
You're my forever love

In her past life, she was deceived and died miserably at the hands of a scumbag. After being reborn, she became cold and ruthless, seeking revenge against those who wronged her in her previous life. From a timid and innocent girl, she transformed into a cold and aloof woman, but in front of the man she liked, she reverted to her old self. Her two main goals in this life were revenge and winning over Tyler Davis. "I heard you want to win me over?" "N-no, I want to take revenge first, and then... win you over!" Someone lightly tugged at the collar of his sleeping robe and bit his lip, hinting. "I'll take revenge for you, and now you can come and win me over. Come on!" "..." Unexpectedly, one day her two goals merged into one, and after winning over Tyler Davis, everything went smoothly!

ArcticVoyager · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Combat Training

Tyler felt completely defenseless against Amelia, who was so mischievous and playful that she seemed to shake him to the core. He released her, slightly flustered, and got up to make himself some milk.

Amelia was amazed at his reaction and found it cute that even at a time like this, Tyler was still thinking about milk. She couldn't help but smile, realizing that she liked Tyler's possessiveness over her and his occasional moments of cluelessness.

"Tyler, do you think it's not good for me to not train at all every day? What will I do when the military training ends? What kind of tests will they give us, and will I be able to pass them?" Amelia frowned as she asked while drinking the milk that Tyler handed to her.

She wondered why Tyler insisted on giving her milk every day, even though she didn't like it. When she was first brought to him, she was malnourished and suffering from a severe stomach injury. The doctor advised her to eat easily digestible foods, such as milk, to help her recover.

Since then, Tyler had been giving her a glass of milk every day, and he still did.

"Your foot is almost healed, and you can start doing some simple exercises. Don't worry; you'll pass the training." Tyler reassured her, and Amelia nodded in agreement, blindly trusting him. If Tyler said it was okay, she would believe it, even if she felt weak and disabled.

Amelia finished the milk with a frown, knowing that even if she was reborn, she still wouldn't like milk.

Tyler wiped the milk off the corner of her mouth with a tissue, and although he had a calm expression, his eyes were full of doting.

She smiled and messed up Tyler's black, handsome short hair. Her hand stopped on his head, gently stroking it. She thought that one day, she would remove the shrapnel that threatened Tyler's life from his head.

"It might not be convenient to come and see you in the future. Remember not to reveal our relationship in Saint Hua." Tyler had mentioned this before, and he emphasized it again this time.

"I know." Amelia obediently agreed and didn't have any extra thoughts. She knew that Tyler's enemy was behind Saint Hua, and Tyler had to protect her safety, so she wouldn't reveal their relationship.

This is Amelia's seventh leisure day, with twenty more days until the end of military training assessment.

Amelia was a latecomer and has hardly trained until now. Nobody has any hope for her, except for Noah Foster who couldn't help but taunt her every day.

But nobody dares to gossip about her, because Noah Foster has a hot temper and suppresses all such talk. Amelia finds this amusing, but also feels a bit sorry for him.

The students in Class Six no longer try to persuade Amelia, even though she had helped them before. If they fail the assessment, they will have no chance of getting into Saint Hua and will no longer be in the same world as her.

It seems like she's already given up!

However, she has no sense of self-awareness and enjoys her leisurely lifestyle.

Tyler appears on the training ground every day with his impressive physique and features that make all the girls hold their breath. However, his overwhelming violent aura and fierce gaze keep people at a distance. After all, not many people are willing to risk their lives just to admire someone's beauty.

Tyler's cold and steady voice commanded everyone's attention, "Starting today, we will begin practical combat training."

Amelia finally drops her relaxed expression, and Noah Foster's eyes light up as he looks at her. In Noah's opinion, Amelia may not be good at anything else, but she's great at fighting. If she performs well, it might even catch the attention of Major Tyler and give her a chance!

Amelia understands Tyler's intention. She knows she can no longer be idle; her mission has arrived.

From the moment she could walk, Tyler has been teaching her combat skills, and now... it's all child's play!

Tyler begins to explain the techniques of combat, his emotionless voice flat and straightforward. He is not a good lecturer, but everyone listens to him attentively. Tyler has a natural aura that makes everyone take him seriously.

"The team is divided into pairs, try what I said earlier," Tyler scanned his gaze, seeming to look at everyone, yet no one in particular.

The problem now arises: the students are in even numbers, so pairing up works perfectly, but nobody wants to be paired with Amelia.

Amelia gives off a fragile impression, as if a push would knock her over. Why bother training in combat?

According to the team arrangement, a slightly shorter male student is paired with Amelia, and his face turns bright red immediately.

Gender is not a consideration in this military training, so it is not considered strange for a girl to fight against a boy.

The main concern is that this person is Amelia, which complicates things.

From the day Amelia arrived, everyone knew that she had to spend three days in the medical room after running twenty laps. Her subsequent performances were even more shockingly weak.

Logan Hunter also laments on the side, almost being paired with Amelia, which would enable him to take care of her a bit. He wonders how General Tyler will resolve this situation. He cannot just watch Amelia get beaten up!

To Logan Hunter's surprise, Tyler has no reaction whatsoever, as if Amelia were just an ordinary student. But that's not the point! They are all sleeping in the same tent, so how can she be ordinary?

The taller one feels that he is worrying too much, but it is not easy!

"I... I won't fight you!" the shorter male student's face turns redder as he speaks to Amelia.

Amelia tilts her head slightly, somewhat puzzled, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"You... you..." the shorter male student's face becomes even redder, as if he is about to explode, with a hint of embarrassment.

"Snicker!" someone cannot help but laugh out loud, under Tyler's cold gaze, quickly trying to be quiet.

Amelia wonders if she has spoken too much and caused the male student to be unable to face her. But she did speak the truth!

Everyone is watching Amelia's joke, not understanding why she, who is usually lazy, is acting this way today.

Noah Foster's eyes sparkle, with a look of waiting to see a joke, but he is watching other people's jokes.

It should be noted that when she first came to military training, she single-handedly defeated most of the male students in Class Six, whereas Amelia was unable to beat her.

"Quiet," Tyler says seriously, "Be ready, remember the combat techniques I taught you, and stop when I say so. Do not injure each other."

"Yes, Instructor!" the students respond vigorously, only the shorter male in front of Amelia remains red-faced!

"Get ready! Begin!"