
You're so not my Alpha

"don't be rude and do as your Alpha says" Aiden smirks. "you are so not my Alpha" Cynthia snapped angrily to the nth time that day. *********** Or The war between the Alderpack and the Azures was as old as time. The young Alderpack's Alpha, Cynthia was sent to the human world to avenge the death of her mother after another great war between them and the Azures. It was then she found out that the young Alpha of the rival pack was her mate. Aiden just wants to leave a normal life as an high school jock and a young Alpha who anticipate to meet his mate until he finds out that she is, of course the Alpha princess of his rival pack. It was odd to mate from a rival pack. It was more odd for two Alphas to be mated. And it was most odd when it seems like every living creature wants one of them dead in other to break the mating bond which was said to be related by an old prophecy about bringing the two "most unlikely strengths" together to save those who dwell under the moon. The two Alphas, despite their differences, are to work together and protect each other on their journey of mating and finding the arch enemy. As much as they hated each other's guts, they must fight together, protect each other and find love, against all odds. And lastly the mating ceremony of two Alphas and the wedding of two rival packs. The war that had long being threatening and had left the two packs broken and wounded was now over. Those Hearts who seeks revenge and hearts who seeks answers. History revealed it's secret, wounds were healed and scars were covered and kept for memory purpose. This is a story that portrays love in it's most delicate, yet dangerous guise.

DaoistwXf5L3 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Help me

Chapter 5

It was the next day, almost lunch time. Aiden was of course in his English class, trying hard to listen to the teacher and take some notes here and there.

His main distraction was that a fellow (chocolate scented) wolf was sitting at the far back of the class chatting heatedly with a random girl. It was almost impossible for Aiden to fight the urge to keep glancing back at the female wolf.

His main concentration were the memories of yesterday in the male's bathroom with that same wolf and a certain slime.

The memories was filmed out, as if playing from a CD.

From where he had 'killed' the slime to how loud and frustratingly Cynthia had yelled at him as if scolding a pup and how they had cleaned up all the mess together.

Seemingly, Cynthia told him the spell had broken since he killed the slime. He asked a lot of questions like a lost pup and thankfully Cynthia was able to answer it all, sometimes tauntingly, sometimes aggressively and sometimes seriously.

So, the Lilian had made some confessions that someone hired it to go after Aiden when it was just enjoying being a Tesla for her obsessive owner. It didn't mention who hired it but it was sure now that someone is after Aiden.

He also finds out while cleaning that Cynthia had used some witchcraft charms that she learnt to protect the males bathroom from other people except for Aiden, herself and the slime.

That had explained Aiden's confusion of anyone not entering the male's bathroom. And he also realized that if Cynthia was to torture him on the day he was kidnapped by her, no one would have find out.

Normally a regular Aiden would have run straight to his auntie and explained it all but an after-Lilian Aiden just wants to know more about it all, he wants to handle it. It seems his brain was still a little hazy but he never even considered running to the principal office as an option.

Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that Cynthia had indifferently told him to meet her at the schools garden at lunch break (the only conversation they had after the male's bathroom incident).

It wasn't really a conversation. It just goes...

*"we need to talk, the garden at lunch?"* Cynthia had said immediately she spotted Aiden hopped out of his Tesla. Aiden had tried to say something but he was tongue-tied simply because he had so much to say and he couldn't decide.

When the bell finally rang, Aiden let out a huff and slammed his book shut as he watched the teacher walk out the class. Murmurs erupt from every angle of the class as student started making their way out of the class or just simply started a conversation.

Aiden made to stand up...


He looked up to see the owner of the voice.

"The new girl isn't here today" it was Tasha.

"She took a sick day off". Aiden shrugged.

"Oh" Tasha sat on the empty sit beside him. "I heard there's a party at the house tomorrow along with your birthday party".

"Hmm" Aiden shoved his book in his back pack and stood up towering over Tasha. "And you're invited".

He could sense the visible excitement in her smile and mood. "Ooh really" she beamed and he only gave her an half smile. "Jenny's gonna be there?"

Aiden brow knitted together and he gave a curt nod.

"Everyone in the class is invited". He said coolly and look behind him to see Cynthia walking out of the class. He slung his back pack over his shoulder and followed, leaving Tasha to stare at him in awe.

Well, Aiden won't blame her tho, he found interest in her recently and he haven't even slept with her yet, she doesn't know how the game works. Innocently she had thought Jenny, Mira and Holly were his ex and every other bitches were having simple crush.

Aiden followed the chocolate scent that leads straight to the garden and stopped when he spotted Cynthia in her regular cowgirl outfits, sitting on one of the swings. He glanced around and they were many other people in the garden.

Cynthia patted the empty swing beside her but Aiden only stood in front of her crossing his hands. He's not going to give any impression that he's flirting with a fucking cowgirl.

"What?" He asked quietly.

"I told you I was here for a mission" Cynthia started with a calm and quite voice. "And I was keeping an eye on you. Well it was because you might or might not be of help".

She made a pause as if waiting for Aiden's respond but continued when the latter was only silent.

"For almost a year now, some group of hunters have been terrorizing our pack. They were very advanced and different from the ones we have fought over the past. So I was sent to the city to know more about them".

Almost two minutes after Cynthia stopped talking had Aiden picked up his gaze from the grassy field and looked straight at Cynthia with a raised brow.

"Why are you keeping an eye on me?" Aiden asked the same question he had asked the female wolf three days ago.

"Well" Cynthia was a bit hesitant. "I thought all city wolf should know a little about city hunters and you were the first I saw".

"Sadly I know nothing about hunters because they know better than trying to hunt the Azure". Aiden lips quirked slightly.

"Please". Cynthia gaze suddenly dropped to the ground, her expression like a puppy being kicked by its owner. "My pack is dying. Many are wounded from the hunters last attack because we knew nothing of their weapon".

Her voice was just a little more than a whisper but thanks to werewolf hearings. Aiden looked at the female wolf and heaved a big sigh.

"I still don't know anything..."

"But I believe you can help us... Please Alpha". Cynthia caught him off with her barely audible pleas.

There was something that flickered in the Alpha's eyes, like a flash of golden flame. " you always regard us as an outcast, a blood traitor. Why then will I help you?"

Cynthia knew then that he was referring to the conflict between the city wolves and the wood wolves. She sighed warily.

"I helped you".

"Because you need me". Aiden didn't miss a heart beat in order to counter .

The silence between them stretched longer and longer as they both glare at each other. Cynthia was the first to break the glare contest as she shook her head and heaved another sigh.

"_I could invite you to my birthday party". Aiden beats Cynthia to talk, causing the latter to look up in confusion.

Aiden, within the fifteen seconds silence had it thought through, after all, she did save his life from an Adherer. Since he is just a spoilt Alpha prince who knows nothing about hunters or treats. But he could still help, at the Friday party, some of his friends from the southern pack would be there. So yes, they might be ready to help.

"Why?" Cynthia asked.

"You can meet a wolf from the South" Aiden shrugged. "They're pretty much good with hunters".

Cynthia beamed.

She on her own had not expected Aiden to be so cool about it after what she had did to him. Yes she saved him from an Adhere but she was a wolf who didn't show her identity and who had also used the silvers against him.

When she kidnapped him three days ago, her intention was to torture him till he reveal the secret weapon that his pack used against the Alderpack during their last fight.

According to rumors, the weapon was being stolen from the South hunters, the most deadliest weapon to use on a wolf. It helds ultimate power, but those blood traitors had being using it against their own kind. Proving to the moon world how far they had gone in their stupidness.

She figured she couldn't torture him so she came up with another plan- play a victim.

Since the weapon was stolen from the hunters, if she could speak to a south wolf and asked about the weapon, it could be a little lead on.

Now it had being just so simple, all she had to do was attend a goddamned party right?

And there she was, dressed in a grey short gown and her hair in a tight pony tail. Hills, a bit of make up and she had stopped the suppressant so her natural scent of after rain and clove. It makes her feel better looking like a normal high school bitch for once.

Just that afternoon, Aiden had given her the house address and even offered if he could drive her. Stunned, she had declined the driving part but here she is as she pushed open the door and was welcomed with blasting music, smell of sweat, alcohol and more sweat. A bit to disgusting for the female wolf.

She squeezed her way in and went straight to the bar area. Growing up as an Alpha princess she had went to numbers of party. The pack's burn fires, diplomatic parties between packs and even some moon night parties with her youth friends. But nothing was like this, there was no loud music nor people grinding against themselves.

Nor some group of girls giggling on the couch as they make out with each other, Cynthia scrunched her nose. Nor the group of guys on the other couch drinking and talking with some ladies sitting or grinding on their laps.

Then she saw him, he was also among the guys on the couch. He was also drinking and chatting, a girl that Cynthia recognized as one of their classmate was sitting on his laps, her hand roaming all over his chest while he doesn't even care. Cynthia grimaced.

"Wow I almost can't recognize you".

Cynthia tore her gaze from the Alpha prince and turned to find a boy grinning down at her. He was also a class mate, a close friend of Aiden but she doesn't know his name.

"I can see you're disturbed by the noise" the boy smirked. "Can we go somewhere less noisy".

Cynthia wanted nothing but to get the he'll away from all the music and sweat but she have to see Aiden, find away to talk to him. She for a minute wonder how he's coping with all his wolf sense because hers are almost blocked.

The boy must have followed her gaze that was dancing around Aiden because his smirk morphed into an annoying scowl.

"I don't know you're one of his bitches too".

Cynthia snapped her head over to the boy and suddenly let out an airy laughter.

"Do I look stupid?"

A small smile tugged on the boys lips as he grabbed her by her arm and pulled her closer. "Good to know you're not stupid".

She glanced at Aiden one more time before gently placing her palm on the boys chest, feeling his muscle contract.

"Guess we can go to somewhere more quite" she leaned in and whispered.

"Sounds like a good plan". The boys alcohol reeking breath was fanning her face that she had to hold her breath and braced herself as he started to sneak his hands around waist.

But before she could come up with something else to say she felt her self being pulled back and crashed against a hard chest.

"What the fuck dude?" The boy yelled.

She doesn't need to look up at the intruder to recognize his rain forest and lavender that was a little spicy now.

"Oh, hi Aiden" She looked up at his face that was just inches above hers and smiled cheekily as she was still flushed against his chest and him holding her upper arm a little too tightly.

Aiden silently pulled her from the bar area towards the couch and leaving a confused furious boy behind. She let herself be pulled away.

He stopped in not so far from the couch and beckoned one of the boys to come. He was surely a wolf with his annoying ginger scent as Cynthia scrunched her nose. He was a Beta.

"Oh an Alpha bitch". The boy said as he walked up to them.

Aiden released his hold from Cynthia's arm and deep his hands in his pocket, a frown on his face as if he had just noticed her nature and flower scent and not the chocking chocolate.

"I'm Cynthia". She offered an hand shake, all her smile replaced with a blank expression.

"Eduardo " he took the hand shake. "Aiden said you need some answers"

Cynthia fought the urge to sneer as the Eduardo guy was openly checking her out, eye fucking her and biting his lips. She glanced back at Aiden and he was still wearing a scowl. She looked back at the Beta.

"We should go somewhere more quite" the conner of her lips tug into a satisfactory smirk as she followed the Beta out of the party area.