
Chapter 4

I rolled over the bed like a miniac everywhere uncomfortable. I slowly let my self off it with my eyes dimly opened gosh why am I so comfortable nothing clinging at my thighs. l look down at myself to find a loose top of mine that reaches down toy thighs. this wasn't what I went out with where's my bag, my phone, how did I even get home? fuck I remember kissing Taiwo last night. God Im so stupid why did I choose to my foolishness this Time around oh gwash what's he gonna be thinking about me . I can't even remember all that happened I just got drunk . I was super excited fuck me. I just need a cup of water, I honestly don't know how I'm gonna face him on Saturday arggggghhh I hate my life. I let myself out of the door to the kitchen only to meet the person I'm dreading to meet at the moment

" what are you doing here?"

" I came to check up on you. you were asleep " he said coming closer to where I am standing and I watched as his Adam Apple rise and fall his height so domineering.oh.

" okay why am i in these??" I tugged at the shirt I was wearing ." if I can recollect vividly this wasn't what I wore out with you yesterday .... what's the colour of my panty?"

" creamè " he said and my shoulders dropped

" how dare you??" I pushed him as he tried to hold me " you had no right I was completely braless for God's sake you're not even my boyfriend " I yelled at him

" you vomited on it I had to as a kind gesture "

" seeing me half, completely naked " I yelled again " I hate you "

" I did nothing. if I did I wouldn't be here. so don't make that a crime against me " he grabbed my waist shaking me slightly

" I dunno if I can trust you " I said after a while

" trust me " he whispered as his lips grased my cheek turning me on fuck I hate this. I put a hand on his chest to stop him but I felt too weak against him. his lips met mine, slowly pushing through that I couldn't help but part my lips . his lips worked swiftly against mine engulfing every savory part of my mouth I didn't know how to kiss but here I am being taught. he pressed his body against mine and I felt the heat increasing.

soon his hand grasped my waist lifting my left leg up to his waist as he caressing it up to my pant line his other hand went up swiftly at my side till it reached the foundation of my breast then grab it I badly want to stop him but I can't. " I've badly wanted to do this for the past how many years ?" he whispered huskily into my ears as he pushed me more on to the kitchen counter his hand slowly feeling my wetness. I opened my eyes and focused my gaze on the cooker as his lips ran down my nape I don't want to do this. I don't want to get pregnant yet. oh I should have known this was his little prank

" leave me alone " I pushed him with all my might. " I hate you... I'm not going to be your toy. no. " I said firmly as he stared at me in utter disbelief

" you need to know how much I've been keeping this precious don't you dare back off I Know you want what I want. you know how you've been looking at church those damn looks "

" you had the wrong impression and forget it ever happened. I should have known you were playing me from the start from the moment you inviime to your damned party. it should not have been you "

" think all you want forget it and don't think I'll ever come in contact with the likes of you " he hissed walking out I closed my eyes as he jammed the living room door close

he had no right. I felt hot tears down my cheeks. no . not over a man I hate him now . I let myself slide down the kitchen walls and sat on the bare floor I should have just said I was busy and he felt like he had the right to undress, seduce and then yell at me fuck him nobody yells at me. I put my head on my knees as I cried. I'm no slut although I can be stupid. if he badly needed sex then he could have gone somewhere else. I heard the living room door open and close

" precious "

" leave me alone" I said between hiccups. suddenly I felt myself lifted up although I tried to fight that force

" why are you crying ??"

I came face to face with the original devil

" go away " I said firmly backing out to the living room.

" I saw Taiwo leave angrily what Happened what caused you guys fight?"

" fuck off what do you need to know. " I cleaned my face as I pulped myself on the chair. I should have sturbonly followed my family to Canada if not for grandma saying if you're not yet of a good behavior no Canada for you and my parents stupidly agreed

" maybe because I care "

" your care my foot wale. my foot "

" you're just lashing out your anger on me "

" so? leave get angry pull your hair out of your head like you always do coward" instead he just stood there calmly although I can tell he's burning out

" are you done? you don't wanna share? I guess I'll just leave then. "