
You're my forever love

In her past life, she was deceived and died miserably at the hands of a scumbag. After being reborn, she became cold and ruthless, seeking revenge against those who wronged her in her previous life. From a timid and innocent girl, she transformed into a cold and aloof woman, but in front of the man she liked, she reverted to her old self. Her two main goals in this life were revenge and winning over Tyler Davis. "I heard you want to win me over?" "N-no, I want to take revenge first, and then... win you over!" Someone lightly tugged at the collar of his sleeping robe and bit his lip, hinting. "I'll take revenge for you, and now you can come and win me over. Come on!" "..." Unexpectedly, one day her two goals merged into one, and after winning over Tyler Davis, everything went smoothly!

ArcticVoyager · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Moe contrast

"You could never beat me!" Amelia said calmly, driving Noah Foster even more insane.

Amelia thought it was only natural. She was weak, but Tyler had taught her some decent fighting skills. All her combat techniques were personally taught by Tyler. If Tyler said they were good, they must be good. Amelia understood the weakest and most vulnerable parts of the human body. However, her body was indeed too weak, and Noah Foster was not an easy opponent.

Even though she had superior skills, Amelia had her hair pulled and was slammed hard in the back of her arm. She was afraid it would bruise, and her arms had a few scratches. But she didn't stop or show weakness. She remained calm and used one move after another until Noah Foster lay defeated on the ground and stopped attacking. Then she stood up, brushed her long hair, and said, "The world is so wonderful, but people are so irritable. Fighting is not good, not good."

Noah Foster was lying on the ground, still foolishly staring, not yet recovered.

Amelia had completely ignored her after saying that cold, "You could never beat me." Although she had just taken a shower and only fought, she was carrying her toiletries like a cleanliness addict and walking toward the bathroom. Her sensitive, hygienic habits were in stark contrast to the tough, ruthless fighter she had been moments before.

At this point, Noah Foster had regained his composure and was inexplicably observing Amelia.

After washing up, Amelia felt her bedspread was dirty after it was thrown to the ground. She took out a set of fresh bedding prepared for her by Uncle Taylor and changed it. After this move, Noah Foster didn't bother her anymore.

Amelia was very satisfied. She always said that if she could avoid using her mouth, she would fight. There is no problem that a fight can't solve. If there is, then fight twice!

"Hmph!" Noah Foster kept humming.

Even though they had just fought, Amelia didn't dislike Noah Foster too much. She had a Tyler-like aura about her.

Amelia spread out the bed, sat down, and took out some ointment to apply. Although she was calm, she looked pitiful for some reason.

Noah Foster was dumbfounded. The person who had been so ruthless before, seeming to not care about broken limbs or severed hands, was now treating a small wound as if it were so painful that it would make her cry.

Amelia took off her coat and Noah Foster saw her smooth and snowy white back, with a large bruise under her arm that looked serious. She got it from a fight they had before. Her collar and other areas were also red and swollen from rubbing against her poor quality camouflage suit.

Noah Foster was speechless and said, "Damn, I'm the one who got beaten up worse. Do you have to be so sensitive?"

Amelia gave Noah Foster a cold glance and couldn't be bothered to pay attention to him. She was always a lonely and indifferent person.

Noah Foster was so angry when he saw this. Usually, she ignored everyone else, but now someone dared to ignore her.

"You...huh!" Noah Foster was so angry that he felt helpless against Amelia.

Amelia frowned. The bruise under her shoulder blade was too painful to reach, and her body was too weak. If she didn't treat it with medicine in time, she might not be able to lift her arms tomorrow!

She pouted in frustration and fell asleep, thinking about Tyler and how he had been affected by her transformation lately. Her heart was soft at the thought of him.

Only when she thought of Tyler did her cold and indifferent personality soften into a tender and soft one.

Noah Foster watched from afar and was amazed. This damn contrasting personality was so cute that even a guy couldn't resist it!

Of course, Noah Foster forgot that he wasn't even a guy himself!

Amelia slept well, but poor Noah Foster had a hard time all night, muttering "fuck" hundreds of times in his heart.