
You're my forever love

In her past life, she was deceived and died miserably at the hands of a scumbag. After being reborn, she became cold and ruthless, seeking revenge against those who wronged her in her previous life. From a timid and innocent girl, she transformed into a cold and aloof woman, but in front of the man she liked, she reverted to her old self. Her two main goals in this life were revenge and winning over Tyler Davis. "I heard you want to win me over?" "N-no, I want to take revenge first, and then... win you over!" Someone lightly tugged at the collar of his sleeping robe and bit his lip, hinting. "I'll take revenge for you, and now you can come and win me over. Come on!" "..." Unexpectedly, one day her two goals merged into one, and after winning over Tyler Davis, everything went smoothly!

ArcticVoyager · Fantasy
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154 Chs

I'm good at fighting

At the command, the students immediately got to work, putting into practice the techniques they had learned earlier. Among them was Noah Foster, who looked confident as he subdued his opponent within a minute, leaving the latter unable to move and proudly lifting his head.

It wasn't a brawl, just a friendly competition that ended quickly with winners reminiscing and losers reflecting on their shortcomings, creating a cheerful atmosphere.

Logan Hunter's group was quite amusing. Despite his immense strength, he couldn't understand the fighting techniques Tyler had explained and simply relied on brute force, leaving his opponent powerless because once he was caught, he couldn't break free, making it unnecessary to use any martial arts skills.

Before long, everyone had determined their respective winners and losers, except for Amelia and the short boy in front of her who stood silently. Naturally, everyone's attention turned to them.

The short boy's face grew redder and redder.

"How long do you think Amelia can last?"

"I bet she can't hold out for a minute."

"No, I think she'll just surrender as soon as she goes up there, she's always been so lazy."

Everyone whispered, without any malice, just thinking that the power gap was too great, leaving no suspense.

Quinn Cooper had also lost to a girl in a previous bout and quietly snorted, "Hmph! I hope she can endure it for a little longer and get a good beating."

"Hey, you're just standing there, I'm about to start," Amelia said, feeling like she was being treated like a monkey and not enjoying it.

"I...I won't fight you...you can come at me..." The short boy gritted his teeth, feeling that he couldn't bully the weak, even if he lost, he couldn't fight back because Amelia was too weak.

Amelia thought for a moment, then attacked. She felt that if she didn't show any skill, the short boy wouldn't fight, and the two of them couldn't just stand there.

So Amelia kicked the short boy in the knee, took advantage of his stumble, quickly approached him, and twisted his arm, reversing his body.

Even though Amelia was weaker, the short boy couldn't break free from this angle.

"If you don't fight back, you'll lose!" Under the stunned looks of the crowd, Amelia subdued and then released the short boy.

The short boy, who had intended not to fight, blushed even more when he realized that Amelia wasn't as weak as he thought. He nodded at Amelia and took a fighting stance, ready to fight seriously.

The onlookers were already dumbfounded. They had seen what happened earlier - Amelia had effortlessly suppressed the short guy with a single move. But how could this be? Wasn't Amelia supposed to be incredibly weak?

Tyler was pleased with the amazed expressions on the students' faces. His Amelia should not be casually criticized and looked down upon. Just wait and see, the real excitement is yet to come.

Amelia's movements were not particularly fast, but each one was precise and just right. Her dodges were perfectly timed, and she never retreated. Defense was the best offense.

To the short guy, Amelia seemed like a snake - agile and elusive, making it impossible for him to strike. And every time he attacked, he ended up hitting himself where it hurt the most.

Finally, at Tyler's request, the five-minute time limit was up and Amelia had successfully subdued the short guy.

"I'm not convinced. If I had a few more minutes, Amelia would have definitely lost!" The short guy was red-eyed, having lost to someone who he had completely underestimated, especially a woman.

Amelia released him and stood up without saying a word.

Tyler's voice turned cold, "If the opponent had a weapon in hand, you would have died within the first minute after you started fighting. And in the following four minutes, you were hit by Amelia's attacks a total of twelve times on your vital spots!"

The short guy was stunned. Upon reflection, Tyler's words were accurate - he had lost without a doubt.

Now, everyone's eyes on Amelia were different. She seemed weak, but her fighting skills were incredibly impressive.

"Amelia, you're so amazing!"

"Well, even I wouldn't be able to beat you if I looked closely!"

"Hmph! If anyone who beats me dares to lose easily, I won't spare you." Noah Foster said with pride, but his eyes were filled with satisfaction.

Hearing Noah Foster's words, the students in Class 6 were completely stunned.

Someone couldn't help but exclaim, "…You, you were so weak before, you weren't pretending, were you?"

Of course, everyone knew she wasn't pretending, as no one could fake those injuries. It was just such a huge contrast that it was unbelievable.

Amelia stepped back a few steps. Even though she had completely suppressed her autism, she still didn't like being surrounded by people. She responded calmly, "I have health problems, but fighting is okay!" She said it sincerely.

Hearing this, it didn't sound very good to everyone's ears. A fragile girl who only knew how to fight, this contrast...

Despite her success in martial arts training, Amelia didn't try harder and still remained lazy. However, she always ended up winning in every martial arts training, and no one called her useless anymore.

Class 6's martial arts training progressed rapidly under Amelia's stimulation, and these students became even more in awe of Tyler.

"General Tyler, would you like some water?" Amelia casually walked up to Tyler and handed him a bottle of water.

Tyler took it and listened to Amelia call him General Tyler seriously. There was hidden laughter in his eyes, but it was better for Amelia to call him that. After all, since they met as children, she was never afraid to call him Tyler and always liked to call him by his full name.

"Wait for me tonight!" Tyler said calmly and softly to Amelia.

Amelia couldn't help but wink playfully. Why did she feel like Tyler was becoming more and more unserious? He just wanted to come over and chat tonight, but he sounded like he was having an affair.

However, she was still happy to spend time alone with Tyler.

"Okay, I'll be clean and wait for you." Amelia said this seriously.

Tyler almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of water from spitting out when he saw Amelia smirking proudly and turning around to start her next fight.

This girl really dares to say anything.

The scene of Amelia chatting with Tyler, although they were far apart, was still seen by many people.

It was normal for instructors and students to talk, but the problem was that the instructor was Tyler, the one that everyone in Class Six worshipped but dared not approach.

Unexpectedly, Amelia had the audacity to go and provoke him.

After Amelia had talked to Tyler a few times like this, some people began to imitate her.

In order not to make Amelia appear so special, Tyler occasionally deigns to talk to ordinary students as well.