
You're my forever love

In her past life, she was deceived and died miserably at the hands of a scumbag. After being reborn, she became cold and ruthless, seeking revenge against those who wronged her in her previous life. From a timid and innocent girl, she transformed into a cold and aloof woman, but in front of the man she liked, she reverted to her old self. Her two main goals in this life were revenge and winning over Tyler Davis. "I heard you want to win me over?" "N-no, I want to take revenge first, and then... win you over!" Someone lightly tugged at the collar of his sleeping robe and bit his lip, hinting. "I'll take revenge for you, and now you can come and win me over. Come on!" "..." Unexpectedly, one day her two goals merged into one, and after winning over Tyler Davis, everything went smoothly!

ArcticVoyager · Fantasy
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154 Chs

A Mouse Dropping

As dawn broke, the familiar sound of a trumpet rang out, and everyone in their dormitories reflexively opened their eyes and gathered. Amelia furrowed her brow as she woke up; sure enough, the spot under her arm that was bumped yesterday was now incredibly sore even when she lifted her arm just a little.

Noah Foster, who had woken up early, was even more annoyed. With Amelia's appearance, someone who didn't know any better would think she was the one who got beat up yesterday! After quickly washing up and tidying his bed with a smug hum, Noah Foster left without looking back.



Amelia didn't have time to pay attention to Noah Foster. Her arm was already hurting, and it was a struggle just to get dressed and wash up. Plus, she wasn't very good at making her bed. And according to the experience from the first day of assembly, she didn't have much time to waste folding the sheets.

As a result, everyone else's sheets were folded like blocks of dried tofu, while hers were folded into a small "lump" instead. It was really frustrating to watch!

The students of Class 6 stood in perfect formation, ready to head to the tree to start their day of singing. Aiden Jameson wasn't laughing, but his face was as dark and icy as ever. Many people felt a shiver down their spines. Was something else about to happen?

Aiden Jameson's cold gaze landed on Amelia, his expression full of disgust. Amelia could clearly see the disgust in his eyes, and she didn't understand how she had managed to attract the attention of this instructor again.

"Amelia, fall back in line!"

Amelia felt confused but obeyed nonetheless, turning back to the group and looking at Aiden Jameson with a puzzled expression. Aiden Jameson's face grew even more cold.

"Are you finished playing around, Amelia? Is it amusing to challenge instructors and be different from everyone else? I didn't want to deal with a waste like you, but I can't let you, a mouse dropping, drag down the whole of Class 6!"

Everyone was quiet. This usually smiling Aiden Jameson was terrifying when he was angry.

"Instructor, do you want me to train?" Amelia responded calmly.

Being aloof and indifferent was part of her nature, but being called a waste and a mouse dropping didn't make her happy either. At this point, there was naturally no one to speak up for her. Although Amelia was beautiful, she always had a cold barrier around her, like a fairy on a lotus platform. Everyone admired her from afar but didn't dare to get too close.

Amelia didn't feel lonely, though. As long as she had Tyler, her world was enough. But in the eyes of others, she was seen as solitary and not part of the group.

"Yes, starting today, you must train with everyone else. Otherwise, get out of here!" Aiden Jameson shouted.

Amelia thought to herself that she had never been likable, so it was normal for Aiden Jameson to dislike her.

"I'll do my best to attend the training!" Amelia said straightforwardly.

Aiden Jameson sneered!

Everyone was thinking that military training couldn't be just about doing one's best, it was mandatory.

Only the class leader, Wyatt Parker, thought of the unbearable pain from his blisters and felt some understanding. This person's body was so weak, they could only do their best.

That's how it was, Amelia couldn't continue singing military songs and had a look of unfamiliarity as she stood in the line.

Ordinary military training is not too complicated, it's just running, standing at attention, marching and the like.

But because it was Saint Hua's military training, it had to be tough, with exercises such as the horizontal and parallel bars, frog jumps, basic combat training, a three-kilometer cross-country run, and combined physical training that could rival training new recruits.

This series of training courses made even physically fit students shed a layer of skin, let alone Amelia.