
You're my forever love

In her past life, she was deceived and died miserably at the hands of a scumbag. After being reborn, she became cold and ruthless, seeking revenge against those who wronged her in her previous life. From a timid and innocent girl, she transformed into a cold and aloof woman, but in front of the man she liked, she reverted to her old self. Her two main goals in this life were revenge and winning over Tyler Davis. "I heard you want to win me over?" "N-no, I want to take revenge first, and then... win you over!" Someone lightly tugged at the collar of his sleeping robe and bit his lip, hinting. "I'll take revenge for you, and now you can come and win me over. Come on!" "..." Unexpectedly, one day her two goals merged into one, and after winning over Tyler Davis, everything went smoothly!

ArcticVoyager · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Ignore Ava Ramirez.

Ava Ramirez still held on, not retracting her hand.

"General is resting," Ava Ramirez repeated with disdain in her eyes. She wanted to make things difficult for this pet, and she didn't care if it was not to her liking.

"Can't I disturb him while he's resting?"

"No, you can't disturb him. If you insist on disturbing him, it might become known throughout the school."

Amelia's heart turned cold. Ava Ramirez was just like someone in her past life, always finding opportunities to make things difficult for her.

She didn't believe that Ava Ramirez would dare to make a scene throughout the school. Ava Ramirez wouldn't do anything that Tyler disapproved of.

Amelia smiled strangely at Ava Ramirez and raised her voice a bit to shout toward the bedroom, "Tyler, if you don't open the door, I'll leave!"

Ava Ramirez became angry and was about to push Amelia out. Who would dare to make such loud noises while the General was resting? This woman was insane!

She remembered the scene where Amelia and Tyler were together before and anger filled her heart. "You... this woman, do you think you can do whatever you want because of the General's love for you? Killing you is easier than killing an ant. Do you even know your own status? How dare you try to get close to the General? Shameless!"

Ava Ramirez pushed Amelia back a few steps and her sharp nails left a scratch on her arm.

Her eyes narrowed and without hesitation, she slapped Ava Ramirez's face hard. "Don't touch me!" she said. In this life, she wouldn't endure anything except for Tyler.

This woman had ruined her face in her past life. Countless times, when Tyler wasn't around, she was locked up and given sedatives, tortured repeatedly. At that time, she was powerless to resist and didn't tell Tyler afterwards.

But now, things were different! Why should she endure this woman? Dare to insult her, dare to push her, then prepare to be hit.

Ava Ramirez couldn't believe it. Her eyes were full of resentment and just as she was about to pounce and wrestle, she heard the door open.

She immediately stopped and covered her red face with one hand, tears welling up in her eyes. She pitifully said, "Miss Bai, it's my fault. I just advised you not to disturb the General's rest. Why... why did you hit me?"

Ava Ramirez looked very pitiful, but Amelia was still proud and arrogant. It looked like Amelia was bullying her.

Amelia also saw Tyler, but she still replied arrogantly, "Why? Because I have a cleanliness fetish, and I don't like people touching me. You should be more careful in the future."

Slapping someone was nothing. She had wanted to hit someone for a long time. She would slowly return everything this woman had done, one by one.

Ava Ramirez looked at Tyler with tears in her eyes, her pitiful appearance seemingly begging him to intervene. But Tyler took a few steps forward, bypassing her and heading towards Amelia, and began physically assaulting her. Though surprised, Tyler's initial reaction was to cast a dark glance at Ava Ramirez before turning to Amelia and asking, "Where did she touch you?"

"Look, she scratched me!" Amelia raised her arm, showing off the red marks left by Ava Ramirez's nails, and complained pitifully.

When one has backing, they would be foolish not to use it. Tyler's face instantly became savage, filled with a murderous aura as he glared at Ava Ramirez.

"No, that's not what happened. Please let me explain, I accidentally bumped into her and it wasn't intentional, then Miss Bai hit me," Ava Ramirez hurriedly retreated a few steps, shaking her head repeatedly.

Despite the obvious handprint on her face, Tyler didn't reprimand Ava Ramirez for her violent behavior. Instead, he nervously examined the red marks on her arm.

At that moment, Ava Ramirez's expression changed. She understood that no matter how outstanding she was, in Tyler's eyes, she could never compare to Amelia.

Unless... unless Amelia were to never appear again!

"Get lost, remember that not just anyone can touch you!" Tyler coldly ordered.

"I... understand." Ava Ramirez lowered her head, covering her face as she retreated, hiding the malice in her gaze.

She was truly unwilling. After seeing how Tyler treated Amelia, she became even more resentful. She was young, beautiful, well-educated, and had a good background, envied by everyone. Ava Ramirez was strong-willed, and she wanted Tyler, no matter the reason. And so, she spent two years getting as close to Tyler as possible, only to find herself unable to compare to a mere pet. How could she accept that?

Amelia didn't gloat or take the opportunity to mock Ava Ramirez. She didn't even try to harm her. She calmly followed Tyler into the house.

"Tyler, is this really okay? Will the Ramirez family be affected?" Amelia asked.

"It's fine, it's just the Ramirez family," Tyler replied, spoiling her for no reason.

Amelia thought for a moment before saying, "I don't like her, so can you stay away from her in the future?"

"Okay, I'll just stay close to you," Tyler said seriously.

Amelia smiled. She loved it when Tyler spoke sweetly to her like this.

At this moment, Amelia didn't expect that Tyler would do so much, for no reason other than her dislike. "By the way, Tyler, why did you come to be an instructor? It's not just appearing, but also participating in Saint Hua's military training. Are you really okay?" Amelia asked eagerly, remembering her purpose for coming today.

She had previously thought that Tyler was just worried about her survival training in the wilderness and came to rescue her from danger. She never expected that this man would come to be an instructor in such a grand manner.

"It'll be fine. I told you, I'm not at ease with you suffering in a place where I can't see you. Since you won't go back, I'll come instead," Tyler said with a happy mood as he looked at Amelia's anxious expression.

Amelia realized that since she had expressed her feelings, Tyler seemed to have tasted the sweetness of it and was teasing her endlessly. Aria Davis was so good at teasing, but Amelia was no match for her.

Since Tyler said it was fine, then it must be fine! Even if the water at Saint Hua was deep and muddy!

"You came to secretly take care of me," Amelia said, no longer anxious, and smiled.

"Yes, I'm openly taking care of you."

"Isn't that inappropriate?"

"It's very appropriate."


Amelia laughed, her big almond-shaped eyes forming crescents. With Tyler by her side, even if the military training was still very difficult, she could persevere.

Amelia didn't dare to linger with Tyler for too long, afraid of arousing suspicion. After all, there were many people watching Tyler behind his back. She returned to her own dormitory, which was quiet as a single room. After washing up, she sat on the bed in a daze.

She felt that the progress of her relationship with Tyler was going well. It took a full ten years in her past life for them to become indifferent and cold towards each other, but now, after only a short time, they were like a couple in love.

It turned out that Tyler had been taking ninety-nine steps towards her, waiting for her to take the last step. Unfortunately, in her past life, she only turned around and looked back when she died.

Now, as long as she turns around, Tyler can embrace her.

Thank you Titania23 for the Power Stones, your support is my biggest motivation. Heart

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