

Hello too my non-existent readers! (Estimated)

I'm happy to say that I will be back to a healthy and considerable update sch-

Hah. You thought! Third times a charm, I'm rewriting it again losers! Since everyones dropped it I can just rewrite the whole thing again! The second version was ass! Clean slate! It's been like three months! No one will notice!

Do I have an excuse for not updating? Hell no! I'm just gonna slap a few chapters down every month or so with no schedule or anything and rewrite it when I want! (For the latter, I'll try not too.)

H̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶ ̶l̶m̶a̶o̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶e̶r̶s̶.̶



I write this for fun and fulfillment. My writing is sorta bad and stuff so I can't really get anything out of it.


<Nice Song: Potsu- Food Court>