
You're mine and only mine

"You belong to me and only ME. NOT ANYBODY ELSE, ME JUST ME"

Alex_the_creative · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter One

Alex -a brown haired and hazel brown eyes-was friends with Clay -a dirty blonde haired and blue eyed- ever since childhood. Clay developed feelings for her, but didn't know how to tell her. In middle school Alex stayed to forget about Clay and stopped talking to him. Alex was very popular at school, she had a few friends who liked her. Now in high school, Alex and Clay never talked or looked at each other.

Alex was walking with her friend talking with them. Clay was watching far behind and he had a jealous look on his face. "Haha Alex, you look better than Zoey!" Her friend said, smiling brightly at her. Alex smiled blushing a bit and then looked at her phone.

"Dang it I have to go to class bye Mikey" Alex ran off to class leaving her friend alone by himself. A boy walked up to Clay and looked at what he was looking at. The boy, Zack, smirked and looked back at him.

"OoOo, you like the popular girl. Nice choice, but she has a lot of people who like her already. You don't have a chance with her, bro." Zack was still smirking as he walked away with his bag over one shoulder. Clay ran after him and followed him since they're in the same class. "Dude, how about that cute girl May. Even though she's not the popular girl, Alex. She's hella cute like her."

"Nah, I'm good. I want her man. Alex is everything to me." Clay blushed saying her name. He couldn't just stop loving her. She's been his first crush for years. He had a weird feeling. He wanted to be with her. He didn't want anyone taking her from him. He missed being able to hold her close, to smell her, and to touch her. He was a bit obsessed with her, well toooo obsessed with her.

When class was over Clay went to the spot Alex would always go to eat lunch. Clay sat far away from her watching eat. Mikey walked up to Alex and they both started to talk while giggling. Clay got really angry about it. He heard Mikey tell Alex to meet him at the roof after school. Clay went up and went elsewhere.

"Ok Mikey. I'll meet you there!!" Alex said excitedly. Alex knew what Mikey was going to tell her. Alex read the signs even though nobody else did. She was his best friend and could tell what's going on with him. Alex and Mikey finished lunch and went to class.

When school was over Mikey was on the roof. Clay walked up to Mikey with his fist balled up. Mikey looked at Clay. "Oh hey, I thought you were someone I was waiting for. Um, why are you here?" Mikey asked. Clay then looked up at him, his eyes were more evil than usual. "Dude? Are you ok?" Clay didn't say anything, just walked closer to Mikey. When he got close to him, Clay had already lost control of himself.

"You'll stay away from Alex now. Have fun in your afterlife!!" Clay said in a really creepy voice. He pushed Mikey off the roof and looked down, watching Mikey fall down to the ground. Mikey landed with a splat. When Clay saw blood on the concrete near the school. He left the roof as if nothing happened.