
5. It's not a happy story


★ Initiative: This story participates in the Drabble Weekend CoviDE - 19 event curated by We are out for prompt

★ Prompt / Track: "That's not a happy story" "Well I don't live a happy life" by LUCILLA INCARBONE

It had been a few days since Bellamy and Clarke had reunited and, once again, they hadn't had the courage to speak.

And so close but so far, that… had become their mantra.

One step after another and Bellamy approached the house where Clarke was staying with Maddy. He did not go in, it was no use because he would have known her voice in billions, he listened and shook his head in surprise.

He started to leave when he heard footsteps approaching.

"Don't go," Clarke said uncertainly.

"This is not a happy story," he said, shoving her, looking at her sideways.

"Well, I don't live a happy life," she replied, hinting at a smile.

They looked at each other and everything disappeared.