
You're My Destiny : Love and Hate

We all don't know anything about marriage.  The same thing happened to Ervina and Willy, they did not think that the two of them were husband and wife, even though previously neither Ervina nor Willy had any relationship.   The married life of the two is a bit winding and also goes through a steep road.  So can the two of them pass the household journey?  Or give in to each other's selfishness?  How is their relationship after becoming husband and wife?

sitiaisadiah201 · Urban
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5 Chs


Willy and his mother approached the doctor and questioned him. The doctor then smiled after the mask he was wearing was removed.

"How is my husband, Doctor?"

"Is daddy okay?" asked the mother and daughter at the same time.

"Master is fine, fortunately he was rushed to the hospital. Otherwise, we don't know what will happen to him. He suffers from high blood pressure and also a heart attack. So I advise not to burden his mind," said the doctor before leaving them.

Willy and his mother then went in to see the condition of the old man who was now lying on the hospital bed.

"Pa ...." called his wife while grabbing her husband's cold hand, the man glanced over with a faint smile on his lips.

"Pa, I'm sorry Willy!" said Willy who was now walking closer as his father waved at him.

"Papa please, obey Papa's request to marry Ervina! She is a polite and kind girl, from the start papa did not like your lover when you first brought him home. If only at that time papa and mama liked him then papa would not continue this matchmaking," said the father softly who was now holding Willy's hand weakly. The young man was silent for a moment, because now he was in a dilemma between two choices. If he chooses his lover and is selfish in his heart, then his father's condition is at stake, the old man's condition may decrease. But if Willy accepts his parents' offer, then his heart and love with his lover are at stake.

"Give Willy time, Pa!" replied Willy who was finally about to consider his father's offer. Now he couldn't refuse it directly and openly like before because he didn't want anything worse to happen.

After confirming that his father was resting and fine and then Willy came out with his head down, he was confused and also sad mixed into one. Why does life have to be like this? Even though he had arranged everything to go well, what kind of choice was this? Willy really hates it especially when he remembers the ridiculous matchmaking that made his father's condition the way he is today.

"Son Willy, how is your papa?" asked Ervina's father, representing the two women who were standing anxiously.

"Papa is fine, he just needs to rest," Willy said wearily.

"Thanks, I'm glad to hear that." Sighs could be heard from the three people in front of Willy, then he accidentally looked into Ervina's eyes that flashed concern. Willy then invited Ervina to have a serious conversation with the two of them.

"Can you come with me?" Willy asked the girl. Ervina glanced at her father and mother alternately before she finally nodded and followed behind Willy. The two of them were just silent the whole way, neither of them spoke because they were both confused about what to discuss for now.

Until Willy's footsteps led them to the garden section of the hospital and the man sat in one of the chairs, he patted the spot next to him indicating for Ervina to sit next to him. Both of them were still silent with their eyes straight ahead, neither Ervina nor Willy made a sound, only the sound of each other's sighs.

"Do you think I should accept this arranged marriage?" Willy asked who finally spoke up, he turned to see how Ervina reacted but the girl remained focused on her activities.

"Can I argue?" Ervina asked back, now she also turned her head making the two of them stare at each other for a while before Ervina broke eye contact. Ervina again saw some patients who were probably relaxing in the treatment room and were breathing fresh air.

"Do you have to sacrifice my feelings? Hurt your best friend who is my lover?" asked Willy who was now in a dilemma. Ervina is still silent, she is afraid of saying the wrong thing because she knows how Willy is from his best friend who is this man's lover.

After all, why did fate have to be this cute? His best friend who is in love with Willy, why should he be asked to be the man's wife? Ervina really did not understand. Actually, since earlier she also wanted to protest to voice her disapproval but Ervina was afraid that her parents would be disappointed, on the other hand she was also afraid that her best friend would get angry if she found out the truth.

"But if I'm selfish, I don't want anything to happen to papa either." Willy continued, looking down.

The CEO of the Mahendra group company is now in a dilemma with his own life, he can't make a choice at this time, it's really like a simalakama fruit for him.

Willy's cell phone rang while he was also daydreaming, the name of his girlfriend who was now trying to contact him was printed. A smile appeared on the man's lips, while Ervina was indifferent and unconcerned.

"Hello, honey," Willy greeted as the phone pressed to his ear. The man just nodded faintly as he listened to his girlfriend speak from across the phone before then hung up.

"Is there a way to stop this matchmaking?" Willy asked again, Ervina shook her head because she didn't know either, if there had been then she would have done it from the start.

"No one can stop this matchmaking, oh no, I mean no one can stop this marriage plan!" Suddenly the voice of the young man's mother interrupted the conversation of the young couple who were now sitting side by side. Suddenly they both turned and were surprised to find Willy's mother there.

Ervina then stood up and smiled awkwardly when she looked at the old woman who still looked beautiful.

"Mama ...." Willy stood up and approached his mother who was now looking at him sharply while folding his arms. The woman seemed to want to devour her own son with a gaze that was now watching Willy from top to bottom.

"How's daddy doing?" Willy asked, still unanswered by his mother.

"Papa is looking for you," he insisted. "Especially you, Ervina!" He continued, pointing at the girl he was next to his son with a smile.

Ervina nodded slightly and walked hand in hand with the old woman who immediately embraced her arm followed by Willy behind them. When he entered Willy's father's room, he saw that the man was talking to Ervina's parents.

"Vina, come here son!" he said, waving with a smile when he saw Ervina and Willy enter his room.

The girl slowly approached Willy's father with her head lowered.

"Yes, Om," said Ervina, who was now sitting on the chair beside the gurney in her father's place.

The old man grabbed the hands of Ervina and Willy who turned out to be approaching him, he looked at the child and future son-in-law in turn.

"Son, marry Willy! I beg you, I'm afraid that I can't see you married." Ervina looked at Willy who was now also looking at her, she didn't know what to say.

"Uncle, Ervina ...." the girl's words hung, staring intently at the people in the room.