Now someone said that he had sold more than 10,000 units?

Sweetie, do you realize how illogical you sound?

"I don't care if you believe me or not. Anyway, I've already informed you. I've already told you the news. I'm going back to Feng Ye's stream to see Black Garlic Warrior. Putting aside the greed, Black Garlic Warrior is really good at promoting his goods! He's simply a showrunner!"

Faced with these people's doubts, this fan did not stay around to convince them. He was not angry at all. He only left a light sentence and then turned around to leave.

This abnormal behavior immediately aroused the rebellious psychology of the netizens. F*ck, the more you say that, the more curious I am.

No, they had to take a look. It didn't matter if it's true anyway.

One, two, three, four…

In the blink of an eye, half of the viewers in Xuxu Baby's stream had left. Everyone ran to see Zhao Feng, wanting to confirm if he had really sold 10,000 units as the previous netizen had said.

If so, how?